March 11, 2025
8:00 am
MARCH 11, 2025
MOTION/TITLE / (HFA) / Staff recommends motion to approve:
the reappointment of five (5) members to the
Health Facilities Authority (HFA) for the term of April 1, 2025 to April 30,
Jerry Fedele Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. James Howell Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. Eugenia Millender Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. Gerald Robinson Mayor
Powell Jr.
James Sugarman Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
98 6D-5 *ADD-ON - Staff
recommends motion to:
A) approve receipt of a grant award of $2,250,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Community
Project Funding (CPF) from the United States Department of Housing and Urban
Development (HUD), as directed by Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, for
the development of workforce and affordable housing (Grant No. B-24-CP-FL-0580);
approve a Budget
Amendment in the amount of $2,250,000 in the Community Project Fund to
recognize the grant award;
C) approve a CPF funding
allocation of $2,250,000 to Davis Commons, LLC, subject to successful contract
D) authorize staff to
negotiate the funding agreement with Davis Commons, LLC; and
E) delegate
authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to act as Authorized
Representative for purposes of grant submittal, execute the grant application
and certifications, grant agreement with HUD, amendments thereto, and all other
documents necessary for grant implementation that do not substantially change
the scope of work, terms, or conditions of the Project.
March 11, 2025
8:00 am
MARCH 11, 2025
98 6D-5 *ADD-ON
(cont’d.) / Summary: On October 26, 2024, Palm Beach County
received a grant award letter from HUD advising of a $2,250,000 FY 2024
CPF grant (B-24-CP-FL-0580). The grant
resulted from a Federal appropriations request submitted by Congresswoman Sheila
Cherfilus-McCormick on behalf of Palm Beach County. The CPF grant must be used
for the development of workforce and affordable housing. Staff proposes that
the CPF grant be allocated towards construction of Davis Commons (the Project),
a 20-unit for-sale townhome development to be located at 4462 – 4493 Davis
Road, unincorporated Lake Worth Beach.
All townhomes are three (3) bedrooms, 1,600 square feet with a garage,
and will be sold to homebuyers with incomes no greater than 120% of Area Median
Income. The Project will be deed
restricted to remain affordable in perpetuity via the land trust model. The
Project developer is Davis Commons LLC, a partnership between local
not-for-profit organizations Community Partners of South Florida and the
Community Land Trust of Palm Beach County and the Treasure Coast. On September 13, 2022 (#6D-1) the Board of
County Commissioners approved a State Housing Investment Partnership (SHIP)
award of $2,000,000 to Davis Commons, LLC.
At the time, the Project total development cost was $7.5 Million,
including a construction budget of $5 Million. Subsequently, the Project
experienced a construction cost increase to $8.5 Million, due both to general
construction price escalation and to additional site work and infrastructure
requirements identified during the development review process. Total development cost of the Project is now
$10.77 Million. Other sources of
development funding for the Project include a construction loan from the
Housing Finance Authority of Palm Beach County, and grant funding from JP
Morgan Chase, Neighbor Works, the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and
Martin Counties. The proposed CPF funds will complete necessary development
funding and enable the Project to move forward.
Delegation of signatory authority is necessary to expedite the
obligation of these Federal funds, including authority for staff to act as
Authorized Representative to submit the grant application and certifications in
HUD’s online grant management system, and to execute the grant agreement with
HUD, and related documents. Given recent
actions at HUD to recapture unobligated funds, it is necessary for the Board to
consider this item today to expedite the obligation of the CPF funds and avoid
risk of recapture. These are Federal
CPF grant funds which require no local match. District 3
105 6G-3 *DELETED –
pulled by staff for further review. (FDO)
106 6G-4 *DELETED – pulled
by staff for further review. (FDO)
NOTE: Items that were revised, added, deleted, or
backup submitted and were not listed on the preliminary addition/deletion sheet
distributed to the Board the prior day are noted with an asterisk (*).
* * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
A. Roll
B. Invocation
C. Pledge
of Allegiance
A. Additions,
Deletions, Substitutions
B. Adoption
AGENDA (Pages 14 - 81)
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS - 9:30 A.M. (Pages 83 -
87 )
AGENDA (Pages 88 - 108)
COMMENTS (Page 110)
9. BCC
COMMENTS (Page 111)
BY THE PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M. (Page
11. ADJOURNMENT (Page 113)
* * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 14
3B-1 Warrant
3B-2 Contracts
and claims settlements list
3B-3 Change
orders, work task orders, minor contracts, final payments, etc.
Page 14
3C-1 Amendment
to the Infrastructure Surtax Project Plan.
Page 15
3C-2 Adopt
a Resolution to the Local Agency Program Agreement with FDOT for the
construction of Cresthaven Blvd. project.
Page 16
3C-3 Change
Order No. 3 with Russo Site Development, Inc. for a retroactive Contract time
extension for the Oswego Avenue to Okechobee Blvd. Multi-use Trail and
Pedestrian Lighting project.
Page 17
3C-4 Work
Order 2024050-45 with M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. to mill and resurface
Garden Road from Bee Line Highway.
Page 18
3C-5 Work
order 2024050-36 with M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. to mill and resurface
Lantana Road.
Page 19
3C-6 Work
Order 2024050-29 with M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. to mill and resurface
Congress Avenue.
3C-7 Resolution
designating Parcel 103 as road-right-of-way for intersection improvement at
Okeechobee Blvd. and Haverhill Road.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 20
3D-1 Settlement
Agreement in the personal injury action styled Hannah Rumrill.
Page 21
3D-2 An
additional extension to Contract for Professional Legal Service with LaBovick,
P.A., and Third Amendment to extend the Contract for an additional time period.
Page 22
3D-3 Settlement
in the eminent domain action styled Swordfish Properties Corp.
Page 22
3E-1 Sixth
Amendment with the Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils and Trusts, Inc. for
the utilization of the SAMIS database.
Page 23
3E-2 Standard
Agreement with the Area Agency on Aging of Palm Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. to
provide in-home and community-based services to older adults.
Page 24 - 25
3E-3 First
Amendments to Subrecipient agreements for the Ryan White Program HIV/AIDS Part
A with The Poverello Center, Inc. to increase the amount for food bank/food
delivered meals; and Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. for core and medical
support services.
Page 26 - 27
3E-4 Retroactive
Subrecipient Agreements for the Ending the HIV Epidemic with FoundCare, Inc.
for Rapid Entry to Care Services; with Monarch Health Services, Inc. for REC
Services; with Broward Regional Health Planning Council for Health Insurance
Premium Services; and with CAN Community Health, Inc. for REC Services.
Page 28
3E-5 Board
appointment of two (2) members to the Veteran Services Advisory Board.
Page 29 - 30
3E-6 Notice
of Awards from U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services for new and existing
programs to continue improving health outcomes for clients with HIV/AIDS; and
for a federal grant program focused on reducing new HIV Infections.
Page 31
3E-7 Board
reappointment of two (2) members to the Palm Beach County HIV Comprehensive AIS
Resources Emergency Act Council.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 32
3F-1 License Agreement with PopStroke West Palm
Beach, LLC for the use of two (2) parcels of land at the PBI for overflow
3F-2 License Agreement with Gitibin and Associates,
LLC for overflow parking of rental cars on a parking area at PBI.
Page 33
3F-3 Contract with The Morganti Group, Inc. for
Facility Improvements at PBI.
Page 34
3F-4 Public Transportation Grant Agreement
Financial Project with FDOT for the design of security fencing improvements at
the Palm Beach County Glades Airport.
Page 35
3G-1 Quarterly
Report for Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County.
3G-2 Negotiated settlement for the full satisfaction
of code compliance lien against Aren E. McWatters and Casey McWatters.
3G-3 Negotiated
settlement for the full satisfaction of code compliance lien against Tracy
Page 36
3H-1 Change
Order No. 50 with Hedrick Brothers Construction Co., Inc. for the Detention
Facilities Renewal/Replacement – Main Detention Center East and South Tower R/R
project to increase the number of days.
Page 37
3H-2 License
Agreement for use of County-Owned Property adjacent to the County Stockade with
South Florida Fair and Palm Beach Expositions, Inc. for parking by the public
and PBSO.
3H-3 First
Amendment with the Village of Palm Springs to extend the term of the Agreement
for direct access to the County’s Public Safety Radio System.
Page 38
3H-4 First
Amendment with the Village of Palm Springs to extend the term of the Agreement
for radio maintenance service.
Page 39
3H-5 First
Amendment with the City of Fort Lauderdale to extend the term of the Agreement
for interoperable radio communications; and with the Health Care District of
Palm Beach County to extend the term of the Agreement for interoperable radio
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 40
3H-6 Amendment
No. 2 with Jupiter Stadium, Ltd. establishing certain Non-Eligible Costs.
Page 41
3H-7 Agreements
with multiple participants to allow interoperable communications through the
Countywide Emergency Medical Services and common talk groups.
Page 42
3I-1 Budget Transfer and Budget Amendment in the
Housing and Economic Sustainability Fund for the improvements at Haverhill
Page 43
3I-2 Budget Transfer and Budget Amendment in the
Housing and Economic Sustainability Fund to allocate funds to redevelopment of
the Lake Worth West Community Center project.
Page 44
3I-3 Budget Transfer and Budget Amendment in the
Housing and Economic Sustainability Fund to allocate funds for Phase II of the
renovations at the Belle Glade Intake and Assessment Center project.
Page 45 - 46
3I-4 Resolution approving the issuance of
Housing Finance Authority Calusa Pointe II Multifamily Housing Revenue Bonds.
Page 47
3I-5 Executed documents in connection with a
loan made to Kiss Kitchens, LLC under the HUD Section 108 Loan Program.
Page 48
3J-1 Resolution
encouraging municipalities, stakeholders, interested state agencies and other
taxing authorities to engage in a Countywide Transportation Master Plan.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 49
3K-1 Subcordination
of County Utility Interests to FDOT for a portion of easements recorded in the
Official Records of Palm Beach County necessary for highway purposes.
Page 50 - 51
3K-2 Contract
with Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. for the South County Reclaimed Water
Transmission Pipeline Phase IB project; and CSA No. 5 with Chen Moore and
Associates, Inc. for the South County Reclaimed Water Transmission Pipeline –
Phase 1 project.
Page 52
3K-3 Standard
Potable Water and Wastewater Development Agreements.
Page 53
3K-4 Request
to pursue funding from FDEP for the Golfview Heights of Westgate Water Main
Replacement project.
Page 54
3L-1 Amendment
No. 2 to FDEP Funding Agreement to extend the term and provide updates to the
standard terms and conditions on Juno Beach Nourishment.
3L-2 Amendment
No. 1 to FDEP Funding Agreement to extend the term and provide updates to the
standard terms and conditions on Coral Cove Dune Nourishment.
Page 55
3L-3 Emergency
Work Order 0780-01 with Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC providing for dune
restoration services for Singer Island Dune Restoration project.
Page 56
3L-4 Amendment
No. 2 to FDEP Funding Agreement to extend the term and provide updates to the
standard terms and conditions on Ocean Ridge Shore Protection project.
3L-5 Amendment
No.1 to FDEP Funding Agreement to extend the term and provide updates to the
standard terms and conditions on Singer Island Dune Nourishment.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 57
3M-1 Executed Entertainment Contracts with Richard
Benjamin for Legends on the Lawn; Flagraiser Enterprises, Inc. for Carlin Park
After Dark; and Jacob Allen Nicholson for Legends on the Lawn.
3M-2 Executed Agreement with Insomniac Holdings
LLC for Cyclops Cove 3 event at Sunset Cove Amphitheater.
Page 58
3M-3 Executed Special Events Rental Agreements
with Quadlife Entertainment LLC for the 2024 Fizzle Racing HydroDrags Nationals
event; and FAE Festivals LLC for the Palm Beach Celtic Winter Faire event.
3M-4 Executed Sound and Light Production Service
Contractor Agreements with Sanderford Sound, Inc. for Cyclops Cove 3 and Carlin
Park After Dark.
Page 59
3M-5 Executed Standard Resident Caretaker Lease
Agreement with Joyce A. Johnson.
3M-6 Executed
Independent Contractor Agreement with Team Services Florida, LLC for providing
sports officiating services.
Page 60
3N-1 Request
to write-off uncollectible lost/damaged library materials charges, etc. from
2018 through 2019.
