November 5, 2019
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
17 4A-2 ADD-ON: Staff recommends motion to approve: a budget transfer in
the amount of $130,000 from the General Fund-Contingency Reserves to the
Division of Human and Veteran Services (DHVS), for the provision of emergency
housing services provided to clients of The Jerome Golden Center for Behavioral
Health, Inc. (Jerome Golden Center) that face possible loss of stable housing. SUMMARY:
In early September 2019, staff was advised that the
Jerome Golden Center, a major provider of publicly funded behavioral health
services in Palm Beach County, was filing for bankruptcy. In the weeks
following this notification, it was announced that the
Jerome Golden Center had accepted an offer for a full asset sale of all its
associated properties to an unnamed for-profit organization. It is expected that this sale will leave an enormous void in
the behavioral health continuum of care. Among the properties included in the
sale are two residential properties, collectively containing 55 apartments
housing individuals with severe and persistent mental illness (47 are
occupied). In addition to these properties, the Jerome Golden Center also
provides case management to 40 scattered sites housing units. The total number
of housing units under the direction of Jerome Golden is 131. The City of West
Palm Beach has amended their contract with the Palm Beach County Housing
Authority to place 44 Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS clients and
has added an additional five client slots to transition facility based clients.
Staff is requesting $130,000 from the contingency reserves to ensure that 40
units for the most vulnerable clients continue to be operational and allow
those housed clients to remain stable through this transition. In addition, the
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) contract is ending in
May of 2020 and will sunset at that time. DHVS has to transition 31 clients
before expiration. This request covers two months of rental and utility costs
for 31 HUD funded clients and also nine clients funded
through the County until September 2022. The breakdown of
requested ad valorem funds will be $40,861 for a contract with a partner agency
that the County is working on finalizing for that agency to begin paying these
rents as of December 1, $10,000 for internal staff costs to administer the
program short term, and $79,139 which will be used to cover the lapse in HUD
funding while their agreement is transitioned to the County from Jerome Golden
and to pay rents for clients until the partner agency contract is in place.
County staff will be working with HUD in an effort to recoup the funds expended
on that agreement during the transition period. The contract with a partner
agency will be presented to the board at an upcoming
meeting. Countywide (HH) (Comm Svs)
recommends motion to authorize: the County Administrator or designee to
execute Amendment No. 1 to the contract (R2018-1162) with All-Site
Construction Inc. in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for the Supervisor of
Elections (SOE) Interior Renovations project. (FDO)
NOTE: Items that were revised, added, deleted, or
backup submitted and were not listed on the
preliminary addition/deletion sheet distributed to the Board the prior day are
noted with an asterisk (*).
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
A. Roll
B. Invocation
C. Pledge
of Allegiance
A. Additions,
Deletions, Substitutions
B. Adoption
C. Special
Presentations (Page 4)
D. Staff
Comments (Page 5)
E. Commissioner
Comments (Page 6)
3. CONSENT AGENDA (Pages 7-16)
4. REGULAR AGENDA (Pages 17-20)
BY THE PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M. (Page
7. ADJOURNMENT (Page 23)
* * * * * * * * * * *
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
Page 4
2C-1 25th Anniversary of the Unicorn
Children’s Foundation, Inc.
2C-2 National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness
2C-3 National Family Caregivers Month
2C-4 Joey Bergsma Retinoblastoma Awareness Month
2C-5 National Nurse Practitioner Week
2C-6 Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc.
2C-7 National American Indian Heritage Month
2C-8 Diabetes Month
2C-9 Farm-City Week
2C-10 World AIDS Day
2C-11 Lilly Pulitzer Day
2C-12 100th Anniversary of the Palm Beach
County Medical Society
2C-13 10th
Anniversary of Lakeside Medical Center
2C-14 Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
Page 5
2D-1 Receive and file Board Directive Reports
Page 7
3B-1 Warrant
3B-2 Minutes
3B-3 Contracts
and claims settlements list
3B-4 Clerk &
Comptroller Finance Department records which have been
converted to an electronic format
3B-5 Change orders, work task orders, minor
contracts, final payments, etc
Page 8
3C-1 Amendment to contract with Southwide Industries, Inc. to update contract language and
expiration date
3C-2 Work orders to contract with Ranger
Construction Industries, Inc. to mill and resurface High Ridge Road from Miner
Road to Hypoluxo Road
and Central Boulevard from Donald Ross Road to Indian Creek
Parkway utilizing the County’s Contract with Ranger
Page 9
3E-1 Receive and file applications Sunshine
Health and Humana for Long-Term Care Managed Care Plans
Page 10
3E-2 Ratify Mayor’s signature on grant
applications related to ending homelessness
3E-3 Receive and file contract for provision of
services with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Inc., related to
homeless prevention services
Page 11
3E-4 Ratify Mayor’s signature on the Ryan White
Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program application
related to improving health outcomes for clients with HIV/AIDS
Page 11
3F-1 Receive
and file Federal Aviation Administration Grant Agreement to conduct
Environmental Study at North Palm Beach County General Aviation Airport
