February 4, 2025

8:00 am







FEBRUARY 4, 2025


PAGE             ITEM


10                    3C3                 DELETED – staff pulled for further review. (ENG)


12                    3C5                 DELETED – staff pulled for further review. (ENG)


34                    4I                     ADD-ON / (SPECIAL PRESENTATION) / Proclamation Honoring the Historic

Eagle Scout Achievements of Four African American Youth in the Gulf Stream Council. (District 7)


38                    5C1                 ADD-ON / (ADMIN/OFMB) / Staff requests Board direction: FY 2026 Strategic

Priorities and Budget.  Summary: On January 7 and January 14, 2025, staff presented to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) an overview of the Cross Departmental Teams (CDTs) on each of the County’s current seven (7) strategic priorities:  Economic Development, Housing Development, Unsheltered Residents, Environmental Protection, Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Substance Use and Behavioral Disorders.  On January 28, 2025, staff presented an overview of the FY 2025 Budget and budget projections for FY 2026 - FY 2029.  During these presentations, ideas were discussed, but direction for the strategic priorities and the FY 2026 Budget was not provided.  Staff is requesting BCC direction on maintaining or modifying the strategic priorities, and items that the BCC would like to see included in the FY 2026 Budget. Countywide (DB)


39                    5D1                 ADD-ON / (FDO) / Staff recommends motion to receive and file: staff’s report

regarding the development of the Cam D. Milani Park project.  Summary: During its January 28, 2025 workshop meeting, while receiving a presentation from staff on the matter of open capital improvement projects, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) directed staff to return at the next BCC regular meeting with an overview of the current status of the Cam D. Milani Park project.  This agenda seeks to fulfill BCC direction. The Cam D. Milani Park project has been over 35 years in the making. The approximately 5.29 acres of oceanfront property, located at 4705 S. Ocean Boulevard, Highland Beach, was originally bought by Cam D. Milani with intentions to develop the property with multifamily units. Developing the oceanfront property with multi-family units has been a matter of strong opposition and legal contention with the Town of Highland Beach (Town). After years of disputes with the Town and failed oceanfront development opportunities, Mrs. Lucia Milani decided to sell the oceanfront property to Palm Beach County (County) on the condition that the property became a park named after her late husband, Cam D. Milani. On May 12, 1987, the BCC approved two (2) purchase and sale agreements (PSAs) for the acquisition of the oceanfront property to development of a public access beach park. The proposal for a public access beach park, henceforth referred to as the Cam D. Milani Park, was also met with strong opposition from the Town and has been the subject of legal actions in three (3) instances over the past several decades. On May 18, 2010, the County and the Town entered into a stipulated settlement agreement and addendum (SSAA) leading to the dismissal of the then current legal action between the Town and the County whereby the legality of some of the conditions of the Development Order issued by the Town was being challenged. Under the SSAA, the County is required to construct the Cam D. Milani Park in compliance with a Development Order approved by the Town, which includes 43 conditions of approval. Through the SSA, the County and the Town agreed that the development of the Cam D. Milani Park would be postponed for a period of ten (10) years with the County having, at its sole discretion, the right to extend the postponement for two (2) additional periods of five (5) years each, for a maximum postponement of up to 20 years.

February 4, 2025

8:00 am







FEBRUARY 4, 2025


PAGE             ITEM


39                    5D1                 ADD-ON (cont’d.) / SUMMARY (cont’d.): On October 22, 2019, the County

notified the Town that it was exercising its first five (5)-year option to postpone.  On July 27, 2023, the County notified the Town that it was initiating the design and permitting for the County Park, and that it would contact the Town in the near future for further coordination. On April 17, 2024, the County notified the Town of its intent to resume development of the Cam D. Milani Park. On May 7, 2024, during a regular meeting of the BCC and following extensive discussion as a result of comments made by the public, County staff was directed to proceed without further delay with project development as per the approved SSAA. On September 26, 2024, the BCC approved a contract with Brooks + Scarpa Architects, Inc. (B+S) for the provision of professional architectural/engineering design, permitting and construction administration services for the project. Condition No. 10 of the SSAA required the County to apply for National Register of Historical Places (NRHP) designation within one (1) year of its notice of intent to resume development.  On July 25, 2024 the County submitted its application to NRHP nominating 2.319 acres on the southern portion of the Highland Beach Site. On November 15, 2024, the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources issued a determination confirming that the archeological site under the SSAA is eligible for listing in the NRHP. The SSAA also requires the County to conduct a Cultural Resource Assessment Survey (CRAS), which must be included in the final design documents to be submitted to the Town and which shall serve, amongst another matters, to inform the design effort for the Cam D. Milani Park. The County retained Archeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. (AHCI) to provide the archeological services required under the SSAA which services shall extend from the design phase to end of construction. AHCI is collaborating with B+S to ensure that the design proceeds in full compliance with the requirements of the SSAA, inclusive of archeological considerations. The SSAA imposes clear deadlines that the County must meet, inclusive of some related to archeological efforts; missing any of said deadlines could jeopardize development of the Cam D. Milani Park. Delivery of the Cam D. Milani Park as per the SSAA is a matter of meeting parks’ countywide level of service as it relates to beach access facilities. Design is currently underway as per the approved site plan contained in the SSAA, which provides for 100 parking spaces on the west parcel and for beach access park amenities (e.g., trails, lifeguard tower) on the east parcel. (Capital Improvements Division) District 4 (MWJ)





NOTE:  Items that were revised, added, deleted, or backup submitted and were not listed on the preliminary addition/deletion sheet distributed to the Board the prior day are noted with an asterisk (*).



* * * * * * * * * * *












FEBRUARY 4, 2025



TUESDAY                                                                                                                COMMISSION

9:30 A.M.                                                                                                                   CHAMBERS



1.         CALL TO ORDER


A.        Roll Call

B.        Invocation

C.        Pledge of Allegiance




A.        Additions, Deletions, Substitutions

B.        Adoption


3.         CONSENT AGENDA (Pages 7 - 33)


4.         SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS (Page 34)


5.         REGULAR AGENDA (Pages 35 – 40)


6.         BOARD APPOINTMENTS (Page 41)


7.         STAFF COMMENTS (Page 42)


8.         BCC COMMENTS (Page 43)


9.         MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M. (Page 44)


10.       ADJOURNMENT (Page 45)





* * * * * * * * * * *


FEBRUARY 4, 2025








Page 7

            3A-1    Funding Agreement with Health Care District of Palm Beach County.



Page 8

            3B-1    Warrant list

            3B-2    Minutes

            3B-3    Contracts and claims settlements list

            3B-4    Change orders, work task orders, minor contracts, final payments, etc.



Page 8

3C-1   Second Amendment with the South Indian River Water Control District to increase the yearly road maintenance cost.


Page 9

            3C-2   Two Adopt-A-Road Agreements with Renew Vitality, LLC for two segments along Military Trail.


Page 10

3C-3   Consultant Service Authorization with Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc. for the C-18 Canal Drainage Modifications for PBC Facilities and Roads.


Page 11

            3C-4   Eight Agreements with FPL for LED street lights in various locations.


Page 12

3C-5   Contract with Rosso Site Development, Inc. for the construction Phase A of Congress Avenue, north or Northlake Blvd.

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








Page 13

3E-1    Notice of Grant Aware/Fund Availability from FDOC to extend the end date for the Economic stability services that include rent and utility assistance.


Page 14

3E-2    Retroactive Agreements for the Provision of Financial Assistance with The Lord’s Place, Inc. for street outreach and engagement services; and Integrated Healthcare Systems Riviera Beach Inc. for mental health street outreach services.


Page 15

3E-3    Retroactive Agreement for the Provision of Financial Assistance in the Housing and Homelessness Program Area with The Salvation Army to support Low-to-Moderate Intensity Medical Respite Program.