Page 61
3Q-1 First
Amendment with Public Defender’s Office of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit to
extend the term.
Page 62
3Q-2 Ratify
the Mayor’s signature on Grant Application to fund the Palm Beach County
Reentry Program.
Page 63
3R-1 Labor-Management
Bargaining Agreement with Communication Workers of America for 2024 through
3R-2 Contract
Lincoln Financial Group’s Application for Group Fixed Annuity on behalf of
Bencor, Inc. for the final stage of implementation of the 401 (a) Special Pay
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 64
3S-1 Side
Agreement with the Professional Firefighters/Paramedics of Palm Beach County to
amend Article 2 with updated position titles.
3S-2 Blood
Exchange Program Agreement with St. Mary’s Medical Center, Inc. to promote the
desire to maintain an optimal stock of Blood Products for the County.
Page 65
3S-3 Agreement
with Canine Search Specialist, Structures Specialists and Medical Team Managers
to participate on the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue Urban Search and Rescue
Task Force.
Page 66
3U-1 Rescind
an Interlocal Agreement and approve a replacement Interlocal Agreement with the
Village of Palm Springs for network services and disaster recovery server
hosting services.
Page 67
3U-2 Rescind
an Interlocal Agreement and approve a replacement Interlocal Agreement with the
Town of Lantana for network services for updated contract terms.
Page 68
3U-3 Executed
Standard Interlocal Agreement with the Town of Hypoluxo for assignment of
property data and development of annual assessments for Palm Beach County
Non-Ad Valorem Districts-Sewer Assessment.
Page 69
3X-1 Contract
with Rebel Recovery Florida Inc. to provide peer support services for Family
Treatment Court.
Page 70
3X-2 Agreements
with governmental agencies for reimbursement for medical equipment purchases
from EMS Grant funding.
Page 71
3X-3 Hurricane
Milton Declarations for State of Emergency and Reentry Order.
Page 72
3X-4 Executed
Judicial Inquiry System Interagency Agreement with the Office of the State of
Courts Administrator to utilize the FDLE data sharing network; and executed
DHSMV Access Certificate Statement.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 73
3AA-1 Agreement with the Lakes of Delray, Inc. for
the provision of transportation services.
3AA-2 Resolution approving the Federal Transit Administration mandated
annual update of the Public Transit Agency Safety Plan.
Page 74
3CC-1Budget Transfer
from LETF to purchase Homeland Security Software.
3CC-2 Budget Transfer from LETF to purchase and equip a new unmarked sport
utility vehicle for Special Operations.
Page 75 - 76
3CC-3 Budget Transfer from LETF to aid PBSO and
qualified organizations.
Page 76
3CC-4 Interlocal Agreement with Port of Palm Beach
District to implement Enhanced Coastal Surveillance Camera Integrated System
Page 77
3CC-5 Revised Grant Award for UASI to extend the
3CC-6 Grant Modifications to supplement funds for FY
2024 High Intensity Drug Trafficking Area grant.
Page 78
3CC-7 TJX Law Enforcement Grant Award to purchase
surveillance equipment.
Page 78
3DD-1 Audit Report for Housing and Economic
Development Grant Monitoring of Community Development Block Grant Awarded
Funding Contracts.
Page 79
Executed Category “G” Grant Agreements with Maureen Connolly Brinker Tennis
Foundation, Inc. and Foster Events Group, LLC.
Page 80
Request authorization for Mayor to sign a letter to Executive Director of
SunFest of Palm Beach County, Inc. terminating the 2025 Category B Grant
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 80
Fiscal Year 2025 Quarter One S/M/WBE participation report.
Page 81
Reappointment of five (5) members to the Health Facilities Authority.
Page 82
4A Literacy Americorps Week
4B Certificate of Congratulations Fire
Rescue Rapid Intervention Team
4C Let’s Move Month
4D Ethics Awareness Month
4E Social Work Month
4F Grant Professionals Day
4G Brain Injury Awareness Month
4H Women’s Art Week
4I Florida Bicycle Month
4J Women’s
History Month
4K Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Month
4L National Agriculture Day
4M John Fischer Day
4N Government Finance Professionals Week
Page 83
5A-1 Issuance of a Special Secondary Service
Provider Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity to Universal
Protection Service, LLC for the gated community of Delaire Country Club.
Page 84 - 85
5B-1 Resolution authorizing the signing and
submission of the Grant Application to FDOT for the purchase of seven (7)
paratransit vehicles.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 86 - 87
5C-1 Resolution approving Fiscal Year 2025
Mid-Year Budget Amendments and Transfers.
Page 88
6A-1 Potential amendments to the Board of County
Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida Rules of Procedure.
6A-2 Request approval of proposed tool to conduct
Performance Evaluations of Contractual Employees.
Page 89
6B-1 Renewal of the excess property, liability,
workers’ compensation insurance programs and ancillary policies for 2025
through 2026.
Page 90
6C-1 Amendment with DCF to increase the grant
award for enhanced service provision to address homelessness for individuals
and families.
Page 91 - 92
6D-1 Housing Initiative Program award for One
North Lake Apartments project.
Page 93 - 94
6D-2 Housing Initiative Program award for Westgate
Terrace Apartments project.
Page 95 - 96
6D-3 General Obligation Housing Bond Loan Program
award to Village of Valor project.
Page 97
6D-4 Extension of a deadline for conceptually
approved Housing Bond Loan Program for Drexel Road Senior Apartments project.
Page 98 - 99
6D-5 Grant Award from HUD for the development
of workforce and affordable housing.
MARCH 11, 2025
Page 100
6E-1 Interlocal Agreement with the City of Belle
Glade providing for annexation of an enclave, known as the South Main Street
Page 101 - 102
6F-1 Contract with Gerelco Traffic Controls, Inc.
for the Transit Signal Priority and Emergency Vehicle Preemption Hardware and
Page 103
6G-1 Amendment No. 6 with D. Stephenson
Constructin, Inc. to establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price for the
pre-purchase phase of the PBSO Data Center project.
Page 104
6G-2 Resolution with Closter arms, Inc. for the
continued use of County-owned land for sugarcane production.
Page 105
6G-3 Lease Agreement with MG Congress, LLC for a
portion of property for Palm Tran connection paratransit operations.
Page 104 – 105
6G-4 Conceptual Operational Strategy for the
provision of temporary housing services, and Purchase Agreement for hotel.
Page 108
6H-1 Fiscal Year 2024 Annual S/M/WBE participation
Page 108
6I-1 Request approval for preliminary reading
and permission to advertise an Ordinance for the repeal of the local of Local
Government Infrastructure Surtax.
MARCH 11, 2025
7A-1 Appointment
of one (1) member to the Groundwater and Natural Resources Protection Board.
COMMENTS (Page 110)
2:00 P.M. (Page 112)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff
recommends motion to receive and file:
Warrant List – Backup information can be viewed in the Clerk &
Comptroller’s Office.
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Contracts (regular) and claim settlements list
as submitted by various departments to the Clerk & Comptroller’s
Office. Countywide
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file:
change orders, work task orders, minor contracts, final payments and
other items approved by the Contract Review Committee and by the department
heads for the Engineering Department; Facilities Development and Operations
Department; Water Utilities Department; Environmental Resources Management
Department; and the Department of Airports during January 2025. Countywide
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
A) an Amendment
to the Infrastructure Surtax (IST) Project Plan approved by the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) on April 4, 2017, as amended on January 4, 2022, to
increase the budget by $400,000, from $650,000 to $1,050,000, for the Lantana
Road and Congress Avenue Signal (Project); and
B) a Budget
Transfer of $400,000 within the IST Fund from the Engineering and Public Works
Department’s (EPW) IST Reserves to increase the budget for the Project.
Approval of the Amendment and Budget Transfer will increase the funding
for the Project from $650,000 to $1,050,000. The IST Project Plan currently
funds the Project at $650,000 in FY2022 and FY2023 to upgrade the existing span
wire signal with a mast arm signal. The design was recently completed and the
estimate updated. The request for
additional funding to be used in FY2025 is due to escalating construction
costs. The $400,000 will be transferred from the EPW’s IST Reserves to the IST
Fund. The Sales Tax Oversight Committee
reviewed this request at their February 20, 2025 meeting and approved it
unanimously. This project is funded by
the infrastructure sales tax. Districts
2 & 3 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
& PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)
2. Staff
recommends motion to:
adopt a Resolution
approving the Local Agency Program (LAP) agreement (Agreement) with the State
of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) for the construction of
Cresthaven Boulevard from Jog Road to South Military Trail (Project);
B) approve the LAP Agreement for FDOT to provide a LAP grant in the amount of
$3,792,550 for the construction of the Project, commencing upon execution of
the Agreement by FDOT with an expiration date of June 30, 2027;
adopt a Resolution
delegating to the County Administrator or designee the authority to sign
additional forms, certifications, contracts/agreements, amendments, and any
other necessary documents related to the Project’s LAP grant that do not
substantially change the scope of work, terms or conditions of the Agreement;
D) approve a Budget Amendment of $3,792,550 in the Transportation Improvement Fund to recognize the Agreement funding
from the FDOT and appropriate it to the Project.
SUMMARY: Approval of
the Agreement, delegation of authority, and Budget Amendment will allow Palm
Beach County (County) to receive a grant of $3,792,550 for the Project with a
current estimated construction cost of $7,535,014. The Project will construct buffered bike
lanes on both sides of Cresthaven Boulevard, upgrade traffic signals, mill and
resurface pavement, and add pedestrian bridges, drainage components, and ADA
compliant curb ramps. The local match is $3,742,464 which is
49.7% of the estimated Project cost.
The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) number for this grant
is 20.205 Highway Planning and Construction.
This Project is included in the Five-Year Road Program. District 3 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
& PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Change
Order No. 3 to the contract (Contract) dated August 22, 2023 (R2023-1050) with
Rosso Site Development, Inc. (RSD) for a retroactive Contract time extension of
261 days to Seminole Boulevard from Oswego Avenue to Okeechobee Boulevard,
Multi-use Trail and Pedestrian Lighting - Federalized (Project). SUMMARY: Approval of Change Order No. 3
will retroactively adjust the Contract time to account for the delay in
procuring decorative light poles due to nationwide supply chain challenges, as
authorized per Specification 8-7.3.2 of the Contract. The delay was caused by factors beyond the
control of both the manufacturer and RSD.
RSD provided documentation that the order for the light poles was made
in a timely manner. The light poles were
ordered March 11, 2024 and were delivered on November 27, 2024, resulting in a
delay of 261 days. Per PPM CW-F-050, the
total of this Change Order exceeds allowable time extensions relating to staff
approvals of change orders to contracts and requires approval by the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC). The Contract
was approved August 22, 2023, in the amount of $1,747,759.49. Previous change orders totaling $57,108.46
bring the total Contract amount to $1,804,867.95. Prior to Change Order No. 3, previous change
orders adjusted the Contract completion date to July 11, 2024. With the retroactive time extension
associated with this Change Order, the new revised completion deadline is March
29, 2025. However, construction was substantially completed on December 3,
2024. Because this Project is funded by
a Federal grant (R2022-0916) through the Florida Department of Transportation
Local Agency Program, the Equal Business Opportunity Ordinance is not
applicable. District 7 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
& PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)
4. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Work Order 2024050-45 in the amount of $457,000 to mill and resurface
Garden Road from Bee Line Highway to Investment Lane utilizing Palm Beach
County’s (County) annual asphalt milling and resurfacing contract R2024-0746
(Contract) with M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. d/b/a All County Paving
(M&M).SUMMARY: Per County PPM CW-F-050, this work order exceeds the
$300,000 threshold for staff approvals of work orders to annual contracts, thus
requiring approval from the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Approval of this work order will allow the
contractual services necessary to mill and resurface two (2) miles of Garden
Road’s two (2) lanes. This Contract is one (1) of three (3) contracts with an
available cumulative total of $70,000,000 for the annual asphalt milling and
resurfacing program. Prior to this meeting date, approximately $6,000,000 of
the $70,000,000 M&M Contract that was approved on July 2, 2024, has been
spent or encumbered. This Contract was presented to the Goal Setting Committee
on December 16, 2023 and the Committee established an Affirmative Procurement
Initiative (API) of a 10% minimum mandatory Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
participation. The proposed SBE participation for this work order is 14.50%. To
date, the overall SBE participation achieved on this Contract is 7.90%. This
project is funded by the infrastructure sales tax. The budget for the improvements includes
striping and marking costs of $40,000 bringing the total fiscal impact to
$497,000. District 7 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
& PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)
5. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Work Order 2024050-25 in the amount of
$500,000 to mill and resurface Lantana Road from I-95 to US-1 utilizing Palm
Beach County’s (County) annual asphalt milling and resurfacing contract
R2024-0746 (Contract) with M&M Asphalt Maintenance, Inc. d/b/a All County
Paving (M&M). SUMMARY: Per
County PPM CW-F-050, this work order exceeds the $300,000 threshold for staff
approvals of work orders to annual contracts, thus requiring approval from the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC).