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
Page 12
3G-1 Settlement
offer for full satisfaction of code lien entered against Fish Farm, LLC
3G-2 Settlement
agreement for full satisfaction of code lien entered against Summit Center, LLC
Page 13
3G-3 Reappointments to the Investment Policy
Page 13
3K-1 Work authorization to contract with
Hinterland Group Inc. for Utility Relocation along Hamlin Blvd; Indian Trail
Culvert Improvement project
Page 14
3L-1 Contract with the University of Florida,
Board of Trustees for statistical analysis and reporting of surface water
quality data at the Lake Worth Lagoon Watershed
Page 14
3X-1 Receive and file State-Funded Grant
Agreement for Hazardous Material Planning and Prevention Program with the State
of Florida, Division of Emergency Management
Page 15
3CC-1 Receive and file audit reports reviewed by the
Audit Committee for September 2019
Page 16
3DD-1 Appointment to the Equal Business Opportunity
Advisory Committee
Page 17
4A-1 Addition of three grant-funded positions
related to homelessness issues at John Prince and Phil Foster parks
Page 18
4B-1 HOME Investment Partnerships Program funding
award to New Urban Community Development Corporation, Inc. for the Henrietta
Townhomes project
Page 19
4C-1 Amendment to contract with All-Site
Construction Inc. for the Supervision of Elections Interior Renovations Project
4C-2 Addition
of two positions to the Capital Improvements Division
Page 20
4D-1 Private
attorney-client session in the case of In re: National Prescription Opiate
2:00 P.M. (Page 22)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Proclamation declaring November 22,
2019 as the 25th Anniversary of the Unicorn Children’s Foundation,
Inc. in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner Weinroth)
2. Proclamation declaring November 17-23,
2019 as National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week in Palm Beach County
(Sponsored by Mayor Bernard)
3. Proclamation declaring November 2019 as
National Family Caregivers Month in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by
Commissioner Weinroth)
4. Proclamation declaring November 2019 as
Joey Bergsma Retinoblastoma Awareness Month in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by
Mayor Bernard)
5. Proclamation
declaring November 10-16, 2019 as National Nurse Practitioner Week in Palm
Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner Valeche)
6. Certificate
of Recognition presented to Prime Time Palm Beach County, Inc. (Sponsored by
Mayor Bernard)
7. Proclamation
declaring November, 2019 as National American Indian Heritage Month in Palm
Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner Valeche)
8. Proclamation declaring November 2019 as
Diabetes Month in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner Berger)
9. Proclamation declaring November 20-27,
2019 as Farm-City Week in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner
10. Proclamation declaring December 1, 2019
as World AIDS Day in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner Berger)
11. Proclamation declaring November 10, 2019
as Lilly Pulitzer Day in Palm Beach County (Sponsored by Commissioner McKinlay)
12. Proclamation recognizing the 100th
Anniversary of the Palm Beach County Medical Society in Palm Beach County
(Sponsored by Commissioner Weiss)
13. Proclamation
recognizing the 10th Anniversary of Lakeside Medical Center
(Sponsored by Commissioner McKinlay)
14. Proclamation
declaring November 2019 as Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in Palm Beach County
(Sponsored by Commissioner Weiss)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the updated
Board Directive Reports which include in process and completed board directive
items. SUMMARY: At the February
6, 2018 Board of County Commissioners Meeting, direction was given to the
County Administrator to submit monthly a status report of the board directives.
The report categorizes: 1) In
Process Items and 2) Completed
Items. The report continues to be updated on an
on-going basis. Countywide (DN)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
for off-site Proclamation declaring November 20, 2019 as Palm Beach County
Water Utilities Department Day
for off-site Proclamation declaring December 1, 2019 as Delray Dunes Day in
Palm Beach County
for off-site Proclamation declaring November 8, 2019 as Dr. Gerald C. Burke Day
in Palm Beach County
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff
recommends motion to receive and file: Warrant List – Backup information can be
viewed in the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the following final minutes of the Board of
County Commissioners’ meetings:
Type Meeting
Workshop July 23, 2019
Zoning July 25, 2019
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Contracts (regular) and claim settlements
list as submitted by various departments to the Clerk & Comptroller’s
Office. Countywide
4. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: a list of Clerk & Comptroller Finance Department
records which have been converted to an electronic format. SUMMARY:
These records have been converted from
paper to an electronic format. The electronic records will be
maintained according to their required retention schedule under the State
of Florida’s General Records Schedule GSI-SL for State and Local Government
Agencies per Chapter 119 and Chapter 257, Florida Statutes.
5. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: change orders, work task
orders, minor contracts, final payments and other items approved by the
Contract Review Committee and by the department heads for the Engineering
Department; Facilities Development and Operations; Water Utilities Department;
Environmental Resources Department; and the Department of Airports during
January 2018.