3E-4    Retroactive Contract for Provision of Services with Palm Beach County Food Bank, Inc. to provide food distribution services to low-income residents of PBC.



Page 16

            3F-1    Change Order No. 6 with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. at the PBI to extend the project.


Page 17

3F-2    Amendment No. 6 with General Services Administration at PBI increasing the annual rental amount; and Lease Amendment No. UWT requiring water testing by the County.




Page 18

3H-1   Standard License Agreement with the City of Delray Beach for Use of County-Owned Property.

3H-2   Standard License Agreement with Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County, Inc. for Use of County-Owned Property.

3H-3   Standard Equipment Use Agreement with the Town of Lake Park for use of County-Owned Equipment.


Page 19

3H-4   First Amendment with the Town of Lake Clarke Shores to extend the term of the Agreement for direct access to the County’s Public Safety Radio System.

3H-5   Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Indian River Shores allowing for interoperable communications.

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








Page 20

3H-6   First Amendment with the Town of Lake Clarke Shores to extend the term of the Agreement for radio maintenance service.


Page 21

3H-7   Consultant Services Authorization No. 35 with Leo A. Daly LLC for the Detention Facilities Renewal and Replacement Main Detention Center Phase III project due to expanded scope of work and additional construction administration phase services.


Page 22 - 23

3H-8   Amendment No. 1 with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. to increase the raw labor rates to provide project management services.



Page 24

            3J-1    Board Appointment of one new member to the Construction Industry Licensing Board.



Page 25

            3L-1    Agreement No. 24043 with FFWC for Palm Beach County Artificial Reef Monitoring project.



Page 26

3M-1   Interlocal Grant Agreement Term Extension with the Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County for the demo and removal of the Duncan Padgett Park Racquetball Courts and extending the completion date.



Page 27

3Q-1   Ratify the Mayor’s signature on a DCF Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant application and letter of designation to provide treatment and diversion opportunities for adults with mental health disorders.


Page 28

3Q-2   Third Amendment with FAU to amend the scope of work, revise deliverables schedule and to extend the term for conducting research evaluations of the Criminal Justice Commissioner’s Trauma-Informed Training program.

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








Page 29

3X-1    Grant Agreement for Emergency Management Performance Grant with FDEM to improve and enhance emergency management plans and programs.


Page 30

            3X-2    Declaration of State of Local Emergency for Palm Beach County for Hurricane Helene.



Page 31

            3CC-1 Contract Amendment with the University of North Florida Training and Services Institute, Inc. for the PBSO’s High Visibility Enforcement Project.



Page 31

3DD-1 Category “G” Grant Agreement with Equestrian Sport Productions, LLC for the Winter Equestrian Festival.


Page 32

3DD-2 Two Category “G” Grant Agreements with Soccer partners American Incorporated for the International Rush Cup; and with QuadLife Entertainment, LLC for the 2024 Fizzle Racing Hydrodrag Nationals/World Championships.


Page 33

3DD-3 Agreement with the PGA Tour Enterprises, LLC for the 2025 Tournament at PGA National Resort.



Page 34


            4A       Heart Health Awareness Day at Liberty Park Elementary School

            4B       Black History Month

            4C       National Engineers Week

            4D       Lion Order Gold Health & Wealth Symposium Day

4E       50th Anniversary of the South County Mental Health Center 

4F       211 Awareness Week

            4G       Flood Awareness Week

            4H       100th Anniversary of FPL & Its Partnership with PBC

            4I         Honoring Four African American Youth for Eagle Scout Achievements




FEBRUARY 4, 2025







Page 35 - 36

5A-1    Second Amendment to Term Contract for the Operation and Maintenance of Baggage Handling Systems at PBI with Oshkosh Aero Tech, LLC increasing the amount and for renewal.



Page 37

            5B-1    Budget Transfer for enhanced security for President Elect Trump.



Page 38

            5C-1   FY 2026 Strategic Priorities and Budget review.



Page 39 - 40

            5D-1   Staff report on the Milani Park project.










MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M. (Page 44)




FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  a Funding Agreement (Agreement) with the Health Care District of Palm Beach County (District) under which the County will fund/reimburse up to $10,000,000 in land acquisition, design services, and construction services for a Central Receiving Facility (CRF) as an infrastructure improvement to the behavioral health system in Palm Beach County. Summary: The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved a plan for the use of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds on July 13, 2021 including a $10,000,000 allocation for infrastructure improvements to the behavioral health system.  The BCC subsequently affirmed this allocation in the amended ARPA plan approved on November 2, 2021.  On January 7, 2025, the BCC approved an agreement with the District provided that a provision be added to the Agreement requiring the District to be responsible for costs associated with operation and maintenance of the CRF, and shortening the timeframe for completion and opening of the CRF to 60 months. These changes have been made and agreed to by the District. These funds were earmarked for the District to acquire land and construct a CRF as part of their overall behavioral health infrastructure. The District has developed a Crisis Now Model consistent with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) guidelines. SAMHSA identifies the three (3) critical elements of the model to be “Someone to Call, Someone to Respond and Somewhere to Go.”  The CRF will be the “Somewhere to Go” in the model. Funds will be distributed to the District on a reimbursement basis. In the event the District intends to sell the property, the County shall have right of first refusal. This Project is included in the ARPA Response Replacement Fund. Countywide (HH)



FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  Warrant List – Backup information can be viewed in the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  the following final minutes of the Board of County Commissioners’ meetings:


            Meeting Date                       Meeting Type

            December 10, 2024             Regular

            December 12, 2024             Zoning


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Contracts (regular) and claim settlements list as submitted by various departments to the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.  Countywide


4.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  change orders, work task orders, minor contracts, final payments and other items approved by the Contract Review Committee and by the department heads for the Engineering Department; Facilities Development and Operations Department; Water Utilities Department; Environmental Resources Management Department; and the Department of Airports during December 2024.  Countywide





1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  the Second Amendment to the Interlocal

Agreement (R2013-1773) with the South Indian River Water Control District (District) dated December 17, 2013, to increase the yearly road maintenance cost that Palm Beach County (County) reimburses the District by $38,000, from $37,000 to $75,000.  SUMMARY: Approval of the Second Amendment will enable the District to continue to provide maintenance for various County road rights-of-way located within the boundaries of the District, for a revised not to exceed amount from $37,000 to $75,000 yearly. The annual amount was negotiated with the District based on the maintenance cost that the County anticipates for each of the roads.  Due to cost increases for personnel, machinery and equipment, the District requested an annual increase from $37,000 to $75,000. The First Amendment (R2019-0479), approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on April 16, 2019, redefined the County road rights-of-way segments to be maintained by the District and increased the yearly costs from $32,000 to $37,000.  District 1 (YBH)       

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






C.        ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)


2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: two (2) Adopt-A-Road Agreements

with Renew Vitality, LLC, dated November 1, 2024, for two (2) segments along Military Trail between Elm Avenue and Donald Ross Road.  SUMMARY: In accordance with Countywide PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item.  The Adopt-A-Road Program allows entities to perform litter removal along Palm Beach County (County) maintained road rights-of-way.  Each entity is expected to conduct litter removal activities at least four (4) times a year.  The County provides recognition signs for each entity at the beginning and end of the adopted road segment, and picks up the litter bags.  Each entity must pay a fee to offset the County’s costs to install the signs and remove the collected litter bags.  The fee is waived for non-profit entities. District 1 (YBH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






C.        ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  


A)  Consultant Service Authorization No. 10 (CSA) in the amount of $697,526.50 to the Civil Engineering Annual Services Contract (R2022-0464) dated May 17, 2022 (Contract) with Mock, Roos & Associates, Inc. (MRA) for the C-18 Canal Drainage Modifications for Palm Beach County (County) Facilities and Roads (Project); and


B)  a Budget Transfer in the amount of $697,527 from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) replacement funds for the Loxahatchee River Wetland Attenuation to Water Resources Infrastructure Capital and appropriate it to the Project.