Approval of this work order will allow the contractual services
necessary to mill and resurface one (1) mile of Lantana Road’s five (5) lanes.
This Contract is one (1) of three (3) contracts with an available cumulative
total of $70,000,000 for the annual asphalt milling and resurfacing program.
Prior to this meeting date, approximately $6,000,000 of the $70,000,000 M&M
Contract that was approved on July 2, 2024, has been spent or encumbered. This
Contract was presented to the Goal Setting Committee on December 16, 2023 and
the Committee established an Affirmative Procurement Initiative (API) of a 10%
minimum mandatory Small Business Enterprise (SBE) participation. The proposed
SBE participation for this work order is 12.20%. To date, the overall SBE
participation achieved on this Contract is 7.90%. This project is funded by the infrastructure sales tax. The budget for the improvements includes
striping and marking costs of $50,000 bringing the total fiscal impact to
$550,000. District 7 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
& PUBLIC WORKS (cont’d.)
6. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Work Order 2024050-29 in the amount of $724,000 to mill and resurface
Congress Avenue from Yamato Road to Clint Moore Road utilizing Palm Beach County’s (County) annual asphalt milling
and resurfacing contract R2024-0746 (Contract) with M&M Asphalt
Maintenance, Inc. d/b/a All County Paving (M&M). SUMMARY: Per County PPM CW-F-050, this
work order exceeds the $300,000 threshold for staff approvals of work orders to
annual contracts, thus requiring approval from the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC). Approval of this
work order will allow the contractual services necessary to mill and resurface
one (1) mile of Congress Avenue’s six (6) lanes. This Contract is one (1) of
three (3) contracts with an available cumulative total of $70,000,000 for the
annual asphalt milling and resurfacing program. Prior to this meeting date,
approximately $6,000,000 of the $70,000,000 M&M Contract that was approved
on July 2, 2024, has been spent or encumbered. This Contract was presented to
the Goal Setting Committee on December 16, 2023 and the Committee established
an Affirmative Procurement Initiative (API) of a 10% minimum mandatory Small
Business Enterprise (SBE) participation. The proposed SBE participation for this work order is 11.30%. To
date, the overall SBE participation achieved on this Contract is 7.90%. The budget for the improvements includes
striping and marking costs of $70,000 bringing the total fiscal impact to
$794,000. District 4 (YBH)
7. Staff recommends
motion to adopt: a Resolution designating Parcel 103, a
Palm Beach County (County) owned property of approximately 973 square feet
(0.022 acres) in Section 26, Township 43 South, Range 42 East (Property) as
road right-of-way for the intersection improvements at Okeechobee Boulevard and
Haverhill Road (Project); and providing for an effective date. SUMMARY: Adoption of the Resolution will designate the Property as road
right-of-way for the Project to add an exclusive northbound right turn
lane, extend the existing dual
northbound left turn lanes, remove the southbound left turn lane to Pineaire
Lane, and provide a southbound U-Turn at Pine Cone Lane. The Property is needed
to accommodate a new sidewalk and ramp. The
Property is currently under the control of the County’s Water Utilities
Department (WUD) and was acquired on June 8, 1976 as part of a larger parcel (approximately 27,499 square feet) for a WUD
lift station, recorded in the Official Records Book 2547, page 1185. District
2 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
Settlement Agreement, inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs, in the total
amount of $100,000 in the personal injury action styled HANNAH RUMRILL V.
PALM BEACH COUNTY, Case No: 502023CA004769XXXXMB. Summary:This is a personal injury
lawsuit against the County for damages arising from injuries sustained by
Hannah Rumrill (Plaintiff) on August 3, 2022 at Coconut Cove Waterpark and
Community Center, 20130 Regional Park Drive, Boca Raton, FL 33498 (the
Waterpark). The Plaintiff sustained
injuries to her neck going down an unmanned waterslide and underwent emergency
surgery. Plaintiff’s subsequent medical bills total $563,116.72. Palm Beach County has entered into an
agreement to settle the lawsuit with the Plaintiff in the total amount of
$100,000 inclusive of attorney’s fees and costs, pending approval by the Palm
Beach County Board of County Commissioners. Countywide (NWB)
MARCH 11, 2025
ATTORNEY (cont’d.)
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
approve and determine,
pursuant to Section 2-54 of the Palm Beach County Procurement/Purchasing Code,
that an additional twelve (12) month extension, from April 1, 2025 through
March 31, 2026, to Contract for Professional Legal Services (Contract) with
LaBovick & LaBovick, P.A., dba LaBovick Law Group (Outside Counsel), is
beneficial to the interest, health, safety or welfare of the County; and
approve Third Amendment to
the Contract with Outside Counsel to extend the Contract for an additional 12
month period from April 1, 2025 through March 31, 2026. No payment shall be
made by the County; however, Outside Counsel is entitled to retain any
interest, penalties, postage and/or attorney’s fees and costs that may be paid
by insurers.
Summary: On
April 2, 2019, pursuant to a Request for Proposals, the County entered into the
Contract with Outside Counsel for legal services relating to personal injury
protection (PIP) insurance claims for Fire Rescue emergency transports. The
Contract term was from April 2, 2019 through March 31, 2023, with two (2)
one-year renewal options under the same terms and conditions. The First Amendment renewed the Contract
through March 31, 2024; and the Second Amendment renewed the Contract through
March 31, 2025. Staff recommends an additional 12 month extension of the
Contract pursuant to Section 2-54 of the Palm Beach County
Procurement/Purchasing Code, which permits an extension of up to 12 months when
the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) determines that such an extension is
beneficial to the interest, health, safety or welfare of the County. Outside
Counsel represents the County on an on-going basis in the statutory process to
make demand, and where appropriate file suit, against PIP insurers to maximize
the recovery of unpaid or underpaid PIP benefits for Fire Rescue auto-related
emergency transports. Outside Counsel works directly with Fire Rescue’s
emergency transport third-party billing vendor (Billing Contractor) to review
all PIP insurance claims that were not paid in full. No payments are made by
the County to Outside Counsel; however, Outside Counsel is entitled to retain
any interest, penalties, postage and/or attorney's fees and costs that may be
paid by insurers. The PIP revenue collected by Outside Counsel on the County’s
behalf significantly decreased in Fiscal Year 2024, subsequent to software
platform changes implemented by the Billing Contractor. The Billing Contractor
has represented that they are working on an update to their billing system
platform to address the issue. Furthermore, revisions to the PIP statute in
2023 limited the ability to collect attorney fees. Staff recommends this 12
month extension to the Contract to continue to review how these changes impact
the legal services and the need for such services. Countywide (SB)
MARCH 11, 2025
ATTORNEY (cont’d.)
3. Staff recommends a
motion to approve: a Settlement, in the total amount of $458,313.64, inclusive of attorney’s fees, in
the eminent domain action styled Palm Beach County v. Swordfish Properties
Corp., et al., Case No.: 502024CA005450XXXMB. Summary: Under the proposed settlement in this pending
eminent domain proceeding, compensation for Parcel 105 is $400,000, for the
purpose of the construction and improvement of Old Dixie Highway from Yamato
Road to South of Linton Boulevard in Palm Beach County. The owner’s
compensation for the parcel is 9% above the County’s appraised value of
$366,597, which was previously deposited into the registry of the 15th
Judicial Circuit Court, pursuant to the court’s grant of an Order of
Taking. Additionally, the former owner
is entitled to statutory attorney's fees of $58,313.64, for a total settlement
amount of $458,313.64, of which $91,716.64 is outstanding. There are no expert
fees or costs. This settlement will completely resolve this eminent domain
proceeding as it relates to Parcel 105. District
4 (DO)
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the Sixth Amendment to the Services and Activity
Management Information System (SAMIS) Collaborative Agreement (Agreement) with
the Florida Alliance of Children’s Councils and Trusts, Inc. (FACCT), for the
period October 1, 2021 through September 30, 2025, in an amount not-to-exceed
$32,000 annually, for the utilization of the SAMIS database. Summary: This
amendment is necessary to add two (2) required Human Trafficking Affidavits to
the Agreement. There is no change to the term of the Agreement or the
not-to-exceed amount. The Community Services Department (CSD) has utilized
SAMIS since 2010 as a member of the Statewide SAMIS Management Committee (SMC)
to manage contracts with nonprofit agencies. The SMC consists of various
Children’s Services Councils (CSCs) and other governmental entities across
Florida, who share in the cost of the system. In Fiscal Year (FY) 2024, CSD
managed agreements with nonprofit agencies for 119 unique programs totaling
$42,204,327. SAMIS allows for streamlined, paperless invoice processing, as
well as contract creation and monitoring. Both the Public Safety and Youth
Services Departments utilize SAMIS and share in the system’s costs. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
A) Standard
Agreement No. IA025-9500 for the Older Americans Act (OAA) with the Area Agency on Aging of Palm
Beach/Treasure Coast, Inc. (AAA), for the period January
1, 2025 through December 31, 2025, in an amount not-to-exceed $3,206,940, to
provide in-home and community-based services to older adults; and
an upward
Budget Amendment of $2,033,590 in the Division of Senior and Veteran Services
(DSVS) Administration Fund to align the budget to the actual grant award.
Summary: This Standard Agreement (Catalog of Federal
Domestic Assistance (CFDA 93.044, 93.045 &
93.052) allows DSVS to continue providing services under OAA Titles 3B
(supportive services), C1 (congregate meals), C2 (home-delivered meals), and 3E
(caregiver support) to eligible older adults aged 60 and older, as well as
their caregivers. The congregate meal program provides meals and nutrition
education in community settings, such as senior centers and other public and private
facilities. The home-delivered meal program provides meals and nutrition
education to homebound older adults. During calendar year 2024, 370 clients
were provided supportive services, 1,994 clients received congregate meals, 345
clients received home delivered meals and 20 clients received caregiver
support. For the calendar year 2025, 371
clients are projected to receive supportive services. 1,980 clients are
projected to receive congregate meals, 390 clients are projected to receive
home delivered meals and 18 clients are projected to receive caregiver support
services. DSVS has been receiving this
grant since 1977. The total required
County match is $340,548, which is already included in the budget. No
additional County match is required. The upward budget amendment is
necessary to align the County budget with the actual grant award. DSVS is
responsible for providing services north of Hypoluxo Road, covering all
districts except for Districts 2, 4, 5, and 7 south of Hypoluxo Rd. The Mae
Volen Center, Inc. is responsible for providing services in the areas south of
Hypoluxo Road. Countywide except for portions of Districts 2, 4, 5, and
south of Hypoluxo Road (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: First
Amendments (Amendments) to Subrecipient agreements for the Ryan White Program
HIV/AIDS Part A (RWHAP) and Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE) Initiative Program in
Palm Beach County (County) with the below-listed agencies, for the period March
1, 2024 through February 28, 2027, to increase funding by $682,819 for a new
amount not-to-exceed $4,378,570,
for the provision of services to improve health outcomes for People with HIV
A) Amendment No. 1 with The Poverello Center, Inc. (TPC) (R2024-0532) to
increase the agreement amount by $347,705 (including $47,705 in RWHAP
funding and $300,000 in EHE funding),
for a new Grant Year (GY) 2024 amount not-to-exceed $491,375, and a new three
(3) year total not-to-exceed $778,715,
for food bank/food delivered meals; and
B) Amendment No. 1 with Treasure Coast Health Council, Inc. (TCHC)
(R2024-0531) to increase the agreement amount by $335,114, for a new GY 2024
amount not to exceed $1,423,361, and a new three (3) year total not-to-exceed
$3,599,855, for core and medical support services.