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a second amendment to the annual pavement
marking contract R2017-1656, Project No. 2017054, dated November 7,
2017, with Southwide Industries, Inc. (Southwide) to extend the expiration date from November 6,
2019 to November 6, 2020, increase the contract by $1,140,000 and update
contract language. SUMMARY: Approval of this second
amendment will increase the contract from $5,000,000 to $6,140,000 and extend
the expiration date from November 6, 2019 to November 6, 2020; update the
commercial non-discrimination section, the maintenance of payroll records
section, the reporting payroll section, the local government prompt payment act
section and the proposal form page P-4A; and add the vendor self
service registration paragraph and the audit of contractor’s records
section. The increased contract amount is based
on updated estimates that exceed the current contract amount to be expended
throughout Palm Beach County (County) by the user departments. The contract was
submitted to the Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO) and OEBO approved
the renewal of the contract under its current terms because the current S/M/WBE
utilization of the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) vendors on the contract is
satisfactory based upon the availability of S/M/WBE certified to perform the
work. The SBE goal for all contracts was 15%. Southwide
committed to and met 100% SBE participation and they are a certified SBE
company. To date, tasks in the amount of $3,060,919
have been authorized for the contract. The
bid was solicited on November 7, 2017, prior to the
effective date of the Equal Business Opportunity Ordinance and pursuant to the
SBE Ordinance at the time. This is the second of two allowable
extensions not to exceed 36 months total contract time. After this 12-month
extension, the contract will be resolicited. Countywide (YBH)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
Work Order 2018051-62 in
the amount of $225,000 to mill and resurface High Ridge Road from Miner Road to
Hypoluxo Road utilizing Palm Beach County’s (County) annual asphalt milling and
resurfacing contract R2018-1533 (Contract) with Ranger Construction Industries,
Inc. (Ranger); and
Work Order 2018051-63 in the amount of $1,175,000 to mill and resurface Central
Boulevard from Donald Ross Road to Indian Creek Parkway utilizing the County’s
Contract with Ranger.
SUMMARY: Per County PPM CW-F-050, these work orders exceed the
$200,000 threshold for staff approvals of work orders to annual contracts, thus
requiring approval from the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Approval of these work orders will allow the
contractual services necessary to construct the improvements. Prior to these work
orders, approximately $12 million of Ranger’s $31.4 million Contract has been
spent or encumbered. On October 16, 2018, the BCC approved the Contract with
Ranger to provide milling and resurfacing of County roadways for countywide
projects. The Contract was renewed on October 22, 2019
with a 15% mandatory Small Business Enterprise (SBE) goal set as the
Affirmative Procurement Initiative.
Ranger agreed to 15% SBE participation for this work order. Approval of these work orders will result in
a cumulative SBE participation of 15% for all the work orders issued under the
Contract. Districts 1 & 3 (YBH)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff
recommends motion to receive and file:
A) the Sunshine Health Long Term Care Credentialing/Re-credentialing Application to verify Division of Senior Services (DOSS) credentials for long-term managed
care programs in accordance with the Agency for Health Care Administration
(AHCA) requirements, to provide community-based services to their
members; and
B) the Humana Long Term Care Provider Enrollment
Application to update DOSS credentials for long-term care providers in
accordance with AHCA requirements, to provide community-based services to their members.
SUMMARY: DOSS is a provider and currently has an application
with Sunshine Health (R2013-0863) and Humana (R2013-0861), which are Florida
Statewide Medicaid Long-Term Care Managed
Care Programs (LTCMCP). LTCMCP credential
verification requires ongoing
monitoring and maintenance of providers’ records to ensure information is
accurate and up-to-date as required by AHCA, and in accordance with applicable state law. DOSS will continue to provide long-term
managed care and community-based services as a provider. To avoid interruption
to services, the renewal process allows for the continued submission of DOSS
invoices for Medicaid long-term clients for reimbursement. On
February 7, 2017, the Board of County Commissioners authorized the County
Administrator, or designee, to execute renewal enrollment applications for this
purpose. In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts,
agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. Sufficient
funding is included in the current budget to meet County obligations. (Division
of Senior Services) Countywide (HH)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) ratify the signature of the Mayor on the 2019 U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) Palm Beach County Continuum of Care (CoC)
Planning Project Grant Application, for the period October 1, 2020 through
September 30, 2021, in the amount of $168,918, for the coordination of planning
activities related to ending homelessness;
B) ratify the
signature of the Mayor on the Certification of Consistency with Consolidated
Plan Form 2991;
C) ratify the signature of the Mayor on the 2019 Homeless
Management Information System (HMIS) Implementation Grant Application, for the
period October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2021, in the amount of $281,530,
to increase HMIS capacity, enhance training, improve data quality monitoring,
and analyze data to improve the CoC system service
delivery; and
D) delegate to the County
Administrator or designee signatory authority on additional forms and any other
necessary documents related to the 2019 HUD CoC Planning Project
Grant Application and the 2019 HMIS Implementation Grant Application.