SUMMARY:  Approval of this CSA and Budget Transfer will provide the professional services necessary to design drainage that will facilitate a future connection from the L-8 Basin to the northwest fork of the Loxahatchee River, and protect the Water Utilities Department’s (WUD) critical water and wastewater facilities (WUD Facilities) located along this potential connection.  Drainage improvements to provide for the future extension of Seminole Pratt Whitney Road that are compatible with this potential connection will also be designed.  The Budget Transfer is necessary to provide funds for the accelerated study, design, and potential construction of interim connection facilities.  The Contract was presented to the Goal Setting Committee on June 16, 2021 and the Committee established Affirmative Procurement Initiatives (API) of a 20% minimum mandatory Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation and a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) evaluation preference for African American (AA) owned firms.  MRA committed to 27% SBE participation.  The proposed SBE participation for this CSA is 81.51%. To date, the overall SBE participation achieved on this Contract is 44.73% and 26.95% MBE participation.  MRA has an office located in the County and is a certified SBE company. This Project is a precursor to the future extension of Seminole Pratt Whitney Road to connect to Avenir Drive in Palm Beach Gardens.  Due to limited time constraints, the separation of the drainage will occur in two phases.  The first phase will design the required features to separate County drainage and rely on an existing pump station.  The second phase will provide a permanent pump station, site design and grading to facilitate the future construction of the Seminole Pratt Whitney Road extension, as well as other potential uses by the County. This Project is included in the ARPA Response Replacement Fund.  District 1 (YBH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






C.        ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)


4.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: eight (8) agreements with the Florida Power & Light Company (FP&L) for various locations within Palm Beach County.  SUMMARY: In accordance with Countywide PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item.  The agreements were executed by the County Engineer on October 29, 2024, October 31, 2024 and November 21, 2024 per Resolution R2024-1016. 






Atlantic Avenue from US 441 to Lyons Road



October 29, 2024


45th Street at Gramercy Drive

Street Lighting


October 31, 2024


Benoist Farms Road, South of Okeechobee Boulevard

Street Lighting


October 31, 2024


Transfer to the City of West Palm Beach

Various locations

Street Lighting


October 31, 2024


Transfer to the City of West Palm Beach

Various locations

Street Lighting


October 31, 2024



Pipers Glen Boulevard and El Clair Ranch Road


November 21, 2024


Transfer to the City of Delray Beach

(Linton Boulevard from Sims Road to Military Trail)

Street Lighting

November 21, 2024


Transfer to Village of Golf

Various Locations

Street Lighting

November 21, 2024























FP&L agreements are based on the type of street lighting fixture and/or pole being installed or removed. Street Lighting Agreements are utilized for installation and/or removal of High Pressure Sodium street lights and poles. Lighting Agreements are utilized for the installation and/or removal of LED street lights and poles submitted to FP&L after December 31, 2021. Countywide (YBH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






C.        ENGINEERING & PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)


5.         Staff recommends motion to approve: a contract with Rosso Site Development, Inc. (RSD) in the amount of $2,535,046.85 with a contract time of 270 calendar days for the construction of Phase A of Congress Avenue, north of Northlake Boulevard to Alternate A1A (Project). SUMMARY: Approval of this contract will authorize the construction services necessary to construct Phase A of the Project, which includes a new 3-lane roadway with drainage, bike lanes and sidewalks from north of Northlake Boulevard to Avocado Lane. This Project was presented to the Goal Setting Committee on January 17, 2024 and the Committee established an Affirmative Procurement Initiative (API) of a 20% minimum mandatory Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation of which 3% must be Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) participation for African American (AA) owned firms. RSD committed to 71.5% SBE and 35% MBE participation. Bids for the contract were received by the Engineering and Public Works Department (EPW) on September 4, 2024. RSD was the lowest responsive bidder of five (5) bidders.  The contract time for the Project is 270 calendar days.  RSD has an office located in Palm Beach County and is a certified SBE company. This Project is included in the Five-Year Road Program. District 1 (YBH) 

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: Notice of Grant Award/Fund Availability (NFA) #042716 (Federal Award Identification Number (FAIN) G-2301FLCOSR, Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) 93.569) from Florida Department of Commerce (FDOC) received on October 28, 2024, for Program Year 2023 allocation, in an amount not-to-exceed $1,274,058.49, to extend the end date for the program period from November 15, 2024 to December 16, 2024, for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) for a new program period of July 1, 2023  to December 16, 2024, with no changes in overall funding.  Summary: On June 15, 2021, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) ratified the Mayor’s signature on the Federally Funded Subgrant Umbrella Agreement (Umbrella Agreement) #E2016 (R2021-0783) (CFDA No.93.568 and 93.569)  with the FDOC, for the period October 1, 2020 through September 30, 2023, for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) and CSBG programs. The Umbrella Agreement was subsequently amended on February 25, 2022, August 16, 2023, and September 10, 2024. The parties amended and reinstated the Umbrella Agreement as part of a joint effort to align Community Action Agency spending with legislatively appropriated state budget authority. This is a process required annually by state law. Under the terms of the new Umbrella Agreement, FDOC will issue a NFA for each program award and issue amendments to NFAs for any changes. These NFAs are issued to add or increase funding and/or extend dates. CSBG funds are used to provide economic stability and mobility services to approximately 2,300 low-income individuals and 900 families. Economic stability services include rent and utility assistance. Economic mobility services include employment skills training, job placement, resume writing training, financial management training, and case management. In Fiscal Year 2023, 31 individuals completed vocational training and ten (10) became employed. No County match is required. Countywide (HH)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025






E.        COMMUNITY SERVICES (cont’d.)


2.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  retroactive agreements for the Provision of Financial Assistance for the purpose of street outreach and engagement, and other supportive services to persons experiencing homelessness with the agencies listed below, in the total amount of $805,000, for the term of these agreements:


A)  The Lord’s Place, Inc. (TLP), for the period October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025, for the provision of street outreach and engagement services, focusing on individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, living in places not meant for human habitation, in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000; and


B)  Integrated Healthcare Systems Riviera Beach Inc. (IHSR), for the period November 1, 2024 through October 31, 2027 for the provision of mental health street outreach services, to be provided to homeless individuals and families in Palm Beach County who are unsheltered, while focusing on mental health screening, substance use screening, and referrals for supportive services, in an amount not-to-exceed $555,000, of which $185,000 is budgeted for Fiscal Year (FY) 2025, with an anticipated annual allocation of $185,000 for each subsequent FY. 


Summary: TLP’s Homeless Street Outreach and Engagement Program (HSOE) is a program that will provide street outreach services for up to 500 individuals and families experiencing homelessness and living in places not meant for human habitation. HSOE services will connect individuals with emergency shelter, housing, emergency health services, mental health services, and assistance with obtaining documentation needed to qualify for housing services.  The IHSR’s Mental Health Homeless Outreach Team Program (MHHOTP) is a new program that will consist of two (2) Licensed Mental Health Therapists who will provide comprehensive screening and referrals, and additional supportive services. The MHHOTP will coordinate services with Palm Beach County’s Homeless Outreach Team to provide behavioral health street outreach services to 175 individuals experiencing homelessness annually.  The goal is to reduce mental health crises, support stability, and link individuals to ongoing care and resources that will improve their quality of life. Retroactive approval is requested due to protracted contract negotiations. The total amount of these agreements are $805,000 of which $435,000 is allocated for FY 2025.  Countywide (HH)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025