Summary: These Amendments are necessary to increase
funding and continue providing core medical and support services to County
residents with HIV/AIDS. Amendment No. 1
with TPC is the sole Food Bank provider currently offering food boxes to PWH.
TPC will receive $47,705 in RWHAP funding and $300,000 in new EHE funding. EHE
funding is used to expand RWHP services when needed to address gaps within the
HIV/AIDS system of care. Only 25% of RWHAP grant funding can be spent on
support services, including food bank, and the caps for the current GY have
been reached. EHE funds are being utilized to provide food bank services to PWH
who are currently eligible but unable to receive food through RWHAP due to
funding limitations. Under RWHAP, TPC served 438 PWH in GY 2023, has served 367
PWH to date in GY 2024, and is expected to serve 2,157 PWH in GY 2024 across
all funding sources. The viral suppression rate is 90.2%. TPC has not
previously received EHE funding and is now receiving it for the first time.
MARCH 11, 2025
(cont’d.): Amendment No. 1 with TCHC is needed to provide core and medical support
services. In GY 2023, TCHC served 469 PWH, has served 416 PWH to date in GY
2024, and is expected to serve 1,102 PWH in GY 2024. The viral suppression rate
is 88.4%. The following individual is a member of the Palm Beach County Ryan
White HIV Care Council (Care Council): Ashnika Ali, an employee of Treasure
Coast Health Council. This Care Council provides no regulation, oversight,
management, or policy-setting recommendations regarding the agency contracts listed
above. Disclosure of this contractual relationship is duly noticed at public
meetings provided in accordance with the provisions of Section 2-443, of the
Palm Beach County Code of Ethics. On May 14, 2024, the BCC authorized the
County Administrator, or designee, to execute documents for this purpose.
Delegated authority process was utilized because there was insufficient time to
execute the Amendments through the regular BCC agenda process to allow
Subrecipients to fully expend grant funds by February 2025. In accordance with
County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contract agreements and grants must be
submitted by the initiating department as a receive and file agenda item. No County match is required. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Retroactive Subrecipient Agreements (Agreements) for the Ending the HIV
Epidemic (EHE): A Plan for America Initiative with the below-listed agencies
for the five (5) year period March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2030, totaling
$7,125,000, of which $1,425,000 is budgeted in Grant Year (GY) 2025, with an
anticipated annual allocation of $1,425,000 in each subsequent GY, contingent
upon a budgetary appropriation by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), and
subject to funding approval by the U.S Department of Health and Human Services
(HHS) and Health Resources Services Administration (HRSA):
A) Agreement for Rapid Entry to Care
(REC) Services with FoundCare, Inc., in an amount not-to-exceed $1,000,000, of
which $200,000 is budgeted in GY 2025, with an anticipated annual allocation of
$200,000 in each subsequent GY for the term of the Agreement;
B) Agreement for REC Services with Monarch Health Services, Inc., in an
amount not-to-exceed $375,000, of which $75,000 is budgeted in GY 2025, with an
anticipated annual allocation of $75,000 in each subsequent GY for the term of
the Agreement;
C) Agreement for Health Insurance Premium Services (HIPS) with Broward
Regional Health Planning Council in an amount not-to-exceed $5,000,000, of
which $1,000,000 is budgeted in GY 2025, with an anticipated annual allocation
of $1,000,000 in each subsequent GY for the term of the Agreement; and
D) Agreement for REC Services with CAN Community Health, Inc., in an amount
not-to-exceed $750,000, of which $150,000 is budgeted in GY 2025, with an
anticipated annual allocation of $150,000 in each subsequent GY for the term of
the Agreement.
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Summary: On January 7, 2025, the BCC ratified the Mayor’s
signature on the EHE grant application (R2025-0020). This grant focuses on
reducing HIV/AIDS infections by 90% in the United States by 2030. The funding
will allow the program to serve approximately 500 County residents with
HIV/AIDS. To support the goal of ending the epidemic, the County will use the
award to provide REC services and HIPS. In the EHE program, a total of 314
clients were engaged in care in GY 2023 across all contracted EHE agencies.
From March 1, 2024 to January 22, 2025, 205 clients have been served in GY
2024, with 92.2% of these clients actively participating in care. The viral
suppression rate currently stands at 68.3%. The following individuals are
members of the PBC HIV Care Council: Damion Baker, an employee of Monarch
Health Services, Inc.; Brittany Henry and Lilia Perez, employees of FoundCare,
Inc., and Youssef Motti, an employee of Oceana Community Health. The Care
Council provides no regulation, oversight, management, or policy-setting
recommendation regarding the agency contracts listed above. Disclosure of this
contractual relationship at a duly noticed public meeting is being provided in
accordance with the provisions of Section 2-443, of the County Code of Ethics.
No County match is required. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
5. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the
appointments of two (2) members to the Veteran Services Advisory Board (VSAB),
for a term of March 11, 2025, through September 30, 2026.
Seat No. |
Appointment |
Seat Requirement |
Recommended By |
Dale (John) Dyben Mental
Health/Substance Mayor Maria G. Marino
Use/Suicide Prevention Commissioner Gregg Weiss
Commissioner Marci Woodward
10 Eric Ducharme At-large Mayor Maria G. Marino Commissioner Gregg Weiss
Commissioner Marci Woodward
Summary: The VSAB is focused on assessing the needs of veterans in Palm Beach County
(County) and providing a more efficient coordination among service providers to
address service gaps and identified needs. On August 22, 2023, the Board
of County Commissioners (BCC) established the VSAB via Resolution 2023-1162.
The total membership for VSAB consists of no more than 11 at-large members,
representing both public and
private sector organizations whose mission is to assist veterans and their
families. Membership shall reflect the racial, ethnic, and geographic
diversity of the County. Members must have
knowledge of at least one (1) component of the support services available to
assist veterans and their dependents.
Staff conducts targeted outreach to identify candidates for
appointments, ensuring the VSAB maintains a diverse composition. The diversity
count for the eight (8) currently filled seats, is as follows:
African-American: one (1) (12%), Caucasian: five (5) (63%), and
Hispanic-American: two (2) (25%). The
gender ratio (male: female) is 6:2. Mr. Dyben and Mr. Ducharme are both
Caucasian. The staff has addressed the need to increase diversity within our
board and will continue to promote efforts to expand this Board’s diversity. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
6. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) receive and file the following Notice of Awards
(NOA) from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health
Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) as follows:
1. No. 2 H89HA00034-32-00 for
the budget period March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026, in the amount of
$1,360,361, for Grant Year (GY) 2025, for a total grant award amount of
$1,360,361, for new and existing programs to continue improving health outcomes
for clients with HIV/AlDS under the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP); and
2. No.2 UT8HA33954-06-00 for the
budget period of March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026, in the amount of
$841,600, for GY 2025, for Ending the HIV Epidemic (EHE): A Plan for America
program; a federal grant program focused on reducing new HIV Infections in the
United States by 90% by 2030; and
B) delegate authority to the County Administrator, or designee, signatory
authority on additional forms, certification, contracts/agreements and
amendments thereto, and any other necessary documents related to the RWHAP and
EHE grant programs that do not substantially change the scope of work, terms or
Summary: On January 14, 2025, HHS/HRSA
issued a partial funding NOA in the amount of $1,360,361 for the budget period
March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026. Under this grant, the program will
serve approximately 3,600 Palm Beach County (County) residents with HIV
annually through RWHAP. In GY 2023, the program served approximately 2,868
clients across all programs and initiatives, with an 87% retention rate in care
and an 84% viral suppression rate. From March 1, 2024 through January 28, 2025,
a total of 2,995 clients were served in GY 2024. The current viral suppression rate is 82.2%,
and retention in care is 84.2%. This grant allows the Community Services
Department to continue providing essential medical and support services to the
County residents with HIV/AIDS. Some of the services provided under the grant
include medical case management, medical care, pharmaceutical assistance, oral
health care, legal support services, outpatient ambulatory services, health
insurance premium assistance, and home-delivered meals through the food bank.
MARCH 11, 2025
(cont’d.): On January 7, 2025, HHS/HRSA issued a partial funding NOA in the amount
of $841,600 for the budget period March 1, 2025 through February 28, 2026. This grant focuses on reducing HIV/AIDS
infections by 90% in the United States by 2030. The funding will allow the
program to serve approximately 500 County residents living with HIV/AIDS. To
support the goal of ending the epidemic, the County will use the award to
provide Rapid Entry to Care services and Health Insurance Premium Assistance.
In the EHE program, a total of 314 clients were engaged in care in GY 2023
across all contracted EHE agencies. From March 1, 2024 through January 22,
2025, a total of 205 clients were served in Grant Year 2024, with 92.20% of
these clients actively participating in care. The current viral suppression
rate is 68.30%. No County match is required. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
7. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the reappointment of two (2)
members to the Palm Beach County HIV Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency Act
Council (HIVCC), for the term March 11, 2025 to March 10, 2028:
Seat No.: Appointment: Recommended
5 Kim
Rommel Enright HIV CARE Council
25 Tad
Joseph Fuller HIV
CARE Council
Summary: HIVCC establishes priorities for the allocation of Ryan White (RW)
HIV/AIDS Program funds within Palm Beach County (County); and develops a
comprehensive plan for the organization and delivery of health services
described in 42 U.S.C. § 300ff, et seq., that is compatible with any existing
state or local plan regarding the provision of health services to individuals
with HIV/AIDS disease. The United States Department of Health and Human
Services, through the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA),
requires the County to maintain a planning council responsible for establishing
priorities and allocating RW grant funding. The HIVCC is that Council. Federal
law requires that the planning council’s composition reflect the demographics
of individuals with HIV/AIDS in the County. At least 33% of its members must be
consumers of RW services who are not affiliated with subrecipient service
providers. The law also requires that the planning council represent designated
categories including health care providers, social service providers,
community-based organizations, local public health agencies, non-elected
community leaders, and grantees of Federal HIV programs. Per Resolution No.
2011-1560, the total membership for the HIVCC shall not exceed 33 at-large
members. The HIVCC recommends the reappointment of Ms. Kim Rommel Enright and
Mr. Tad Joseph Fuller. Ms. Enright is employed by Legal Aid Society of Palm
Beach County, Inc. This agency has a contract with the County for services;
however, HIVCC does not provide regulation, oversight, management, or
policy-setting recommendations regarding the contracts or transactions with
Legal Aid Society of Palm Beach County, Inc. Disclosure of this contractual
relationship at a duly noticed public meeting is provided in accordance with
the provisions of Section 2-443 of the County’s Code of Ethics. The diversity
count for the 22 seats that are currently filled is African-American: 11 (50%),
Caucasian: five (5) (23%), Hispanic-American: four (4) (18%) and
Asian-American: two (2) (9%). The gender ratio (male: female) is 9:13. Ms.
Enright and Mr. Fuller are Caucasian. The staff has addressed the need to
increase diversity within our boards and will continue to promote efforts to
expand this Board’s diversity. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: License Agreement (License) with PopStroke West Palm Beach, LLC
(PopStroke), commencing December 20, 2024, and expiring January 31, 2025, with
automatic monthly renewals, provided no renewal shall extend beyond March 31,
2026, for use of two (2) parcels of land at the Palm Beach International
Airport (PBI) for overflow parking in connection with PopStroke’s golf and
entertainment facility for payment of license fees totaling $7,866 per
month. Summary: PopStroke requested short-term use of two (2)
parcels adjacent to its Facility to provide parking for customers and
employees. One parcel contains approximately 8,000 square feet and the second
parcel contains approximately 40,000 square feet. Either party may terminate
the License as to one or both of the parcels. Delegation of authority for
execution of the standard form License Agreement above was approved by the
Board of County Commissioners in R2007-2070.
Countywide (AH)
2. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: License Agreement (License) with Gitibin and Associates, LLC, d/b/a Go
Rentals (Go Rentals), commencing January 9, 2025, and expiring on January 31,
2025, with automatic weekly renewals thereafter, provided no renewal shall
extend beyond April 30, 2025, for overflow parking of rental cars on a parking
area at the Palm Beach International Airport (PBI), for payment of a license
fee in the amount of $115 per week. Summary: Go Rentals requested short-term use of a
parking area for its operations at PBI.