SUMMARY: The Palm Beach County CoC Planning Project
Grant will provide funding for the coordination and evaluation of activities
related to ending homelessness. These activities involve coordination of
monthly CoC meetings and sub-committee meetings,
administration of HMIS, annual preparation of HUD CoC
grant application, and technical assistance and monitoring of local grant
recipients. A 25% cash match of $42,230 is required and is included in the FY 2020
budget. The 2019 HMIS Implementation Grant will increase capacity, integrate
data management systems in order to improve delivery of medical and housing
services, and coordinate service delivery and quality management systems
through improved data infrastructure for homeless HIV-positive clients to
improve health outcomes. A 25% In-kind match of $70,383 is required and will be provided through staff salaries. The emergency
signature process was utilized because there was
insufficient time to submit this application through the regular agenda
process. (The Division of Human and Veteran Services) Countywide (HH)
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: a Contract for Provision of Services
with Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Palm Beach, Inc. (Catholic
Charities), for the three year period July 1, 2019, though June 30, 2022, in an
amount not to exceed $372,000, for the provision of homeless prevention
services. SUMMARY: The Division of Human and Veteran Services received
Unified Homeless Grant Agreement (IP004) to provide emergency financial
assistance to at-risk families facing the loss of their housing due to a
financial crisis. This is a three year grant.
The County subcontracted with Catholic Charities, for an amount not to
exceed $372,000. Catholic Charities will provide homeless prevention services
through case management, financial assistance with rent/mortgage and utility
payments. These services will assist at-risk families from becoming homeless
and remain stably housed. During FY 2016-2018, financial assistance was provided to 307 households, which remain stably housed,
by assisting with rent, mortgage and utility payments. Under the new contract,
approximately 72 households annually will be served
with financial assistance to pay their rent/mortgage and/or utilities that is
past due. All funds must be expended no later than June 30th
of each state fiscal year. An in-kind match of $124,000 will be provided
annually by Catholic Charities. On July 2, 2019, the Board of County
Commissioners authorized the County Administrator or designee to execute
contracts for this purpose. In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all
delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating
Department as a receive and file agenda item. No
County funds are required.
(The Division of Human and Veteran Services) Countywide (HH)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
4. Staff recommends
motion to ratify: the
signature of the Mayor on the Ryan White Part A HIV Emergency Relief Grant
Program application with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS), Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA), for the period of
March 1, 2020 through February 28, 2021, in the amount of $7,744,006, for new
and existing programs to continue improving health outcomes for clients with
HIV/AIDS. SUMMARY: The Ryan White Part a HIV Emergency Relief Grant Program application in the amount of $7,744,006 was submitted to HRSA on
September 26, 2019. The application highlights the need to maintain a total of 16 core medical and support service categories
that are currently provided. Some of the services provided under the grant are
medical case management, medical care, pharmaceutical assistance, oral health
care, substance use disorder treatment, legal support
services, outpatient ambulatory services, health insurance premium assistance
and food bank home delivered meals, with additional funding requested for
psychosocial support services for racial/ethnic minority persons living with
HIV/AIDS. The Grant Year (GY) 2020 application requests an overall
increase of $368,762 from the prior grant year, allowing the Community Services Department to extend services to
approximately 360 additional Palm Beach County residents. In GY 2018, 3,573
clients were served. HRSA released the application guidance with instructions to return by
September 30, 2019. The emergency signature process was
utilized because there was insufficient time to submit this item through
the regular agenda process. No County match is required. (Ryan White Program) Countywide (HH)
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) receive and file Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) Grant Agreement Number 3-12-0113-018-2019 in the amount of
$743,198 to conduct Environmental Study at North Palm Beach County General
Aviation Airport (F45);
B) approve a budget amendment of $743,198 in the Airport’s
Improvement and Development Fund to recognize the receipt of grant funding from
the FAA, and the appropriation of local funds from the reserves in the amount
of $82,578 for a total budgeted project cost of $825,776; and
approve Amendment No. 1 to the contract
with Environmental Science Associates (ESA) in the amount of $825,776 for the
preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for the proposed extension of
Runway 14-32 (formerly Runway 13-31) at F45.
SUMMARY: This grant begins on
September 24, 2019 and expires on September 23, 2023. The Grant Agreement
provides for a 10% match of the total project costs of $825,776. Delegation of authority for execution of the
above standard form Grant Agreement was approved by
the BCC on October 3, 2006 (R2006-2086). Phase 1
of the contract with ESA for the preparation of an EA for the proposed
extension of Runway 14-32 at F45 was approved by the Board on September 12,
2017 (R2017-1306) in the amount of $88,789. This contract was the first phase
of a multi-phase contract to provide the initial elements of the EA to the
Department of Airports. Approval of
Amendment No. 1 will initiate Phase 2 of the EA and will provide an additional
$825,776 to complete the federally required environmental review of the
project. ESA is a San Francisco, CA
based firm; however, the majority of the work to be completed
in this contract will be completed and/or managed out of their Southeast
Regional Office in Orlando, Florida in conjunction with several Palm Beach
County-based subconsultant firms. A Disadvantaged
Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 13% was set for this contract. ESA committed to 15% DBE participation in
their proposal. The DBE participation for Amendment No. 1 is 41.3%. Countywide (AH)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a negotiated settlement offer in the amount of $9,000 for the full
satisfaction of a code enforcement lien that was entered against Fish Farm, LLC
on March 15, 2018. SUMMARY: The Code Enforcement Special Magistrate
(CESM) entered an Order on August 2, 2017 for property owned by Fish Farm, LLC
giving them until October 1, 2017 to bring their property located at Western
Way into full code compliance. The property had been cited
for installing a fence around the property without first obtaining required
building permits. Compliance with the CESM’s Order was not achieved by the
ordered compliance date and a fine in the amount of
$50 per day was imposed. The CESM then entered a claim of lien against Fish
Farm, LLC on March 15, 2018. The Code Enforcement Division issued an affidavit
of compliance for the property on June 7, 2019 stating that as of May 29, 2019
the cited code violations had been fully corrected.