E.        COMMUNITY SERVICES (cont’d.)


3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Retroactive Agreement for the Provision of Financial Assistance in the Housing and Homelessness Program Area with The Salvation Army (TSA), to support the Low-to-Moderate Intensity Medical Respite Program (MRP), for a three (3) year period October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2027, in an amount totaling $900,000, of which $300,000 is budgeted for FY 2025, with an anticipated annual allocation of $300,000 for FY 2026 and $300,000 for FY 2027, contingent upon budgetary appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC).  Summary:  MRP is a continuation of the completed pilot program to provide short-term medical respite residential care of low-to-moderate acute and/or post-acute levels of care in a non-hospital setting for individuals who are experiencing homelessness and are capable of performing Activities of Daily Living (ADL’s). The MRP will provide the eligible participants with a space to recover after medical procedures and/or discharge from hospitals, including supportive medical care and social services. The MRP aims to reduce the length of hospitalization stays, improve health outcomes and/or decrease recidivism, and ensure continuity of care for program clients for up to 30 days after hospitalization. MRP will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and will serve a minimum of 60 clients annually during the contract period. Logic Model performance and reporting requirements are outlined in the agreement. The MRP program began operation as a pilot program during the latter part of FY 2024, and during that time period they were able to provide medical respite services to six (6) individuals through MRP.  Retroactive approval is requested due to protracted contract negotiations. Countywide (HH)


4.         Staff recommends motion to approve: retroactive Contract for Provision of Services with Palm Beach County Food Bank, Inc. (PBCFB), to provide food distribution services to low-income residents of Palm Beach County for the period of January 1, 2025 through April 30, 2025, in an amount not-to-exceed $279,979.  Summary: The PBCFB has the space to offer food pantry services to low-income residents. Funding is provided through the Community Development Block Grant - Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CDBG-CV). Retroactive approval is requested due to the timing of CDBG-CV funding availability.  To address food insecurity, the PBCFB distributes the majority of its food to approximately 200 partner organizations. In 2024, PBCFB was able to provide 12.7 million meals to low-income residents. The demand for food assistance continues to rise due to inflation. Residents are increasingly relying on food banks to help alleviate food insecurity. This funding will support the purchase of non-perishable and perishable food items (when ordered in advance) to meet the distribution needs of PBCFB’s community partners, ensuring hunger relief is provided to eligible low-income individuals and families. No County match is required. (Community Action Program) Countywide (HH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






F.         AIRPORTS


1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: 


A)  Change Order No. 6 (Change Order) to the Contract (R2023-0701) with Ranger Construction Industries, Inc. (Ranger), to the Central Airfield Improvements Project (Project) at the Palm Beach International Airport (PBI), in the amount of $535,568.50, extending the project duration by 19 calendar days; and


B)  a Budget Transfer of $535,569 in the Airport’s Improvement and Development Fund to provide budget for Change Order No. 6.


Summary:  The Project was approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on May 16, 2023 (R2023-0701) in the amount of $20,228,016.90 with a project duration of 516 calendar days. Change Order No. 1 through Change Order No. 5 increased the contract amount by $425,759.51, extended the project duration by 77 calendar days, and provided for various changes including, but not limited to, additional grading improvements on the runway, directional boring for power lines, additional surveying of pipes, and structural modifications to inlets. Amendment No. 1 (R2024-1005) increased the contract amount by $20,287,673.85, extended the project duration by 481 days, and provided for the award of Bid Alternate No. 1 to complete of the rehabilitation of Runway 14-32 shoulder pavement and taxiway reconstruction. Change Order No. 6 increases the contract amount by $535,568.50 for a total contract amount of $41,477,018.76 and extends the project duration by 19 calendar days for a total project duration of 1,093 calendar days.  Due to unforeseen conditions and pavement marking discrepancies identified in a recent inspection, Change Order No. 6 provides for additional pipe demolition, pavement marking corrections, drainage inlet investigation and repairs, and additional asphalt materials. A Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE) goal of 22% was established for the Project. The DBE participation for Change Order No. 6 is 13.1%. The cumulative DBE participation, including Change Order No. 6, is 23%. Countywide (AH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






F.         AIRPORTS (cont’d.)


2.         Staff recommends motion to:


A)  receive and file Amendment No. 6 (Sixth Amendment) to the Terminal Building Lease Agreement (Lease) at the Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) (R2019-1616, as amended) with the General Services Administration (GSA), an executive agency of the United States of America, increasing the annual rental to $960,606.12, effective October 1, 2024;


B)  receive and file GSA Lease Amendment No. UWT to the Lease, dated May 16, 2024 (UWT Amendment), requiring water quality testing by the County at GSA’s leasehold, subject to reimbursement in an amount not to exceed $3,500; and


C) approve GSA Lease Amendment No. BWT to the Lease (BWT Amendment), increasing GSA’s reimbursement under the UWT Amendment to an amount not to exceed $4,000.


Summary:  GSA leases space in the PBI terminal building for Transportation Security Administration (TSA) offices and support.  Rental rates are adjusted annually each October 1st based on the terminal rental rates established in accordance with Signatory Airline Agreement (R2019-1155). The Sixth Amendment increases the annual rental by $107,659.70 to $960,606.12, commencing October 1, 2024.  The UWT Amendment was unilaterally issued by GSA in accordance with the Lease and requires water quality testing to be completed by the County for lead, copper, coliform, and legionella, subject to reimbursement by GSA in an amount not to exceed $3,500. The actual cost of the water quality testing is $4,000. The BWT Amendment increases GSA’s reimbursement for the cost of the water quality testing to $4,000.  Delegation of authority for execution of the Sixth Amendment was approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) in Agenda Item 3F-1 on October 22, 2019. Countywide (AH)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: a Standard License Agreement (Agreement) with the City of Delray Beach (City) for Use of County-Owned Property (South County Courthouse Parking Garage) for event parking from December 3, 2024, to December 31, 2025. Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating department as a receive and file agenda item. The attached standard Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (Board) by the County Administrator or designee, who in this case was the Director of the Facilities Development and Operations Department (Director). The term of the Agreement is December 3, 2024, to December 31, 2025, with specific dates, uses, and operating hours to be determined upon written mutual agreement of the Director and the City Manager. The Standard License Agreement was approved in accordance with R2002-1980. This executed document is being submitted to the Board to receive and file. (FDO Admin) Countywide (YBH)


2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: a Standard License Agreement for Use of County-Owned Property (Lantana/Lake Worth Health Center) for the period of December 3, 2024, through September 30, 2025, with Healthy Mothers/Healthy Babies Coalition of Palm Beach County, Inc. for prenatal and postpartum group meetings; without a license fee.  Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating department as a receive and file agenda item. The attached standard Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) by the County Administrator or designee, who in this case was the Director of the Facilities Development and Operations Department. The Standard License Agreement was approved in accordance with R2010-0333, as amended and approved by the BCC on October 1, 2013. This executed document is now being submitted to the BCC as a receive and file agenda item. (FDO Admin) Countywide (YBH)


3.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: a Standard Equipment Use Agreement with the Town of Lake Park for the use of one (1) generator from October 7, 2024, to October 14, 2024; without an equipment use fee. Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating department as a receive and file agenda item. The attached standard agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) by the County Administrator or designee, who in this case was the Director of the Facilities Development and Operations Department. The Standard Equipment Use Agreement was approved by the BCC on October 1, 2013, Agenda item 3H-2. This executed document is now being submitted to the BCC as a receive and file agenda item. (FDO Admin) Countywide (YBH)