The License provides Go Rentals the use of 39 parking spaces at PBI for
overflow parking of rental cars. Delegation
of authority for execution of the standard form County License above was
approved by the Board of County Commissioners in R2007-2070. Countywide (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Contract for Construction Manager (CM) at Risk Services
(Contract) for Facility System Improvements at the Palm Beach International
Airport (PBI) with The Morganti Group, Inc. (Morganti) for an initial term of
two (2) years with three (3), one (1) year renewal options. Summary:
The Contract provides for preconstruction and construction services for
facility system improvements at PBI. Services include procurement, project
management and construction supervision services for assigned task/work orders.
The Department of Airports (Department) issued Request for Proposals No. PB
24-6 (RFP PB 24-6) for two (2) contracts for CM at Risk Services for Facility
System Improvements at PBI on June 24, 2024. The Selection Committee
recommended the award of one (1) contract to Morganti and one (1) contract to
MOSS & Associates, LLC (MOSS).
Projects that may be assigned under the Contract include the PBI
Elevator Modernization, PBI Switchgear Replacement Phase 2, PBI Air Handler
Replacement Phase 2, and PBI Access Control System. The services provided under the Contract are
task/work order based. The specific
projects that will be assigned under the Contract will be determined at a later
date and approved in accordance with PPM CW-F-050. Morganti is based in Danbury, Connecticut;
however, the work will be directly managed by its southeast regional office in
Palm Beach County. Morganti proposed teaming with Asset Builders, LLC, doing
business as Messam Construction (Messam), as its Disadvantaged Business
Enterprise (DBE) partner. Messam will provide DBE outreach, project management
and construction supervision services for assigned task/work orders in an
amount not less than 11% of the fees paid by the County for such services under
the Contract. A DBE subcontracting goal of 11% was established for the
Contract. Morganti will be required to
demonstrate its good faith efforts to achieve the established DBE goal for each
task/work order assigned under the Contract, which will be in addition to the
DBE participation provided by Messam.
The contract with MOSS will be presented for approval by the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) at a future meeting.
Countywide (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) receive and file Public Transportation Grant Agreement
(PTGA) Financial Project No. 451534-94-01, with the Florida Department of
Transportation (FDOT) in the amount of $70,000 for the design of security
fencing improvements (Fence Improvements Design Project) at the Palm Beach
County Glades Airport (Pahokee Airport) with an effective date of January 28,
2025, and an expiration date of December 31, 2026; and
B) approve Budget
Amendment of $87,500 in the Airport’s Improvement and Development Fund to
recognize the receipt of a grant from the FDOT, including a transfer from
reserves in the amount of $17,500. Total project costs are $87,500.
Summary: The
FDOT has issued a PTGA (CSFA No. 55.004), reflecting its commitment of funding
in the amount of $70,000 or 80% of the eligible project costs, whichever is
less for the Fence Improvements Design Project at the Pahokee Airport. The required local match for this PTGA is
$17,500 based on an estimated project cost of $87,500. Delegation of authority for execution of this
PTGA was approved by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) on August 25, 2020
(R2020-1017). Countywide (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: The Quarterly Report for quarter ending
December 31, 2024 for Children’s Services Council of Palm Beach County
(CSCPBC). Summary: The CSCPBC has submitted their Quarterly Report
for quarter ending December 31, 2024 as
per section number 125.901(3)(f), Florida Statutes. Countywide (DB)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
negotiated settlement offer in the amount of $5,660 for the full satisfaction
of a code compliance lien entered against Aren E. McWatters and Casey McWatters
on January 21, 2019. Summary:
On September 7, 2018, a Code Compliance Special Magistrate (CCSM) issued an
order giving the McWatters until November 4, 2018 to bring their property
located at 445 Cypress Avenue, West Palm Beach into full code compliance. The
violation included open storage of inoperable vehicles, equipment, and
miscellaneous debris. Compliance with
the CCSM’s order was not timely achieved, and a fine of $25 per day was
imposed. The CCSM executed an order imposing a code lien against the McWatters
on January 21, 2019. The Code Compliance Division (Code Compliance) issued an
affidavit of compliance for the property stating the violations were corrected
as of January 10, 2025. The total fine amount on January 15, 2025, the date on
which settlement discussions began, amounted to $56,601.30. The McWatters have
agreed to pay Palm Beach County $5,660 (10%) for the full settlement of the
outstanding code compliance lien. This is a homestead property. District 2
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
negotiated settlement offer in the amount of $6,255 for the full satisfaction
of a code compliance lien entered against Tracy O’Sullivan on November 9,
2021. Summary: On July 19,
2021, a Code Compliance Special Magistrate (CCSM) issued an order giving Tracy
O’Sullivan until August 13, 2021 to bring her property located at 9703 SW 2nd
Street, Boca Raton into full code compliance. The violation included
uncultivated landscaping, open storage of inoperable and unlicensed vehicles
along with miscellaneous debris, and improperly parked vehicles on an unimproved
surface in the urban suburban tier. Compliance with the CCSM’s order was not
timely achieved, and a fine of $50 per day was imposed. The CCSM executed an
order imposing a code lien against Ms. O’Sullivan on November 9, 2021. The Code
Compliance Division (Code Compliance) issued an affidavit of compliance for the
property stating the violations were corrected as of January 16, 2025. The
total fine amount on January 28, 2025, the date on which settlement discussions
began, amounted to $62,656.39. Anthony Masso, the Attorney-in-Fact for the
O’Sullivan family, has agreed to pay Palm Beach County $6,255 (10%) for the
full settlement of the outstanding code compliance lien. This is not a
homestead property but was at the time of Ms. O’Sullivan’s death. District 5
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Change Order No. 50 to Amendment No. 5 (R2020-1196)
to the Construction Manager (CM) at Risk Services contract (R2016-0430) with
Hedrick Brothers Construction Co., Inc. for the Detention Facilities
Renewal/Replacement (R/R)-Main Detention Center (MDC) East and South Tower R/R
project in the amount of $1,042,985.88, increasing the project duration by 320
calendar days. Summary: On August 25, 2020, the
Board of County Commissioners approved Amendment No. 5 (R2020-1196) to the CM
at Risk Services contract (R2016-0430) with Hedrick Brothers Construction Co.,
Inc., establishing a Guaranteed Maximum Price in the amount of $14,041,688 for
construction management services for the Detention Facilities R/R-MDC East and
South Tower R/R project. The Detention Facilities R/R-MDC East and South Tower
R/R project includes, but is not limited to, the replacement of roofing, air
conditioning systems, boilers, mechanical grills, doors and frames, cell bars,
painting and required upgrades/additions to the security camera system. Change
Order No. 50 to Amendment No. 5 (Change Order No. 50) authorizes the additional
construction management services necessary for additional Information
Technology (IT) infrastructure to support ongoing and future operations at the
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) Main Detention Facility, East Tower.
The PBSO IT Facility upgrades include, but are not limited to, the replacement
of internet cabling along with conduits, boxes, wall jacks, Wireless
Application Protocol and the removal and replacement of existing coax cables at
select locations which in select locations will also require a protective cover
known as Soffi-Steel to prevent access from inmates. Change Order No. 50 also includes resolving
unforeseen system, equipment and material deficiencies uncovered during
construction and increases the project duration by 320 calendar days as a
result of the additional work and modifications required to support PBSO
operations at the MDC. The contract was awarded under the prior Small Business
Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance. The SBE participation goal is 15%. The CM is not an
SBE certified firm. The CM has partnered with Cooper Construction Management
& Consulting, Inc., a Small/Minority Business Enterprise CM, for services
in an amount not less than 15% of the construction management fee and is sharing
in the CM earned overhead/profit. SBE participation for this change order is
80.84%. To date, the overall SBE participation on this project is 43.67%.
Funding for this project is from the Infrastructure Sales Tax Fund. (Capital
Improvements Division) District 3 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
& OPERATIONS (cont’d.)
2. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Standard License Agreement for use of
County-Owned Property adjacent to the County Stockade located at 9620 Weisman
Way from January 15, 2025 through February 4, 2025 with South Florida Fair and
Palm Beach Expositions, Inc., for parking by the public and the Palm Beach
County Sheriff’s Office during the 2025 South Florida Fair. Summary: In accordance with County
PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted
by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. The attached
Standard License Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) by the County Administrator or designee, who in this
case was the Deputy Director of the Facilities Development and Operations
Department. The Standard License Agreement was approved in accordance with
R2010-0333, as amended and approved by the BCC on October 1, 2013. This
executed document is now being submitted to the BCC to receive and file. There
is no fiscal impact associated with the approval of this item. (Property & Real Estate Management) District
6 (YBH)
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2020-0314)
(Agreement) with the Village of Palm Springs (Village) to extend the term of
the Agreement for direct access to the County’s Public Safety Radio System
(County’s System) from March 17, 2025, through March 16, 2030, with annual
revenue fees totaling $29,068.33. Summary: The Agreement, which provides the terms and
conditions under which the Village can directly access the County’s System, is
set to expire on March 16, 2025. The Agreement provides for two (2) renewal
options, each for a period of five (5) years. The Village has approved the
amendment to extend the term of the Agreement to March 16, 2030, and the
renewal now requires approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The
terms of this Agreement are standard and have been offered to all
municipalities and local branches of State/Federal agencies where connection
through an established municipal hub is not technically feasible. The annual
fees are consistent with those being charged to County departments. In
addition, the Village is required to pay all costs associated with the Village’s
subscriber units and to comply with the established operating procedures for
the County’s System. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or
without cause on October 1st of any year, provided that a minimum of
six (6) months’ notice is given. The First Amendment extends the term of the
Agreement and adds the E-Verify provision. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
& OPERATIONS (cont’d.)
4. Staff recommends
motion to approve: First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement (R2020-0313)
(Agreement) with the Village of Palm Springs (Village), to extend the term of
the Agreement for radio maintenance service from March 17, 2025, through March
16, 2030. Summary: This
Agreement, which provides the terms and conditions under which the Village
receives radio equipment maintenance services from the County, expires on March
16, 2025. This Agreement provides for two (2) renewal options, each for a
period of five (5) years. The Village has approved the amendment to extend the
term of the Agreement to March 16, 2030, and the renewal now requires approval
by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The terms of the Agreement are standard
and the maintenance rates are consistent with those being charged to County
departments. Services will be provided on an as-needed basis and billed to the
Village. In the event that the County must outsource the labor, a separate
labor rate is provided to cover the cost of the contract labor. The rates may
be adjusted annually with notification by June 1st (effective the
following October 1st) at the County’s sole discretion, but in no
event shall the Village’s fee schedule exceed the fee schedule applied to
County departments. The Agreement may be terminated by either party, with or
without cause, provided a minimum of three (3) months’ notice is given. This
First Amendment extends the term of the Agreement and adds the E-Verify
provision. Other than the changes set forth herein, all other terms remain the
same. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
& OPERATIONS (cont’d.)
5. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
A) First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement
(R2020-0311) with the City of Fort Lauderdale (City) to extend the term of the
agreement for interoperable radio communications through the countywide common
talk groups of the County’s Public Safety Radio System (County’s System) from
March 17, 2025, through March 16, 2030; and
B) First Amendment to Interlocal Agreement
(R2020-0312) with the Health Care District of Palm Beach County (HCD) to extend
the term of the agreement for interoperable radio communications through the
countywide common talk groups of the County’s System from March 17, 2025,
through March 16, 2030.
Summary: The agreements (R2020-0311 and R2020-0312), which provide the terms and
conditions under which each participant can program their radios and utilize
the countywide common talk groups for certain inter-agency communications, are
set to expire on March 16, 2025. Each agreement provides for two (2) renewal
options, each for a period of five (5) years. Each participant has approved an
amendment to extend the term of the agreement, and the renewals now require
approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). The terms of the agreement
are standard and have been offered to all municipalities and local branches of
State/Federal agencies with 800 MHz trunked radio capabilities. There are no
charges associated with these agreements.
Each participant is required to pay all costs associated with its
subscriber units and to comply with established operating procedures for the
County’s System. Each agreement may be terminated by either party, with or
without cause, upon ten (10) days’ notice. The First Amendments for both the
City and HCD extend the term of the agreements and add the E-Verify provision.
Other than the changes set forth herein, all other terms remain the same. (ESS) Countywide (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
& OPERATIONS (cont’d.)
6. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Amendment No. 2 to the Developer Agreement (DA)
(R2022-0520) with Jupiter Stadium, Ltd. (JSL) establishing certain Non-Eligible
Costs. Summary: Palm
Beach County (County) owns the facility known as the Roger Dean Chevrolet
Stadium which includes the stadium, the adjacent two (2)-team baseball training
facilities, clubhouses, playing fields, on-site parking areas and related
structures and improvements (collectively, the Stadium). Since 1996, the
Stadium has been developed, managed and operated under agreements between the
County and JSL (a partnership of the St. Louis Cardinals and the Miami
Marlins). On May 17, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the
DA with JSL under which JSL would oversee and manage the $126,000,000
renovation project at the Stadium (the Renovation Project). Amendment No. 2 to
the DA establishes that certain costs incurred by JSL on the Renovation Project
will be Non-Eligible Costs (as defined in the DA) meaning these costs will not
be reimbursed by the County. Some of the Non-Eligible Costs included in
Amendment No. 2 result from requests brought forward by JSL while it was
negotiating its contract and guaranteed maximum price amendment with the
construction manager at risk (CMR) and which do not conform to standard County
practices for CMR contracts. As such, County Staff advised JSL that in order to
accept the inclusion of said contractual provisions in the CMR contract, the
associated costs would need to be deemed Non-Eligible and as a result, fully
funded by JSL. Also, JSL contracted with Marc Taylor, Inc. (MTI) to serve as
its project representative during the design and construction of the Renovation
Project. However, JSL did not follow a public competitive procurement process
to select MTI as required by the DA. As
a result, with the exception of certain permitting and printing costs, all
other costs incurred by JSL under its contract with MTI will be Non-Eligible
Costs under Amendment No. 2 to the DA and fully funded by JSL. (FDO ADMIN) District
1/Countywide (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
& OPERATIONS (cont’d.)
7. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Agreements
with the following participants to allow interoperable communications
through the countywide emergency medical services (EMS) and common talk groups
of the County’s Public Safety Radio System (County’s System) from March 11,
2025 to March 10, 2030:
A) E. Care Ambulance Inc.;
B) MCT Express, Inc. d/b/a All County Ambulance;
C) National Health Transport Inc.; and
D) Positive Mobility, Inc. d/b/a Elite Medical Response
Summary: These agreements provide the terms and
conditions under which each participant can program its radios to utilize the
countywide EMS and common talk groups for certain inter-agency communications.
The terms of these agreements are standard and have been offered to all
municipalities and local branches of state/federal agencies and ambulance
service providers with 800 MHz trunked radio capabilities. There are no charges
associated with these agreements; however, each participant is required to pay
all costs related to its subscriber units and to comply with the established
operating procedures for the County’s System. Each agreement may be terminated
by either party, with or without cause. The term of each agreement is for five
(5) years or until the expiration or termination of the participant’s
Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, whichever comes first. Each
agreement includes two (2) renewal options, each for a term of five (5) years.
(ESS) Countywide (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
SUMMARY: On July 2,
2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved an allocation of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds (Palm Beach County Action Plan
for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; R2024-0828) in the amount of $507,527 for Project
activities including, but not limited to, lighting improvements at the
basketball court, within the Project located at 5470 Belvedere Road, West Palm
Beach, FL 33415. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Palm Beach County
Department of Facilities Development and Operations (FDO), the Palm Beach
County Parks and Recreation (Parks) and the Department of Housing and Economic
Development (DHED) requires that an interdepartmental Budget Transfer be
established to reimburse FDO and Parks for eligible Project costs. The Budget
Transfer and Amendment are necessary to appropriate the required funds. These
are CDBG funds and require no local match.
District 2 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
SUMMARY: On July 2,
2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved an allocation of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds (Palm Beach County Action Plan
for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; R2024-0828) in the amount of $563,483 for Project
activities including, but not limited to, design fees, permitting fees,
demolition and construction related expenses for the redevelopment of the Project
located at 4730 Maine Street, Lake Worth Beach, FL 33461. A
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Palm Beach County Department of
Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) and the Department of Housing and
Economic Development (DHED) requires that an interdepartmental Budget Transfer
be established to reimburse FDO for eligible Project costs. The Budget Transfer
and Amendment are necessary to appropriate the required funds. These
are CDBG funds and require no local match.
District 3 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
SUMMARY: On July 2,
2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved an allocation of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds (Palm Beach County Action Plan
for Fiscal Year 2024-2025; R2024-0828) in the amount of $906,884 for Project
renovation activities including, but not limited to, design fees, permitting
fees and construction related expenses to the Project located at 341 NW 11th
Street, Belle Glade, FL 33430. A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Palm
Beach County Department of Facilities Development and Operations (FDO) and the
Department of Housing and Economic Development (DHED) requires that an
interdepartmental Budget Transfer be established to reimburse FDO for eligible
Project costs. The Budget Transfer and Amendment are necessary to appropriate
the required funds. These are CDBG funds and require no local match. District 6 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
FLORIDA IN THE NOTICED PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF $34,000,000. SUMMARY: The Bonds are being issued by
the Housing Finance Authority (Authority) to finance a portion of the costs of
acquiring, constructing and equipping a multifamily rental housing facility
containing approximately 168 units to be known as Calusa Pointe II
(Project). The Project will be located
at the Southeast quadrant of the intersection of SR 80 and CR827A, Belle Glade,
Florida 33430. On July 12, 2022, the BCC
approved $2,500,000 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Response Projects
funding for this Project. The Authority will require that at least 40% of these
units will be rented to qualified persons and families whose average household
incomes do not exceed 60% of Area Median Income ($64,260 for a family of 4 for
2024). The Borrower is SP Field LLC, a Florida limited liability company, or an
affiliate thereof (Borrower), and the developer is Southport Development, Inc.
The units will remain affordable for a minimum of 30 years. In addition, the
Project is expected to receive low-income housing tax credits under Section 42
of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the “Code”). The Bonds will be payable solely from revenues derived
from the Borrower and/or other collateral provided by or on behalf of the
Borrower. Greenberg Traurig, is Bond Counsel to the Authority with
respect to the Bonds and Bryant Miller Olive is Disclosure Counsel to the
Authority with respect to the Bonds. RBC Capital Markets, LLC will be the
underwriter for the Bonds. The
Resolution of the Authority authorizing the issuance of the Bonds will include
language substantially as follows: Palm Beach County assumes no responsibility
for monitoring compliance by the Borrower of applicable federal income tax,
securities laws or other regulatory requirements. The Borrower understands and agrees that it
is responsible for monitoring its compliance with all applicable federal income
tax, federal securities law and other regulatory requirements, retaining
adequate records of such compliance, and retaining qualified counsel to respond
to or assist the Authority and the County in responding to any audit,
examination or inquiry of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), the Securities
and Exchange Commission or other regulatory body.
MARCH 11, 2025
4. SUMMARY (cont’d.): The Borrower assumes responsibility for
monitoring compliance with applicable provisions of federal tax laws and U.S.
Treasury Regulations relative to the Bonds, and shall retain adequate records
of such compliance until at least three (3) years after the Bonds are
retired. In the event of any audit,
examination or investigation by the IRS with respect to the tax-exempt status
of the Bonds or any other related tax matters, the Borrower shall be
responsible for retaining qualified counsel to respond to such audit. Neither
the taxing power nor the faith and credit of the County nor any County funds
are pledged to pay the principal, redemption premium, if any, or interest on
the Bonds. District 6 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
5. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Documents executed in connection with a loan
made to Kiss Kitchens, LLC (Kiss Kitchens) in the amount of $950,000 under the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Section
108 Loan Program (Program) as follows:
Beach County Section 108 Promissory Note;
Beach County Section 108 Loan Agreement;
108 Loan Program Agreement;
Security Mortgage Agreement;
Indemnity Agreement;
Assurances and Errors and Omissions Statement;
of Florida Uniform Commercial Code Financing Statement Form; and
Financing Statement (State of Connecticut).
SUMMARY: This Section 108 loan of $950,000 is allocated to Kiss Kitchens located
at 1301 10th Street, Lake Park, Florida, to acquire machinery, equipment, and
working capital. Kiss Kitchens will feature ten (10) state-of-the-art studio
kitchens and three (3) commercial hot lines within a 12,000 sq. ft. space. This
new facility will enable individuals to test concepts or scale existing menus,
providing support for local small businesses. The kitchens will be available
for both short and long-term use. The total project cost is approximately
$6,255,600, with the Section 108 loan funds secured by machinery and equipment
and real property, and leveraged with a bank loan, a U.S. Small Business
Administration loan, and borrower equity. The documents have been executed on
behalf of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) by the County Administrator
or designee in accordance with Resolution 2009-0725. The project will create 36
new full-time equivalent jobs over five (5) years. In accordance with County
PPM CW-0-051, all contracts, agreements and grants signed with delegated
authority must be submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file
agenda item. District 7 (DB)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to adopt: a
Resolution encouraging municipalities, stakeholders, interested state agencies,
and other taxing authorities to engage in a collaborative effort with each
other for the successful development and adoption of a Countywide
Transportation Master Plan (CTMP). Summary: On July 17, 2024, The Board selected
the multimodal fees as its preferred funding system and directed County staff
to coordinate with representatives from the 39 municipalities in the
development and release of a Request for Proposal (RFP) to receive proposals
from transportation professionals for the development of a CTMP. The RFP was
released on December 12, 2024. Once a Consultant of national/international
repute, with experience and capabilities in creating such plan is chosen, it
will work with County staff and a core technical group of stakeholders
regularly in the development of the CTMP.
As part of the process, presentations to all stakeholders at key project
milestones will be held in various geographical locations within Palm Beach
County (PBC). The Consultant will be
tasked with providing a methodology to build consensus through engagement with
multiple public, private, and civic stakeholders and utilizing emerging
technologies to develop an innovative CTMP to be considered and approved by the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Countywide (DWL)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Subordination of County Utility Interests to the
State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT). The Subordination of Utility Easements
includes a portion of the following easements recorded in the Official Records
of Palm Beach County: ORB 5887 Page 1606 and ORB 6156 Page 1850. Summary: The FDOT has an interest
in a portion of the utility easements recorded in the Official Records of Palm
Beach County as noted above that has been determined necessary for highway
purposes. The utility easements are located along the western boundary of the
property located at 1668 N Military Trail.
The proposed use of these lands for highway purposes will require
subordination of the interest claimed in such lands by the County to FDOT. An 8-inch water main is located within the
utility easements and is covered by the subordination. FDOT has committed to
pay to have the County’s facilities relocated in the future if necessary. The Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD) has determined
that the subordination of utility interests will not affect any existing and/or
current public utility facilities and therefore recommends the subordination.
(PBCWUD Project No. 24-548) District
7 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
A) Contract for the South County Reclaimed Water Transmission Pipeline Phase
1B (Project) with Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. (Contractor) in the amount of
$7,403,036; and
B) Consultant Services Authorization (CSA) No. 5 to the South County
Reclaimed Water Transmission Pipeline-Phase 1 (Contract) with Chen Moore and
Associates, Inc. (Consultant) for a not to exceed amount of $705,882.85.
Summary: On
October 31, 2024, the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD)
received seven (7) bids for the Project for both 30-in and 24-in pipeline
options. PBCWUD decided to choose the 24-in pipeline option after reviewing the
latest hydraulic model result. The Project includes furnishing all materials,
labor, supervision, equipment, supplies, fees and services necessary for the
construction of approximately 1,400 linear feet of Ductile Iron Pipe (DIP) via
open cut and 6,400 linear feet of High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) pipe via
Horizontal Directional Drill (HDD) in southern Palm Beach County. This Project is partially funded in the amount
of $2,706,200 through state
funds provided by the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD)
Alternative Water Supply (AWS) Cooperative Funding Grant Program. On September
17, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the Amendment No. 1
to Agreement No. 4600004796
(R2024-1216) with SFWMD. The
Contract is exempt from Sections 2-80-.20-2-80.40 of Palm Beach County Code,
the Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) program because it is funded by federal or
state funds. The $2,706,200 grant requires a $2,706,200 (50%) match which will be
funded from reimbursements from Broward County. On March 13,
2018, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the PBCWUD Contract
(R2018-0295) with Consultant to provide consulting/professional engineering
services. On February 6, 2024, the BCC approved Amendment No. 2 (R2024-0170) to
extend the continuing contract with the Consultant for an additional year
term. On February 7, 2023, Amendment No. 1 (R2023-0164) was approved to extend
the term of the contract for an additional year to allow for continuity of
services. Under CSA No. 5, the Consultant will provide engineering services during
construction of the Project.