The total accrued lien amount on June 30, 2019, the date on which settlement
discussions began, totaled $30,292.98. Fish Farm, LLC has agreed to pay Palm
Beach County $9,000, (30%) for full settlement of their outstanding code
enforcement lien. District 3 (SF)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a negotiated settlement
agreement in the amount of $13,300 for the full satisfaction of a Code
Enforcement lien that was entered against Summit Center, LLC on June 11,
2012. SUMMARY: The Code
Enforcement Special Magistrate (CESM) entered an Order on February 1, 2012 for
property owned by Summit Center LLC giving them until March 17, 2012 to bring
their property located on 5161 Jaczko Ln, Bldg 3 into full code compliance. The property had been cited for repairing structural damage to
floorboards in one of the buildings without first obtaining required building
permits and obtaining a final inspection. Compliance with the CESM’s Order was
not achieved by the ordered compliance date and a fine in the
amount of $100 per day was imposed. The CESM then entered a claim of
lien against Summit Center LLC on June 11, 2012. The Code Enforcement Division
issued an affidavit of compliance for the property on February 14, 2018 stating
that as of February 8, 2018 the cited code violations had
been fully corrected. The total accrued lien amount through August 28,
2019, the date on which settlement discussions began, totaled $122,474.30. CF
Florida Owner LLC, the current owner has agreed to pay Palm Beach County
$13,300 and will completely reroof 6 of the 11 units
in the apartment rental complex at a projected cost of $138,450 by January 31,
2020, in exchange for the full satisfaction of Summit Center, LLC’s outstanding
code enforcement lien that remains attached to the property. District 2
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
3. Staff recommends motion to approve: the reappointments to Seats No. 2, 4 and 5 to the Investment Policy Committee, each for a three year term.
A) reappoint
to Seat No. 2
Nominee Ned Roger Nashban |
Term 10/1/19 - 9/30/22 |
Nominated By Mayor Bernard Commissioner Weiss Commissioner Weinroth Commissioner McKinlay |
B) reappoint to Seat No. 4
Nominee Stephen H. Freilich |
Term 10/1/19 - 9/30/22 |
Nominated By Mayor Bernard Commissioner Weiss Commissioner Weinroth Commissioner McKinlay |
C) reappoint to Seat No. 5
Nominee Mark A. Parks, Jr. |
Term 10/1/19 - 9/30/22 |
Nominated By Mayor Bernard Commissioner Weiss Commissioner Weinroth Commissioner McKinlay |
SUMMARY: The Investment Policy
Committee is comprised of seven members, with four being at-large appointments
by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), one being a representative
appointed by the Sheriff, a member appointed from OFMB by the County
Administrator, and the Chair being a member of the BCC, currently Commissioner
Valeche. The three-year term of the
incumbent BCC appointees expired on September 30, 2019, which ends the second of
three, three-year terms. The three
incumbents desire to be reappointed, thereby creating
one vacancy with their reappointments. Of the seats currently filled, four are
white males (66%), one black male (17%) and one white female (17%). Countywide
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Work Authorization (WA) No. 21 to the Pipeline
Continuing Construction Contract 2017 (Contract) with Hinterland Group Inc.
(Hinterland) for the Utility
Relocation along Hamlin Blvd; Indian Trail Culvert Improvement Project
(Project) in the amount of $242,699.20. SUMMARY:
On January 10, 2017, the Board of
County Commissioners approved the Water Utilities Department (WUD) Contract (R2017-0072) with Hinterland. WA No. 21 provides for the
relocation of an existing 12-inch water main and 8-inch force main at four
locations along Hamlin Blvd., between 180th Avenue North and
Seminole Pratt Whitney Road. The
existing pipes are in conflict with a canal culvert
improvement project by the Indian Trail Improvement District. This Contract was procured
under the requirements of the 2002 Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance
(R2002-0064) prior to the adoption of the new Equal Business Opportunity
Ordinance on October 16, 2018. The SBE participation goal established under the
2002 Ordinance was 15% overall participation. The Contract provides for 15% SBE
participation. Work Authorization No. 21 includes 100% SBE participation. The
cumulative SBE participation including WA No. 21 is 100%. Hinterland is a Palm Beach County company. The Project is included in the WUD FY20 budget. (WUD Project No. 19-075)
District 6 (MJ)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve a contract for Consulting/Professional
Services (Contract) with the University of Florida Board of Trustees for an
amount not to exceed $36,220 providing for statistical analysis and reporting
of surface water quality data, beginning on November 1, 2019 and expiring July
31, 2020; and
B) authorize the County
Administrator or designee to sign all future time extensions, task assignments,
certifications, and other forms associated with the Contract, and any necessary
minor amendments that do not significantly change the scope of work, terms, or
conditions of the Contract.