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4.         Staff recommends motion to approve: the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Interlocal Agreement (R2020-0025) (Agreement) with the Town of Lake Clarke Shores (Participant) to extend the term of the Agreement for direct access to the County’s Public Safety Radio System (System) retroactively (due to the Participant’s delay in executing the amendment) from January 7, 2025, through January 6, 2030, with annual revenue fees totaling $11,913.25.  Summary: The Agreement, which provides the terms and conditions under which the Participant can directly access the System, expired on January 6, 2025. The Agreement provided for two (2) renewal options, each for a period of five (5) years. The Participant has approved the amendment to extend the term of the Agreement to January 6, 2030, and the renewal now requires approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The terms of this Agreement are standard and have been offered to all municipalities and local branches of State/Federal agencies where connection through an established municipal hub is not technically feasible. The annual fees are consistent with those being charged to County departments. In addition, the Participant is required to pay all costs associated with the Participant’s subscriber units and to comply with the established operating procedures for the County’s System. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause on October 1st of any year, with a minimum of six (6) months’ notice. This First Amendment extends the term of the Agreement and adds the E-Verify provision. Other than the changes set forth herein, all other terms remain the same. The annual fees for each unit will be added to the Renewal and Replacement Fund, and the maintenance fees to the Maintenance and Operation Fund. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)


5.         Staff recommends motion to approve: an Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) with the Town of Indian River Shores (Municipality) allowing for interoperable communications through the countywide common talk groups of the County’s Public Safety Radio System (System) from February 4, 2025, through February 3, 2030.   Summary: This Agreement provides the terms and conditions under which the Municipality can program into its radios and utilize the countywide common talk groups for certain types of inter-agency communications. The County’s System will not be utilized for routine operational communications by the Municipality. The terms of the Agreement are standard and have been offered to all municipalities and local branches of state and federal agencies with 800 MHz trunked radio capabilities. There are no charges associated with this Agreement. The Municipality is required to pay all costs associated with the Municipality’s subscriber units and to comply with the established operating procedures for the County’s System. The agreement provides for an initial term of five (5) years with two (2) renewal options, each for a period of five (5) years. This Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, upon ten (10) days prior written notice to the other party. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)


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6.         Staff recommends motion to approve: the First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2020-0026) (Agreement) with the Town of Lake Clarke Shores (Participant), to extend the term of the Agreement for radio maintenance service retroactively (due to the Participant’s delay in executing the amendment) from January 7, 2025 through January 6, 2030.  Summary: This Agreement, which provides the terms and conditions under which the Participant received radio equipment maintenance services from the County, expired on January 6, 2025. This Agreement provided for two (2) renewal options, each for a period of five (5) years. The Participant has approved the Amendment to extend the term of the Agreement to January 6, 2030, and the renewal now requires approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The terms of the Agreement are standard, and the maintenance rates are consistent with those being charged to County departments. Services will be provided on an as-needed basis and billed to the Participant. In the event that the County must out-source the labor, a separate labor rate is provided to cover the cost of the contract labor. The rates may be adjusted annually with notification by June 1 (effective the following October 1st) at the County’s sole discretion, but in no event shall the Participant’s fee schedule exceed the fee schedule applied to County departments. There is no fiscal impact associated with this item, as the expenses offset the revenues. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or without cause, with a minimum of three (3) months’ notice. This First Amendment extends the term of the Agreement and adds the E-Verify provision. Other than the changes set forth herein, all other terms remain the same. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)

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7.         Staff recommends motion to approve: Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 35 to the architectural/ professional services contract (R2015-1459) with Leo A. Daly LLC (Consultant) in the amount of $593,805 for the Detention Facilities Renewal and Replacement (R/R) Main Detention Center (MDC) Phase III project.  Summary: On October 20, 2015, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the architectural/ professional services contract (R2015-1459) with Consultant to provide professional services for various R/R projects at County Detention Facilities. This item will authorize the professional services necessary for the Detention Facilities R/R MDC Phase III project. The Detention Facilities R/R MDC Phase III project includes repair and renovation services in the East and South Tower of the facility. Under CSA No. 35, the Consultant will provide professional services which include additional construction administration phase services necessary for the Detention Facilities R/R MDC Phase III project. Additional construction administration phase services are required as a result of the expanded scope of work associated with Phase III of the repair and renovation services for the Detention Facility. The expanded scope and changes are due to multiple factors which include inaccurate as-built record drawings from 1984, previously concealed and undetected conditions, Covid-19 induced production and delivery schedule delays, and owner authorized added scope. The architectural/professional services contract for the Detention Facilities projects was awarded under the Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance in place at the time with an SBE participation goal of 15%. The SBE participation on this CSA is 21.41%. To date, the overall SBE participation on the contract is 24.57%. The Consultant is a Palm Beach County Business. Funding for this project is from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund. (Capital Improvements Division) District 3 (MWJ)

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8.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A)  Amendment No. 1 to the contract for program management services (R2023-0143) (Contract) with AECOM Technical Services, Inc. (AECOM) to increase the raw labor rates by (3%), as allowed per the Contract; and


B)  Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 2 to the Contract with AECOM  for a not to exceed amount of $176,310.80 for the retroactive period starting from January 1, 2025 to February 6, 2025 and a not to exceed amount  of $1,693,037 for the period starting from February 7, 2025 to February 6, 2026. 


Summary: On February 7, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the Contract with AECOM to provide project management services necessary to assist the Palm Beach County (County) Facilities Development and Operations Department (FDO)/Capital improvements Division (CID), in administering and managing an expanded General Government Capital Program (GGCP). Other County construction departments may use this contract for program management services. This item will amend the Contract to include a 3% increase for raw labor rates, as allowed per the Contract, modify terms and conditions of the Contract and also authorize the project management services necessary for calendar year January 1, 2025 to February 6, 2026. Amendment No. 1 to the Contract (Amendment No. 1) sets new hourly rates (labor rates) for AECOM’s personnel and subconsultants that will perform services during the term of the contract, beginning February 7, 2025. The contract allows the raw labor rates to be adjusted for the Consumer Price Index (CPI) up to 3% after the first two (2) years. Amendment No. 1 also deletes Section 6.4 of the Contract in its entirety and replaces it with a new Section 6.4 relating to Progress Payments and adds standard County provisions relating to Interactions with County Staff, Disclosure of Foreign Gifts and Contracts with Foreign Countries of Concern and Human Trafficking. CSA No. 2 to the Contract (CSA No. 2) authorizes a not to exceed amount of $176,310.80 for the retroactive period starting from January 1, 2025 to February 6, 2025 and a not to exceed amount of $1,693,037 for the period starting from February 7, 2025 to February 6, 2026. Staffing positions requested under CSA No. 2 include two (2) senior project managers, two (2) project managers (category 1), one (1) project manager (category 2), one (1) fiscal specialist, one (1) procurement/contract specialist, one (1) cost estimator and one (1) field representative (category 1). Compensation will depend on actual hours worked. There is no minimum amount of services or compensation guaranteed to AECOM’s personnel. The Contract is set to expire on February 6, 2028. 

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8.         SUMMARY (cont’d.): This Contract was solicited pursuant to the requirements of the Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) Ordinance. The Affirmative Procurement Initiatives established for this contract on June 15, 2022 by the Goal Setting Committee are a 20% Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation and a Minority/ Women Business Enterprise (M/WBE) evaluation preference for African American and Women owned firms. AECOM committed to an SBE participation of 35%. SBE participation on this CSA is 25.59%. To date, the overall SBE participation on the contract is 31.63%. AECOM is a local business. Funding for this Contract is from various funds. District 6 (MWJ)

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1.         Staff recommends a motion to approve: Appointment of one (1) new member to the Construction Industry Licensing Board (CILB), for the term March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2028.