MARCH 11, 2025
2. SUMMARY (cont’d.): The Contract
with Consultant was procured under the requirements of the 2002 Small Business
Enterprise (SBE) Ordinance (R2002-0064) prior to the adoption of the new EBO
Ordinance on October 16, 2018. The SBE participation goal established under the
2002 Ordinance was 15% overall participation. The Contract with Consultant
provides for 82.50% SBE participation. CSA No. 5 includes 100% SBE
participation. The cumulative SBE participation including CSA No. 5 is 93.48%.
Consultant is headquartered in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, but maintains an
office in Palm Beach County from which the majority of the work will be
undertaken. The Project is included in the PBCWUD FY 2025 budget. (PBCWUD
Project No. 21-048) District 5 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Two (2) executed Standard Potable Water and Wastewater Development
Agreements, one (1) executed Standard Reclaimed Water Development Agreement,
one (1) Reclaimed Water Service Agreement Direct System, (1) Reclaimed Water
Service Agreement Lake Discharge for the months of November and December.
Potable Water and Wastewater Development Agreement with D. R. Horton, Inc., SDA
#11-01022-000 (District 1), Recorded in OR BK 35402 PG 569.
Potable Water and Wastewater Development Agreement with Pulte Home Company,
LLC, SDA #05-11142-000 (District 2), Recorded in OR BK 35425 PG 1466.
Reclaimed Water Development Agreement with Waverley SP, LLC, SDA #09-90022-000
(District 5), Recorded in OR BK 35389 PG 1243.
Reclaimed Water Service Agreement Direct System with Waverley SP, LLC, SRSWA
#09-90022-000 (District 5), Recorded in OR BK 35389 PG 1235.
Reclaimed Water Service Agreement Lake Discharge System with Valencia Grand
Homeowners Association, Inc., RWSA #05-90029-001 (District 5), Recorded in OR
BK 35389 PG 1226.
Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all
delegated contracts/ agreements/grants/procurement items must be submitted by
the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item and are attached
unless the documents have been recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach
County. The documents have been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) by the Director of the Palm Beach County Water Utilities
Department (PBCWUD) in accordance with Resolutions R93-1619, R96-0228, and
R2003-0539 and are now being submitted to the BCC to receive and file. Districts
1, 2 & 5 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) authorize the Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department (PBCWUD)
to pursue funding from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection
(FDEP) Nonpoint Source Management Grant Program for a grant amount estimated up
to $500,000 for the Golfview Heights of Westgate Water Main Replacement Project
(Project); and
delegate authority to
the County Administrator, or designee to
sign all grant application forms and supporting documents and complete all
registration requirements, execute the
forthcoming agreement and all future time extensions, task assignments,
certifications, and other forms associated with the forthcoming agreement and
any necessary minor amendments that do not substantially change the scope of
work, terms, or conditions of the forthcoming agreement.
Summary: FDEP has allotted funding for
Fiscal Year 2025-26 to local governments and non-state entities to implement
eligible shovel-ready stormwater treatment projects that reduce or eliminate
nonpoint source nutrient pollution in verified impaired waterbodies. Funding is
also available for projects that implement nonpoint source pollution best
management practices, public education programs to prevent pollution, and
septic abandonment/connection to sewer on private property. The objective of the Project is septic to sewer
conversions whereby it will connect onsite septic systems to the centralized
wastewater collection system and improve water quality. This grant requires a 50% match, which will
be funded from a one (1)-time expenditure from Water Utilities user fees,
connection fees and balance brought forward. District 2 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Amendment No. 2 to the State of Florida,
Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Funding Agreement 20PB2
(Agreement) which extends the Agreement for 12 months with a new expiration
date of January 15, 2026 and updates the standard terms and conditions. Summary: On October 8, 2019 the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the Agreement (R2019-1539) with
FDEP to share costs on the Juno Beach Nourishment for design, permitting,
construction and monitoring. Delegation of authority to sign all future time
extensions, task assignments, certifications and other forms associated with
the Agreement was approved at that time.
Amendment No. 1 extended the Agreement for 12 months with a new
expiration date of January 15, 2025. In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051,
all delegated contracts, agreements and grants must be submitted by the
initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. There is no cost to the County associated with this item. District
1 (SS)
2. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Amendment No. 1 to the State of Florida, Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) Funding Agreement 22PB6 (Agreement) which extends the
Agreement for 12 months with a new expiration date of December 31, 2025 and
updates the standard terms and conditions.
On October 5, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the
Agreement (R2021-1432) with FDEP to share costs on the Coral Cove Dune
Nourishment for monitoring. Delegation of authority to sign all future time
extensions, task assignments, certifications and other forms associated with
the Agreement was approved at that time. In accordance with County PPM
CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements and grants must be submitted by
the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. There is no cost to the County associated
with this item. District 1 (SS)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to ratify: Emergency Work Order No.
0780-01 to the Palm Beach County (PBC) Dune and Beach Restoration Annual
Construction Contract (Federalized), Project No. 2024ERM01 (R2024-0780) with Eastman Aggregate Enterprises, LLC
(Eastman) at a cost not to exceed $1,735,031 providing for dune restoration
services for the Singer Island Dune Restoration Project (Project) for a term of
30 days beginning upon the commencement date of January 29, 2025. Summary: The Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
approved the Contract with Eastman, a PBC company, on July 2, 2024.
Work Order No. 0780-01 provides for emergency dune restoration within
the Project area, which has suffered continuing damage due to waves and
prolonged severe weather that started with the passing of Hurricane
Milton. Restoration of the dune was most
recently completed in February 2024, but the area had been eroded to pre-restoration
conditions by recent wind and waves, leaving adjacent upland infrastructure and
a construction access easement utilized by PBC for beach management efforts,
vulnerable to direct impacts. Because of this erosion, and the fact that dune
and beach construction is not authorized during marine turtle nesting season
(March 1 through October 31), it became necessary to complete an immediate
restoration of the Project on an emergency basis. Pursuant to Sections 2-53 (f)
and 2-54 (f)(4) of the PBC Purchasing Code, and based on these emergency
circumstances where approval by the BCC could not be obtained in a timely
manner, the Environmental Resources Management Department (ERM) Director
executed the Work Order on January 15, 2025, followed by the Notice to Proceed
with a substantial completion date of February 28, 2025. The Project utilizes a
combination of available project-specific and emergency response budget within
the Beach Improvement Fund, and will be submitted for consideration of
supplemental funding through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and
the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Beach Management
Funding Assistance Program. The
cost to the County is $1,735,031 from
the PBC Beach Improvement Fund. District 1 (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Amendment No. 2 to the State of Florida, Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) Funding Agreement 21PB4 (Agreement) which extends the
Agreement for 12 months with a new expiration date of December 31, 2025 and
updates the standard terms and conditions.
On May 18, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the
Agreement (R2021-0693) with FDEP to share costs on the Ocean Ridge Shore
Protection Project for monitoring. Delegation of authority to sign all future
time extensions, task assignments, certifications and other forms associated
with the Agreement was approved at that time.
Amendment No. 1 extended the Agreement for 12 months with a new
expiration date of December 31, 2024. In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051,
all delegated contracts, agreements and grants must be submitted by the
initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. There is no cost to the County associated with this item. District
4 (SS)
5. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Amendment No. 1 to the State of Florida, Department of Environmental
Protection (FDEP) Funding Agreement 22PB4 (Agreement) which extends the
Agreement for 12 months with a new expiration date of December 30, 2025 and
updates the standard terms and conditions.
On October 5, 2021 the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the
Agreement (R2021-1439) with FDEP to share costs on the Singer Island Dune
Nourishment for construction and monitoring. Delegation of authority to sign
all future time extensions, task assignments, certifications and other forms
associated with the Agreement was approved at that time. In accordance with
County PPM CW-O-051, all delegated contracts, agreements and grants must be
submitted by the initiating Department as a receive and file agenda item. There is no cost to the County associated
with this item. District 1 (SS)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the following three (3) executed Entertainment Contractor Agreements
Richard Benjamin in an amount not to exceed $600 for the Legends on the
Lawn: Fabulons concert at Canyon Amphitheater on November 16, 2024;
Flagraiser Enterprises, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $2,500 for the
Carlin Park After Dark: Rock of ABBA concert at Seabreeze Amphitheater on
December 7, 2024; and
Jacob Allen Nicholson in an amount not to exceed $600 for the Legends on
the Lawn: Snake Lounge concert at Canyon Amphitheater on December 21, 2024.
Summary: The Parks and Recreation Department (Parks)
produces cultural activities to promote the quality of life in the communities
it serves. A sponsorship received for the Legends on the Lawn events from
Nostalgic America offset the expenses of the concerts at Canyon Amphitheater. These Agreements have been fully
executed on behalf of the Board
of County Commissioners (BCC) by the Director
of Parks in accordance with Resolution 2008-1109, amended by 2010‑0644,
2014-0168 and 2017-1367. Parks is now
submitting these Agreements in accordance with (County) PPM CW‑O‑051,
which requires all delegated agreements to be submitted by the initiating
department to the BCC as a receive and file agenda item. Districts 1 and 5 (AH)
2. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: an executed Promoter Amphitheater Rental
Agreement (Agreement) with Insomniac Holdings LLC, for the Cyclops Cove 3 event
at Sunset Cove Amphitheater, for the period of December 2, 2024 through
December 10, 2024. This event generated $81,050 in revenue, with $21,177 in
direct expenses; thus providing a net fiscal impact of $59,873. Summary: This Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) by the Director of Parks and Recreation Department (Parks)
in accordance with Resolution 2023-0423. Parks is now submitting this Agreement
in accordance with PPM CW-O-051, which requires all delegated agreements to be
submitted by the initiating department to the BCC as a receive and file agenda
item. District 5 (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the following two (2) executed Special Events
Rental Agreements (Agreements):
A) Quadlife
Entertainment LLC, for the
2024 Fizzle Racing HydroDrags Nationals event at Burt Aaronson South County
Regional Park, for the period November 22, 2024 through November 24, 2024. This event generated $5,511 in revenue, with
$1,511 in direct expenses; thus providing a net fiscal impact of $4,000; and
FAE Festivals LLC, for the Palm Beach Celtic Winter Faire event at John
Prince Park, for the period of December 11, 2024 through December 23, 2024.
This event generated $10,254 in revenue, with $2,654 in direct expenses; thus
providing a net fiscal impact of $7,600.
Summary: The Parks and Recreation Department (Parks) assists users in obtaining the necessary
permits to hold special events in Palm Beach County parks. These
Agreements have been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County Commissioners
(BCC) by the Director of Parks in accordance with Resolution 2021-1552. Parks is now submitting these Agreements in
accordance with PPM CW-O-051, which requires all delegated agreements to be
submitted by the initiating department to the BCC as a receive and file agenda
item. Districts 3 and 5 (AH)
4. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the following two (2) executed Sound and Light Production Service
Contractor Agreements (Agreements):
A) Sanderford
Sound, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $9,920 for the Cyclops Cove 3 event at
Sunset Cove Amphitheater for a period of December 2, 2024 through December 9,
2024; and
B) Sanderford
Sound, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $3,567 for the Carlin Park After Dark:
Rock of ABBA concert at Seabreeze Amphitheater on December 7, 2024.
Summary: These Agreements have been fully executed on behalf of the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) by the Director
of Parks and Recreation Department (Parks) in accordance with Resolution
2009-0592, amended by 2010‑0645, 2014‑0167, 2017-1368 and
2018-0179. Parks is now submitting these Agreements in
accordance with PPM CW-O-051, which requires all delegated agreements to be
submitted by the initiating department to the BCC as a receive and file agenda
item. Districts 1 and 5 (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
5. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: an executed Standard Resident
Caretaker Lease Agreement (Agreement) with Joyce A. Johnson, a full time County
employee, for the residence located at South Bay RV Park, executed January 17,
2025. Summary: This
Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) by the Director of Parks and Recreation Department (Parks)
in accordance with Resolution 2016-1606.