Contract will provide critical statistics to investigate spatial and temporal
trends of water quality parameters for the period between May 1, 2009 and April
30, 2019 (10 water years) within the Lake Worth Lagoon (LWL) Watershed. The
data will be correlated
with flow and rainfall data to better identify the movement of nutrients and
other parameters through the watershed prior to discharge into the LWL. The
data and analyses will be included to address specific action plans within the
ongoing LWL Management Plan update. Contract
costs in the amount of $36,220 are covered through the
County Pollution Recovery Trust Fund.
Countywide (SS)
1. Staff recommends a
motion to:
A) receive and file executed State-Funded Grant Agreement for
Hazardous Materials Planning and Prevention Program (T0024) with the State of
Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) for the period of July 1, 2019
through June 30, 2020, in the amount of $21,021; and
B) approve a budget amendment
of $15,182 in the Emergency Management Grant Fund to adjust the budget to the
actual grant award.
This is an annual
grant (CSFA # 31.067) from FDEM to conduct on-site visits and hazardous
materials analyses at facilities within Palm Beach County known to have
extremely hazardous substances designated by the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency. These assessments are required for compliance with the Emergency
Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA), also known as the Superfund
Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA).
R2012-1731 authorized the County
Administrator or designee to execute these agreements on behalf of the Board of
County Commissioners. No matching funds
are required. Countywide (LDC)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file:
A) Audit report reviewed by the Audit Committee at its September 18, 2019
meeting as follows:
1. 19-06 Public Safety – Florida
Department Of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Memorandum of Understanding
2. 19-07 Planning, Zoning & Building – Florida Department Of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Memorandum of
3. 19-08 Fire Rescue – Human
Resources Management
4. 19-09 Parks & Recreation – Aquatics
B) Audit Risk Assessment and Work Plan for FY 2020.
SUMMARY: County Code Section
2-260.16 requires the Internal Audit Committee to review audit reports prior to
issuance. County Code Section 2-463
requires the County Internal Auditor to send those reports to the Board of County
Commissioners. At its September 18, 2019 meeting,
the Committee reviewed and authorized distribution of the attached audit
reports, as well as the Audit Risk Assessment and Work Plan for FY
2020. We are submitting these reports to
the Board of County Commissioners as required by the County Code. Countywide
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the appointment of the
following individual to the Equal Business Opportunity Advisory Committee
(EBOAC) to complete the term of the board member who resigned.
Jerry Steinberg 6 Business Incubator Program 11/05/19 to 06/16/22 Vice Mayor Kerner
The EBOAC is established pursuant to Section 2-80.28(f) of the Palm
Beach County Code. The Committee consists of 15 members
representing one African American business owner certified as a small business
by the County; one Hispanic business owner certified as a small business by the
County; one woman business owner certified as a small business by the County;
one white male business owner certified as a small business by the County; one
business owner domiciled in Palm Beach County; one representative of a business
incubator program; one representative of the Hispanic business organization;
one representative of the National Association of Women in Construction; one
representative of a Women’s Business Organization; one certified minority
contractor; one representative of the Associated General Contractors of
America; one representative of the Small Business Development Center; one
representative of a financial institution that assists small businesses; one
representative of the Black Chamber of Commerce; and one representative of a
professional services organization. The Committee supports the
nominations and a memo was sent to the Board of County
Commissioners on September 26, 2019 requesting approval of the recommendation.