 Seat #


Nominated by

Connor Peede



Mayor Marino

Commissioner Woodward

Commissioner Weiss


Summary: The CILB establishes qualifications and competency of contractors that work within the County. The CILB also provides for the testing and licensing of these contractors, and is empowered to discipline licensees, and hear citation appeals. The CILB was established by Special Act, Laws of Florida, Chapter 67‑1876, as amended.  The Special Act and, subsequently, Section 489.131, Florida Statutes sets forth the membership of the CILB, which consists of 15 members. The CILB shall be comprised of 15 members as follows: two (2) general contractors, one (1) member

from each of the following contractor categories: building, residential; electrical; plumbing; HARV (Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration and Ventilation), roofing; swimming pool; one (1) architect; one (1) engineer and one (1) full-time building official employed by a local government within Palm Beach County, who meets the requirements of the Building Officials Association of Florida; and three (3) consumer representatives. A memorandum was sent to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on December 17, 2024 requesting support to appoint one (1) new CILB member, no other nominations were received. The CILB currently has 11 out of 15 seats filled and a diversity count of Caucasian: 10 (90%) and Hispanic-American: 1 (10%). The gender ratio (female: male) is 2:9.  Staff is addressing the need to increase diversity within our boards and will continue to encourage this to expand this Board’s diversity.  Countywide (RM)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) approve Agreement No. 24043 with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) (Agreement) to provide up to $25,507.76 of State funding (CSFA 77-007) for Palm Beach County Artificial Reef Monitoring (Project), beginning upon execution and expiring December 31, 2025;


B)aadopt a Resolution authorizing the Clerk of the Circuit Court and Comptroller to disburse $11,614 from the Vessel Registration Fee Trust Fund to provide matching funding for the Project;


C) approve a Budget Amendment of $25,508 in the Environmental Enhancement Saltwater Fund, and a transfer from Reserves of $11,614 for a total of $37,122 in funding for the Project; and


D)  authorize the County Administrator, or designee, to sign all future time extensions, task assignments, certifications, and other forms associated with this Agreement, and any necessary minor amendments that do not significantly change the scope of work, terms, or conditions of this Agreement.


SUMMARY: The Agreement reimburses the County up to $25,507.76 for assessing the material, condition and biodiversity of at least ten (10) artificial reefs offshore of Palm Beach County. The estimated total Project cost is $37,122. The Resolution and budget transfer from County Vessel Registration Fees, a non-ad valorem source, will cover the County’s additional 31% local match expenditure of $11,614 as pledged in the County’s grant application. The Agreement contains indemnification provisions that differ from that adopted for use by the County under PPM CW-F-049. Neither party indemnifies nor insures the other party for the other party’s negligence. The Risk Management Department and the County Attorney’s Office have reviewed the requirements for this grant and advised staff accordingly. Given that liability is limited to the statutory caps of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, and taking into consideration that FWC is providing grant funding to the County under this Agreement, staff recommends Board of County Commission (BCC) approval. Countywide (SS)

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1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) receive and file an Interlocal Grant Agreement (Agreement) Term Extension with the Solid Waste Authority (SWA) of Palm Beach County for $40,000, for the demolition and removal of the Duncan Padgett Park Racquetball Courts, extending the completion date from September 30, 2024 to September 30, 2025; and


B) authorize the County Administrator or designee to serve as the County’s Contract Representative with the authority to execute time extensions, task assignments, certifications, standard forms, and amendments to the Agreement that do not substantially change the scope of work.


Summary: On September 1, 2021, the Parks and Recreation Department (Parks) submitted a SWA 2022 Blighted and Distressed Property Cleanup and Beautification Grant Application (Application). The Application requested $40,000 in funding to cover the cost of the demolition of the Duncan Padgett Park racquetball courts. Grant funding was awarded and the Agreement (R2022-0030) was approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on January 4, 2022. The original grant term was from January 4, 2022 to November 30, 2022. On October 18, 2022, SWA granted a one (1) year time extension which extended the term from November 30, 2022 to November 30, 2023 (R2022-1220). Due to project delays, an additional grant extension was approved by SWA that extended the completion date from November 30, 2023 to September 30, 2024 (R2024-0182). Due to further time delays SWA has granted an additional one (1) year extension to September 30, 2025. There are no other changes to the terms of the Agreement as a result of this extension. Parks is now submitting this Agreement in accordance with County PPM CW-O-O51, which requires all delegated Agreements to be submitted by the initiating Department to the BCC as a receive and file agenda item. Once the old racquetball court is demolished, a new group picnic pavilion will be built to meet the community expressed need and to complement other soccer field renovations in the park.  District 6 (AH)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to ratify the Mayor’s signature: on a Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Criminal Justice Mental Health and Substance Abuse Reinvestment Grant (Reinvestment Grant) application and letter of designation for County Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 through 2027 in the amount of $1,200,000 to provide treatment and diversion opportunities for adults with mental health disorders (MHDs) or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (MHSUDs) in Palm Beach County who are involved, or at risk of being involved, with the criminal justice system. The grant would have been used to support the expansion of the Mental Health Court program services in Palm Beach County.  Summary: On November 7, 2023, DCF posted a Request for Application (RFA) 2324 011 for counties to plan, implement, or expand initiatives that increase public safety, avert increased spending on criminal and juvenile justice systems, and improve the accessibility and effectiveness of treatment for adults and juveniles who have a mental health, substance use disorder, or co-occurring mental and substance use disorder, and who are in, or at risk of entering, the criminal or juvenile justice system. A Sequential Intercept Model mapping process was used to identify solutions and support the application process in addressing the needs of the adult population with MHDs and MHSUDs. The total grant funding per county was $1,200,000 for implementation for 36 months for the County FYs 2024 through 2027. The Public Safety Coordinating Council submitted a Letter of Designation to DCF for the Reinvestment Grant, designating the Southeast Florida Behavioral Health Network (SEFBHN) as the entity that would apply for the Reinvestment Grant on behalf of Palm Beach County. The emergency grant walkthrough procedure was utilized due to the limited time required to submit the grant application by the March 25, 2024 deadline. On July 29, 2024, Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) Staff was informed by SEFBHN that the County did not receive the grant award.  Matching funds of $1,200,000 (100%) in cash or in-kind were required. The Palm Beach County CJC, Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, and the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit Public Defender’s Office would have provided the in-kind match. A cash match was not required. Countywide (HH)


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2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: Third Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement (R2022-0618) with Florida Atlantic University (FAU), which amends the Scope of Work, revises the deliverables schedule, and extends the term of the Agreement from September 30, 2025 to February 28, 2026.  Summary: Palm Beach County’s research partner, FAU, is conducting research evaluations of the Criminal Justice Commission’s (CJC) Trauma-Informed Training program and the Delray Beach Police Department’s Community Outreach Program. This amendment extends the funding period for these evaluations. In September 2022, 55 local law enforcement, corrections, court personnel, and behavioral health community partners completed the training. The County Administrator executed this Amendment to the FAU contract, which did not substantially change the scope of work, or terms and conditions of the Agreement, after approval of legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s Office and within budgeted allocations, pursuant to the delegated authority granted through R2022-0618 on June 14, 2022, and in accordance with County PPM CW-O-051. All delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating department to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) as a receive and file agenda item. Countywide (HH)


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                        1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) receive and file a federally-funded executed Grant Agreement (G0553) for FY2024-25 in the amount of $251,225 for the Emergency Management Performance Grant (EMPG) with the State of Florida, Division of Emergency Management (FDEM) to receive grant funding for the period October 1, 2024, through March 31, 2026, to improve and enhance emergency management plans and programs and provide operational support to maintain state required programs; and


B) approve a downward Budget Amendment of $39,485 in the Emergency Management Preparedness & Assistance Fund to adjust the budget to the actual award of $251,225.


Summary:  The EMPG grant (CFDA #97.042) is federally funded and recurs annually. The grant will be used to further enhance emergency planning, response, mitigation, and recovery in the County.  R2012-1731 dated November 20, 2012, gave authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to execute these agreements on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). County matching funds of $251,225 (100%) are required and included in the County budget. Countywide (DB)


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X.        PUBLIC SAFETY (cont’d.)


2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: a Declaration of State of Local Emergency for Palm Beach County (County), Florida dated September 25, 2024 for Hurricane Helene.  Summary:  On September 23, 2024 the National Hurricane Center (NHC) announced the development of Potential Tropical Cyclone 9.  On September 24, 2024 the National Hurricane Center (NHC) advised that Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine had formed into Tropical Storm Helene.  On September 23, 2024, Governor Ron Desantis issued Executive Order 24-208 declaring that an emergency exists in the State of Florida and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, tribal, and local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine.  On September 24, 2024, Governor Ron DeSantis issued Executive Order 24-209 (Amending Executive Order 22-208) expanding the state of emergency to 61 counties; Palm Beach County was not included.  On September 25, 2024 at 0500 hours, the NHC placed Palm Beach County under a Tropical Storm Warning due to Tropical Storm Helene.  On September 25, 2024 at 1100 hours, the NHC advised that Hurricane Helene had formed.  The County issued a State of Local Emergency on Wednesday, September 25, 2024, which remained through October 2, 2024.  Hurricane Helene had the capacity to pose a significant, imminent, and dangerous threat to residents, visitors and tourists in the County as well as their real and personal property.  The declaration of the State of Local Emergency was done in an abundance of caution necessary to initiate emergency actions taken by the County Administrator to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the community.  Countywide (DB)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






            CC.     SHERIFF


                        1.         Staff recommends motion to:


A) receive and file a contract amendment between the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) and the University of North Florida Training and Services Institute, Inc., d/b/a Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM), to provide $50,000 in supplemental funding for the PBSO’s High Visibility Enforcement (HVE) Project; and


B) approve a Budget Amendment of $50,000 in the Sheriff’s Grants Fund.


Summary: On July 18, 2024, the IPTM awarded a HVE grant to PBSO in the amount of $113,377.19 to support the Florida Department of Transportation’s (FDOT) Bicycle Pedestrian Focused Initiative.  These supplemental funds in the amount of $50,000 will be used to offset overtime costs associated with the HVE project which brings the total award to $163,377.19. There is no match requirement associated with this award. The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number is 20.205, the project number is 433144-1-8404, and the FDOT Contract number is G2X22. Countywide (RS)





                  1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: a fully executed Palm Beach County FY 2025, Category “G” Grant Agreement managed by the Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Inc. (Sports Commission), on behalf of the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council (TDC) with Equestrian Sport Productions, LLC for the promotion of Winter Equestrian Festival held January 1 – March 30, 2025, for the grant term of July 1, 2024 – July 30, 2025.  This grantee was approved by the TDC on September 12, 2024, in the amount of $125,000.  Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item.  On June 7, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopted Resolution R94-702, as amended, authorizing the County Administrator and/or the Executive Director of the TDC to enter into grant agreements with Category “G” (Sports) grantees after they have been approved by the TDC. Room nights for Equestrian Sport Productions, LLC/Winter Equestrian Festival are estimated at 85,000.  Countywide (YBH)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025








2.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: two (2) fully executed Palm Beach County FY 2025, Category “G” Grant Agreements managed by the Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Inc. (Sports Commission), on behalf of the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council (TDC) with:


A)  Soccer Partners America Incorporated, for the promotion of the International Rush Cup, held November 21 – 24, 2024, for the grant term of May 21, 2024 – February 24, 2025. This grantee was approved by the TDC on June 13, 2024, in the amount of $20,000; and


B) QuadLife Entertainment, LLC, for the promotion of the 2024 Fizzle Racing Hydrodrag Nationals/World Championships, held November 22 – 24, 2024, for the grant term of May 22, 2024 – February 24, 2025. This             grantee was approved by the TDC on September 12, 2024, in the amount of $10,000.


Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. On June 7, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) adopted Resolution R94-702, as amended, authorizing the County Administrator and/or the Executive Director of the TDC to enter into grant agreements with Category G (Sports) grantees after they have been approved by the TDC. Room nights generated for Soccer Partners America Incorporated / International Rush Cup were 1,032, and room nights generated for QuadLife Entertainment, LLC/ 2024 Fizzle Racing Hydrodrag Nationals/World Championships were 825. Countywide (YBH)


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3.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  an Agreement with the PGA TOUR ENTERPRISES, LLC. (PGA) in the amount of $1,300,000 for the term of February 4, 2025 through December 18, 2025. Summary: Approval of this Agreement establishes the expenditure of $1,300,000 in tourist development tax revenues for presenting sponsor rights, requiring “in the Palm Beaches” to be included in the official tournament name (i.e., Cognizant Classic in the Palm Beaches). Since 1972, PGA has produced an annual Professional Golf Association Tournament featuring professional golfers with which PGA has agreements for participation at PGA National Resort in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.  The 2025 tournament will be played at PGA National Resort, from February 24, 2025 through March 2, 2025.  The Agreement provides for an initial payment of $650,000 to be paid on or before February 21, 2025, and the remainder being paid on or before April 17, 2025. PGA will be responsible for all activities and services regarding the planning, organization, production, and operation of the tournament and shall be responsible for the full cost of such activities and services.  The Agreement also requires PGA to provide the County with certain deliverables such as, branding placement, media presence, and activations hosted by the Tourist Development Council, Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Inc. (Sports), and Discover the Palm Beaches, Inc. (Discover) On November 14, 2024, the Tourist Development Council (TDC) recommended to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approval of this Agreement, with the condition that in future years, contract negotiations commence earlier and allow for tiered financial opportunities to be considered by TDC for recommendation to the BCC. This Agreement is funded through tourist development tax revenues allocated in the TDC, Sports, and Discover budgets. Countywide (YBH)   




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FEBRUARY 4, 2025



4.         SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS – 9:30 A.M.



A)        Proclamation declaring February 14, 2025 as Heart Health Awareness Day at Liberty Park Elementary School (District 3)


B)        Proclamation declaring February 2025 as Black History Month. (District 7)


C)        Proclamation declaring February 16 – 22, 2025 as National Engineers Week. (District 3)


D)        Proclamation declaring February 8, 2025 as Lion Order Gold Health and Wealth Symposium Day. (District 7)


E)        Proclamation recognizing the 50th Anniversary of the South County Mental Health Center.

(District 4)


F)        Proclamation declaring February 11 – 17, 2025 as 211 Awareness Week. (District 1)


G)        Proclamation declaring March 3 – 7, 2025 as Flood Awareness Week. (District 2)


H)        Proclamation recognizing the 100th Anniversary of Florida Power & Light Company and Its Partnership with Palm Beach County. (District 1)


I)          Proclamation Honoring the Historic Eagle Scout Achievements of Four African American Youth in the Gulf Stream Council. (District 7)




* * * * * * * * * * * *


FEBRUARY 4, 2025






            A.        AIRPORTS


            1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: 


A)  Second Amendment (Second Amendment) to Term Contract for the Operation and Maintenance of Baggage Handling Systems (BHS) at the Palm Beach International Airport (PBI) (Contract No. 23-015/MD; R2023-0219) (Contract) with Oshkosh AeroTech, LLC (Oshkosh) increasing the not to exceed amount by $7,111,174.03, providing for the renewal of the Contract for one (1) additional one (1) year term, commencing February 28, 2025, and expiring on February 27, 2026, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods; 


B)  a Budget Transfer in the amount of $4,542,469, in the Airport’s Operations Fund to provide budget for the Amendment; and


C)  a Budget Amendment in the amount of $4,459,639, in the Airport’s Improvement and Development Fund to provide budget for the Amendment. 