No other nominations were received. The Committee seat
terms are for three years, and the Committee reviews and evaluates the
effectiveness of equal business opportunity programs within County
Government. Of the 15 members, the
current diversity count is: Caucasian: 6 (40%),
African American: 6 (40%), and Hispanic: 3 (20%). The gender ratio is (female:male) 8:7. Mr. Steinberg is a Caucasian male. Countywide
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NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: three full-time equivalent grant-funded positions for Peer Specialists
(PG15) for the Division of Human and Veteran Services (Division) in the
amount of $149,007 annually. SUMMARY:
Homelessness issues continue to increase in John Prince and Phil Foster
parks. The current waiting list for services at the homeless resource center is
225 persons. The Community Services Department, in collaboration with the Parks
and Recreation Department, continue to work together to identify solutions,
such as the successful Parks to Work program. A major need identified is the
need for additional trained Peer Specialists. The Peer Specialists will
maintain a presence in both parks. These positions will be
supervised by the Division Homeless Outreach Team Supervisor. Peer
Specialists are persons with lived experience and are in recovery. The State of
Florida provides a certification exam to ensure Peer Specialists are trained and qualified to provide outreach services. The
Peer Specialists will assist homeless individuals with sheltering, diversion,
family reunification and other needs. Peer Specialists offer a level of
acceptance, understanding and validation not found in other professional
relationships and are instrumental in helping the homelessness take concrete
steps towards building new lives. The Division has identified funding for the
new positions from the Community Development Block Grant, through an
inter-departmental agreement with the Department of Housing and Economic
Sustainability. The grant-funded positions will be for the
length of the grant and will be eliminated if funding
is discontinued. No County Funds are required. (Division of Human and Veteran Services) Countywide
2. ADD-ON: Staff
recommends motion to approve: a
budget transfer in the amount of $130,000 from the
General Fund-Contingency Reserves to the Division of Human and Veteran Services
(DHVS), for the provision of emergency housing services provided to clients of
The Jerome Golden Center for Behavioral Health, Inc. (Jerome Golden Center)
that face possible loss of stable housing. SUMMARY: In early September
2019, staff was advised that the Jerome Golden Center,
a major provider of publicly funded behavioral health services in Palm Beach
County, was filing for bankruptcy. In the weeks following this notification, it
was announced that the Jerome Golden Center had
accepted an offer for a full asset sale of all its associated properties to an
unnamed for-profit organization. It is expected that
this sale will leave an enormous void in the behavioral health continuum of
care. Among the properties included in the sale are two residential properties,
collectively containing 55 apartments housing individuals with severe and
persistent mental illness (47 are occupied). In addition to these properties,
the Jerome Golden Center also provides case management to 40 scattered sites
housing units. The total number of housing units under the direction of Jerome
Golden is 131. The City of West Palm Beach has amended their contract with the Palm
Beach County Housing Authority to place 44 Housing Opportunities for Persons
with AIDS clients and has added an additional five client slots to transition
facility based clients. Staff is requesting $130,000 from the contingency
reserves to ensure that 40 units for the most vulnerable clients continue to be
operational and allow those housed clients to remain stable through this
transition. In addition, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
(HUD) contract is ending in May of 2020 and will sunset at that time. DHVS has
to transition 31 clients before expiration. This request covers two months of
rental and utility costs for 31 HUD funded clients and also
nine clients funded through the County until September 2022. The
breakdown of requested ad valorem funds will be $40,861 for a contract with a
partner agency that the County is working on finalizing for that agency to
begin paying these rents as of December 1, $10,000 for internal staff costs to
administer the program short term, and $79,139 which will be used to cover the
lapse in HUD funding while their agreement is transitioned to the County from
Jerome Golden and to pay rents for clients until the partner agency contract is
in place. County staff will be working with HUD in an effort to recoup
the funds expended on that agreement during the transition period. The contract
with a partner agency will be presented to the board
at an upcoming meeting. Countywide (HH)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve a HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) funding award of up to
$500,000 to New Urban Community Development Corporation, Inc. (NUCDC) for the
Henrietta Townhomes project;
B) direct staff to negotiate the HOME funding agreement; and
C) delegate authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to execute the
agreement, amendments thereto, and all other related documents necessary for
implementation of the project.
SUMMARY: Staff recommends Board of County Commissioners’ (BCC) approval of a HOME
award of up to $500,000 to NUCDC for the Henrietta Townhomes project (Project)
for the refinancing of existing debt on the property. The Project is an 11-unit rental property
located at 1301 Henrietta Avenue in West Palm Beach. The Project was developed
in 2009 with the following funding: 1) a loan of $650,000 from the Florida
Community Loan Fund; 2) a cash flow dependent loan of $978,759 in HOME funds
from the City of West Palm Beach; and 3) a conditional grant of $687,096 from
the County, consisting of $337,096 in HOME funds and $350,000 in State Housing
Initiatives Partnership (SHIP) Program funds. The County’s affordability restrictions
extend through April 12, 2030 and require nine units to be affordable to
renters with incomes not exceeding 80% of Area Median Income (AMI) and two
units to be affordable to renters with incomes not exceeding 50% of AMI. For several years, the Project has
experienced a deficit in its operating budget for which NUCDC has had to secure
subsidy from external sources. The situation is untenable, however, and the
property is at risk of foreclosure and loss from the County’s
affordable housing stock. Staff proposes
to preserve and stabilize the Project by taking out the existing mortgage held
by Florida Community Loan Fund, which has a remaining principal balance of
approximately $500,000. This recommended award of $500,000 in HOME funds will be structured with terms, which the Project can
support. Underwriting to a 1.15 debt coverage ratio indicates that the Project
can support repayment of $250,000 at a 1% interest for 30 years. The $250,000
balance would be provided as a zero-interest
conditional loan that would be forgiven in its entirety at satisfactory
conclusion of an affordability period that extends 30 years from closing. As a precondition to the closing on the new
loan, the NUCDC will be required to fund a replacement reserve account for
repairs and maintenance of the units.