FEBRUARY 4, 2025






A.        AIRPORTS (cont’d.)


1.         Summary: On February 7, 2023, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the Contract for the operation, maintenance and repair of the BHS and related equipment at PBI in the amount of $4,417,698.07 with an initial term of two (2) years. On May 14, 2024, the BCC approved the First Amendment to the Contract (R2024-0574), increasing the contract amount by $2,928,626.63 for a total contract amount of $7,346,324.70, which provided for replacement of two (2) baggage claim carousel units. The Contract expires on February 27, 2025, with the option to renew for three (3) additional one (1) year periods. The Second Amendment exercises the first renewal term, commencing on February 28, 2025, and expiring on February 27, 2026, and increases the contract amount by $7,111,174.03 for a total contract amount of $14,457,498.73. The Second Amendment includes funding for the operation, maintenance and repair of the BHS and related equipment, including the replacement of two (2) additional baggage claim carousel units.  Airlines utilizing the BHS at PBI pay for the full cost of the system through rates and charges established annually in accordance with the Signatory Airline Agreement (R2019-1155). Oshkosh’s principal place of business is Orlando, Florida. This Contract was presented to the Goal Setting Committee on July 6, 2022, and the Committee established an Affirmative Procurement Initiative (API) of Small Business Enterprise (SBE) Evaluation Preference for SBE participation. Oshkosh committed to 17.60% SBE participation. The SBE participation for the Second Amendment is 15%.  To date, the overall participation achieved on this Contract is 15%. Pursuant to changes to Chapter 332, Florida Statutes, effective July 1, 2023, a governing body of a medium hub commercial service airport may not approve purchases of contractual services in excess of $1,000,000 on a consent agenda. The Second Amendment exceeds the threshold amount and must be approved on the regular agenda.  Countywide (AH)


FEBRUARY 4, 2025






B.        SHERIFF


1.         Staff recommends motion to approve: a Budget Transfer of $20,000,000 from the General Fund Contingency Reserves to supplement the Fiscal Year 2025 Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) General Fund Budget for expenses incurred by PBSO for protection activities directly associated with President-elect Donald J. Trump.  Summary:  Unbudgeted extraordinary law enforcement personnel costs have been incurred by PBSO for protection activities directly associated with President-elect Donald J. Trump.  The agency has incurred approximately $13,000,000 in overtime expense for protection activities worked by PBSO personnel through November 10, 2024.  An additional $32,000,000 in overtime expense is estimated to be incurred through September 30, 2025.  PBSO has made official requests for federal assistance to cover these costs.  However, reimbursements for presidential protection activities will not be received until the next fiscal year.  In the interim, contingency funding is necessary to provide for these expenses.  This budget transfer will fully exhaust the FY 2025 budgeted contingency reserves.  As part of the midyear budget amendment, the County will transfer the additional $25,000,000 to cover the estimated costs for the remainder of the fiscal year, per the original request from PBSO.  The contingency reserves will then be replenished with any additional funds that are available at that time.  Once federal reimbursements for the presidential protection activities are received, the County will use those funds to replenish General Fund reserves Countywide (RS)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff requests Board direction: FY 2026 Strategic Priorities and Budget.  Summary: On January 7 and January 14, 2025, staff presented to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) an overview of the Cross Departmental Teams (CDTs) on each of the County’s current seven (7) strategic priorities:  Economic Development, Housing Development, Unsheltered Residents, Environmental Protection, Infrastructure, Public Safety, and Substance Use and Behavioral Disorders.  On January 28, 2025, staff presented an overview of the FY 2025 Budget and budget projections for FY 2026 - FY 2029.  During these presentations, ideas were discussed, but direction for the strategic priorities and the FY 2026 Budget was not provided.  Staff is requesting BCC direction on maintaining or modifying the strategic priorities, and items that the BCC would like to see included in the FY 2026 Budget. Countywide (DB)

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: staff’s report regarding the development of the Cam D. Milani Park project.  Summary: During its January 28, 2025 workshop meeting, while receiving a presentation from staff on the matter of open capital improvement projects, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) directed staff to return at the next BCC regular meeting with an overview of the current status of the Cam D. Milani Park project.  This agenda seeks to fulfill BCC direction. The Cam D. Milani Park project has been over 35 years in the making. The approximately 5.29 acres of oceanfront property, located at 4705 S. Ocean Boulevard, Highland Beach, was originally bought by Cam D. Milani with intentions to develop the property with multifamily units. Developing the oceanfront property with multi-family units has been a matter of strong opposition and legal contention with the Town of Highland Beach (Town). After years of disputes with the Town and failed oceanfront development opportunities, Mrs. Lucia Milani decided to sell the oceanfront property to Palm Beach County (County) on the condition that the property became a park named after her late husband, Cam D. Milani. On May 12, 1987, the BCC approved two (2) purchase and sale agreements (PSAs) for the acquisition of the oceanfront property to development of a public access beach park. The proposal for a public access beach park, henceforth referred to as the Cam D. Milani Park, was also met with strong opposition from the Town and has been the subject of legal actions in three (3) instances over the past several decades. On May 18, 2010, the County and the Town entered into a stipulated settlement agreement and addendum (SSAA) leading to the dismissal of the then current legal action between the Town and the County whereby the legality of some of the conditions of the Development Order issued by the Town was being challenged. Under the SSAA, the County is required to construct the Cam D. Milani Park in compliance with a Development Order approved by the Town, which includes 43 conditions of approval. Through the SSA, the County and the Town agreed that the development of the Cam D. Milani Park would be postponed for a period of ten (10) years with the County having, at its sole discretion, the right to extend the postponement for two (2) additional periods of five (5) years each, for a maximum postponement of up to 20 years. On October 22, 2019, the County notified the Town that it was exercising its first five (5)-year option to postpone.  On July 27, 2023, the County notified the Town that it was initiating the design and permitting for the County Park, and that it would contact the Town in the near future for further coordination.

FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         SUMMARY (cont’d.): On April 17, 2024, the County notified the Town of its intent to resume development of the Cam D. Milani Park. On May 7, 2024, during a regular meeting of the BCC and following extensive discussion as a result of comments made by the public, County staff was directed to proceed without further delay with project development as per the approved SSAA. On September 26, 2024, the BCC approved a contract with Brooks + Scarpa Architects, Inc. (B+S) for the provision of professional architectural/engineering design, permitting and construction administration services for the project. Condition No. 10 of the SSAA required the County to apply for National Register of Historical Places (NRHP) designation within one (1) year of its notice of intent to resume development.  On July 25, 2024 the County submitted its application to NRHP nominating 2.319 acres on the southern portion of the Highland Beach Site. On November 15, 2024, the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources issued a determination confirming that the archeological site under the SSAA is eligible for listing in the NRHP. The SSAA also requires the County to conduct a Cultural Resource Assessment Survey (CRAS), which must be included in the final design documents to be submitted to the Town and which shall serve, amongst another matters, to inform the design effort for the Cam D. Milani Park. The County retained Archeological and Historical Conservancy, Inc. (AHCI) to provide the archeological services required under the SSAA which services shall extend from the design phase to end of construction. AHCI is collaborating with B+S to ensure that the design proceeds in full compliance with the requirements of the SSAA, inclusive of archeological considerations. The SSAA imposes clear deadlines that the County must meet, inclusive of some related to archeological efforts; missing any of said deadlines could jeopardize development of the Cam D. Milani Park. Delivery of the Cam D. Milani Park as per the SSAA is a matter of meeting parks’ countywide level of service as it relates to beach access facilities. Design is currently underway as per the approved site plan contained in the SSAA, which provides for 100 parking spaces on the west parcel and for beach access park amenities (e.g., trails, lifeguard tower) on the east parcel. (Capital Improvements Division) District 4 (MWJ)


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FEBRUARY 4, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file: the updated Board Directive Reports which include in process and completed board directive items. Summary: At the February 6, 2018 Board of County Commissioners Meeting, direction was given to the County Administrator to submit monthly a status report of the board directives. The report categorizes: 1) In Process Items, and 2) Completed Items. The report continues to be updated on an ongoing basis. Countywide (DC)











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FEBRUARY 4, 2025



9.         MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M.





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FEBRUARY 4, 2025





"If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he will need a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based."



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