Requirements associated with the County’s existing HOME/SHIP conditional
grant will remain in place. Staff is
currently working with the City of West Palm Beach to modify its current loan
on the Project and to subordinate to the County’s first mortgage, if
approved. The proposed HOME award is
contingent on Project approval from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development. These are federal HOME Program grant funds that require a local
match provided by the State Housing Initiatives Partnership Program. District
7 (HJF)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff recommends
motion to authorize: the County Administrator or designee to
execute Amendment No. 1 to the contract (R2018-112) with All-Site Construction
Inc. in an amount not to exceed $400,000 for the Supervisor of Elections (SOE)
Interior Renovations project. SUMMARY: In preparation for
the upcoming election cycle, the SOE will hire additional temporary staff in
order to support the elections process. The new temporary staff will be grouped at the SOE Administration Facility in order
to provide critical training in an efficient manner. The construction
management scope of services to be incorporated in this guaranteed maximum
price (GMP) amendment include modifications to add new modular work stations,
two offices, upgrade the entry door for greater compliance with the Americans
with Disabilities Act (ADA), new electrical wiring for the work stations,
and a new lobby service counter. On August 14, 2018, the Board approved the
continuing contract with All-Site Construction Inc. to provide construction
management services for projects associated with Palm Beach County’s Emergency
Operations Center (EOC), Four Points Facility and SOE Facility. Authority is being requested to execute the GMP amendment prior to the
next Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting in order to make
accommodations for the additional temporary staff at the Supervisor of
Elections Facility in preparation for the upcoming election cycle. The County
Attorney’s approval of the Work Order will be secured
prior to the Work Order being approved. The Work Order will be submitted as a receive and file item after it is executed. The
Construction Manager (CM) was selected pursuant to the
Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance but this GMP having been initiated
after January 1, 2019, is subject to the requirements of the Equal Business
Opportunity Ordinance. The continuing CM contract was
presented to the Goal Setting Committee on February 20, 2019 and an
Affirmative Procurement Initiative of 20% SBE participation was applied. The CM
is a minority business enterprise. To date the CM has achieved 100% SBE
participation. Funding for this project
is from the Public Building Improvement Fund. (Capital Improvements Division) Countywide/ District 2 (LDC)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the addition of one Assistant Director and
one Contracts Manager position to the complement of Facilities Development
& Operations (FDO)/Capital Improvements Division (CID). SUMMARY:
On June 7, 2017, Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners approved
contract R2017-0773 with Jacobs Project Management Co. (Jacobs) for the
provision of program and project management services for the
General Government Capital Program (GGCP) which includes the Infrastructure
Sales Tax (IST) Program and traditional 5 year Capital Improvement
Plan. The contract also provided for additional contract staff to join
FDO/CID’s effort in managing the increased quantity of capital projects that
resulted from addressing the existing GGCP project backlog through the IST
initiative. For the past three fiscal years, this combined operational
framework that provides for Jacobs staff working alongside CID staff has proven
effective in adequately positioning CID to manage the increased project
workload that resulted from the IST program. Contract expenditures have
remained within the originally estimated 5-year value. Currently, CID has
over 400 open projects and for the past two fiscal years, an average of 30
additional projects have been received on a monthly
basis. Notwithstanding the increase in CID operational forces resulting from
the Jacob’s project management staff, the Division lacks mid-management positions,
which results in the Division Director directly supervising 17 staff members
having varying responsibilities and dissimilar functions across the paygrade
spectrum. This operational framework has proven inadequate, undermining the
Division’s ability to manage its heavy workload. Two new positions are required
mid-year to address the operational challenge. Impact in FY20 is
$103,124. (CID) Countywide (LDC)
NOVEMBER 5, 2019
1. Staff
recommends motion to commence: a private attorney-client session in the
case of In re: National Prescription Opiate Litigation, case number: MDL
2804 (N.D. Ohio) and Palm Beach County v. Purdue Pharma, et al., case
number: 1:18-op-46121-DAP (N.D. Ohio), during the Board of County Commission
meeting on November 5, 2019 at 12:00 pm, in the Thomas McEaddy Conference Room, 301 North Olive Avenue, 12th
Floor, West Palm Beach, Florida. The following persons will attend the meeting with the members of the
Board of County Commissioners who are present at that time: Verdenia
Baker, County Administrator; Denise Marie Nieman, County Attorney; David Ottey,
Chief Assistant County Attorney; Kim Phan, Assistant County Attorney; James L.
Ferraro, outside counsel; Paul Napoli, outside counsel; and Janpaul
Portal, outside counsel. Pursuant to Section 286.011(8), Florida Statute,
the entire attorney-client session shall be recorded
by a certified court reporter who shall record the discussion and proceedings,
the names of all persons present at any time, and the names of all persons
speaking. No portion of the session shall be off the record. The
court reporter’s notes shall be fully transcribed and filed with the clerk and shall be made part of the public record upon conclusion of
the pending litigation. SUMMARY: The Board will discuss
settlement negotiations. Countywide (DO)
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NOVEMBER 5, 2019
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NOVEMBER 5, 2019
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NOVEMBER 5, 2019
"If a person decides to appeal any
decision made by this Commission with respect to any matter considered at this
meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for
such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings
is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal
is to be based."