Parks is now submitting this Agreement in accordance with PPM CW-O-051,
which requires all delegated agreements to be submitted by the initiating
department as a receive and file agenda item. District 6 (AH)
6. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: an executed Independent Contractor Agreement
(Agreement) with Team Services Florida, LLC for providing sports officiating
services at West Boynton
Recreation Center in the amount not to exceed $13,161 for the period of
November 3, 2024 through October 11, 2025.
Summary: This
Agreement has been fully executed on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) by the County Administrator and Director of Parks and
Recreation Department (Parks) in accordance with Resolution 94-422, amended by
2002-2103, 2007-0409, 2012-0168, 2017-0822 and 2021-2049. Parks is now
submitting this Agreement in accordance with PPM CW-O-051, which requires all
delegated agreements to be submitted by the initiating department to the BCC as
a receive and file agenda item. District 2 (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the write-off of
uncollectible lost/damaged library materials charges from library card accounts
found in the Library Department’s Integrated Library System (ILS) database for all lost/damaged charges, Interlibrary Loan
fees, and non-sufficient funds checks dated from October 1, 2018 to September
30, 2019 for a total of $163,925.69. Summary:
Based on an ILS report, the system contains 9,597 lost/damaged bills, Interlibrary Loan fees, and non-sufficient
funds checks dated from October
1, 2018 to September 30, 2019 spread across 3,197 user accounts. The
Library Department was given permission on February 1, 2022 by the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) to write-off all uncollectible lost/damaged
materials, Interlibrary Loan fees, and
non-sufficient funds charges dated prior to October 1, 2016. On Feb. 7,
2023, the BCC authorized a similar write-off of charges dated prior to October
1, 2017. On Feb. 6, 2024, the BCC authorized another similar write-off of
charges dated prior to October 1, 2018.
The Integrated Library System (ILS) contains all information on
borrowers and items in the collection. Borrower records are considered expired
and removed from the ILS if the account is dormant for seven years. Library
card accounts with lost/damaged charges that would normally have expired cannot
be removed from the database. Retaining this information increases the amount
of storage required for the ILS which leads to database management concerns
such as slower response times and increased storage charges. Library card
account holders are required to return library items in the condition they were
borrowed with the expectation of minimal wear and tear. Account holders who
fail to return library items by their due date are charged the full replacement
amount as specified in the item record and their account is blocked from
further borrowing if charges stand at $25 or higher. Returning the item in good
condition will remove associated charges. Account holders who return items in a
damaged condition are charged the full replacement amount as specified in the
item record and their account is blocked from further borrowing if charges
stand at $25 or higher. Borrowing privileges are restored if the account has
fewer than $25 in charges. The Library Department contracts with a collection
agency to collect unpaid bills. The agency makes several attempts to contact the
borrower. Unpaid charges referred to collections do not effect a borrower’s
credit. Countywide (AH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: First Amendment to the Interlocal Agreement (Agreement) (R2024-0569)
between Palm Beach County (County) and the Public Defender’s Office of the
Fifteenth Judicial Circuit (Public Defender) to extend the term of the
Agreement from December 31, 2024 to December 31, 2025. Summary:
The First Amendment to the Agreement with the Public Defender extends the
funding period for continued community-based services in facilitating the
pretrial release of inmates from jail. The County Administrator executed this
Amendment to the Public Defender contract, pursuant to the delegated authority
granted through R2024-0569 on May 14, 2024, and in accordance with County PPM
CW-O-051. All delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by
the initiating department to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) as a
receive and file agenda item. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
COMMISSION (cont’d.)
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) ratify the Mayor’s signature on a grant
application and a Chief Executive Officer standard assurances and
certifications document for the Department of Justice (DOJ) Edward Byrne
Memorial Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) in the amount of $121,292 submitted on
October 15, 2024 to DOJ for the Federal FY24 (County FY25) beginning October 1,
2023 through September 30, 2027 to fund the Palm Beach County Reentry Program;
approve the Grant
award # 15PBJA-24-GG-05237-JAGX from the DOJ Edward Byrne Memorial JAG Federal
FY24 in the amount of $121,292 beginning October 1, 2023 through September 30,
2027 to fund the Palm Beach County Reentry Program;
approve a downward
Budget Amendment of $23,901 in the Criminal Justice Grant Fund to decrease the
budget to the actual Grant award;
approve a Budget
Amendment of $10,256 in the Justice Services Grant Fund to reduce the transfer
from the Criminal Justice Grant Fund; and
delegate authority to the County Administrator, or her
designee to sign all grant application forms and supporting documents and
complete all registration requirements, execute the forthcoming agreement and
all future time extensions, task assignments, certifications and other forms
associated with the forthcoming agreement and any necessary minor amendments
that do not substantially change the scope of work, terms, or conditions of the
forthcoming agreement related to this JAG Grant after approval of legal sufficiency
by the County Attorney’s Office, and within budget allocations.
Summary: On September
4, 2024, the Criminal Justice Commission (CJC) received correspondence from the
DOJ of potential funding for the County in the amount of $121,292 as part of
the JAG Direct Program for Federal FY24 (County FY25) for this annual formula
grant program due October 17, 2024. On December 5, 2024, DOJ announced CJC was
awarded Grant #15PBJA-24-GG-05237-JAGX (CFDA #16.738), the 2024 BJA FY24 Edward
Byrne Memorial JAG. This project will provide continuation funding in the
amount of $121,292 for the Reentry Program, which provides intensive case
management services for individuals released from jail and prison to Palm Beach
County. The grant application was submitted through the emergency process to
meet the application deadline. Due to an oversight, the item to ratify the
Mayor’s signature was not added to the next Board of County Commisstioners
(BCC) meeting following the Mayor’s approval.
No County match is required. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: The Labor-Management Bargaining Agreement
(Agreement) between the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners
(County) and the Communication Workers of America (CWA), Local 3181, effective
October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2025. The core terms of the agreement
covers compensation, leave benefits and employment rules for more than (1,200)
County employees. The previous agreement was in place from October 1, 2021
through September 30, 2024. Summary: The County and the CWA
have concluded labor negotiations resulting in the attached agreement. The
highlights of the agreement include: Wages, Duration and Grievance Procedures.
Moreover, the agreement includes the following raise: 6% ATB increase effective
October 1, 2024 totaling approximately $3.8 million. The proposed wage increase
was for the current fiscal year has already been budgeted and approved by the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC). Members of CWA ratified this agreement on
March 8, 2025. Countywide (JW)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Lincoln Financial Group’s Application for Group
Fixed Annuity Contract on behalf of Bencor, Inc. between Palm Beach County
Board of County Commissioners (BCC) and the Lincoln Financial Group for the
final stage of implementation of the BCC approved 401 (a) Special Pay Plan
(Plan). Summary: The BCC previously approved the 401(a) Special
Pay Plan on September 17, 2024 and directed staff to solicit vendors for a
Plan. Following a Request for Proposal (RFP) Bencor, Inc. was the selected
vendor to implement and administer Palm Beach County’s (County) Plan. Pursuant to BCC direction, the Plan
contributions will be deducted from the designated Plan participants upon
separation from the County via eligible compensable vacation and/or sick leave
balances, consistent with the County’s Merit Rule provisions regarding payouts
upon separation from employment. As directed by the BCC, the Plan also includes
a stipulation (attached Appendix) to offset a loss of income for employees who
would incur a ten percent (10%) penalty by reason of their age, or early
withdrawal of their funds following separation. Staff is currently seeking
approval of the Lincoln Financial Group’s Application for Group Fixed Annuity
Contract on behalf of Bencor, Inc. with an effective date of April 19, 2025
(two (2) pay periods after BCC approval). Countywide (DO)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve and ratify: a Side Agreement amending Article 2- Recognition and
Attachment A – Pay Plan, of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the
Professional Firefighters/Paramedics of Palm Beach County, Local #2928, IAFF,
Inc. Summary:
Both parties are requesting a Side Agreement to the current CBA, October
1, 2024 – September 30, 2027 (R2024-1585). This Side Agreement addresses
changes to Article 2-Recognition and Attachment A- Pay Plan. The position title
of Medical Social Work Coordinator will change to Licensed Clinical Social Work
Coordinator, and Fire Rescue Medical Social Worker will change to Fire Rescue
Licensed Clinical Social Worker. Additionally, a new subordinate position
approved during the Fiscal Year 2025 budget process titled Fire Rescue Medical
Social Worker will be added to the pay plan. These changes have been ratified
into the CBA as agreed jointly by Fire Rescue staff and Union Leadership. Countywide (MM)
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a Blood Exchange Program Agreement with
St. Mary’s Medical Center, Inc., a Florida corporation doing business as St.
Mary’s Medical Center (Hospital) effective March 11, 2025 through March
10, 2027, with one (1) renewal option of two (2) additional years. There
is no cost associated with this Agreement.
Agreement establishes the terms and conditions for a blood exchange program
between the Hospital and Palm Beach County Fire Rescue (PBCFR). This Agreement
promotes the desire to maintain an optimal stock of Blood Products for the
County to have access to Blood Products at emergency incidents and the Hospital
to have a backup supply of Blood Products in times of shortage. This Agreement does not contain any
indemnification. The Risk Management Department and County Attorney’s
Office have reviewed the Agreement and advised staff accordingly. Given
that liability is limited to County’s non-compliance or performance of this
Agreement and the statutory caps of Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, staff
recommends Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approval. Countywide (SB)
MARCH 11, 2025
S. FIRE RESCUE (cont’d.)
3. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve an Agreement (Agreement) for use to contract
with Canine Search Specialists, Structures Specialists and Medical Team
Managers (Affiliated Personnel) to participate on the Palm Beach County Fire
Rescue (PBCFR) Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) Task Force for a term of three
(3) years with a total not to exceed contract amount of up to $300,000, with
two (2) one-year renewal options in an amount not to exceed $100,000 per
renewal year; and
B) delegate authority to the County Administrator
or designee to execute Agreements that are substantially similar to the
approved Agreement, that do not substantially change the scope of work, terms
or conditions of the Agreement.
Summary: PBCFR currently meets the requirements for
a Type 4 Florida USAR Task Force to meet the community’s needs and is not State
designated. This Agreement will enable PBCFR to meet all the requirements of a
Type 3 Florida USAR Task Force, and further enhance service to the community as
well as assisting communities throughout Florida. Prior to being designated as
a Type 3 Florida USAR Task Force, the County must have a template agreement in
place that can be utilized to contract with qualified Affiliated Personnel to
participate on the Task Force. This Agreement includes terms and descriptions
that can be used to contract for Affiliated Personnel to participate as a
Structures Specialist, a Canine Search Specialist or a Medical Team Manager.
This Agreement will be used for qualified Affiliated Personnel selected to join
the Palm Beach County Fire Rescue USAR Task Force. This agenda item authorizes
the County Administrator or designee to execute such standard Agreements with
qualified Affiliated Personnel. If the Task Force is deployed, the County will
seek reimbursement from any available Federal, State or other funding
sources. Countywide (SB)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) rescind Interlocal Agreement (IA)
B) approve the replacement IA for network
services with the Village of Palm Springs (Palm Springs) for an annual revenue
of $10,200;
delegate authority to the County Administrator or designee to
approve and execute Task Orders associated with these services, up to a maximum
dollar value of $50,000 per Task Order, that do not substantially change the
scope of work, terms or conditions of the Task Orders; and
D) approve a Budget Amendment of $135,570
in the General Fund to allocate funds and recognize revenue related to one (1)
-time installation costs.
Summary: Palm Springs has
an existing IA with Palm Beach County (R2019-0529) for network services and
disaster recovery server hosting services.
The County recommends rescinding the existing Agreement and replacing it
with a new Agreement for a period of one (1) year with four (4) automatic one
(1)-year renewals unless notice is given by either party. This new IA includes updated contract terms
to provide increase network bandwidth at City Hall from 50Mb to 250Mb, as well
as adding the Water Treatment Plant and the Utilities/Maintenance building
sites, and remove the disaster recovery services from the Agreement. These changes will generate an increase in
annual revenue of $5,400 from $4,800 to $10,200. The Florida LambdaRail, LLC has approved
connection of Palm Springs to the Florida LambdaRail network. District 3 (DB)
MARCH 11, 2025
SERVICES (cont’d.)
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) rescind Interlocal Agreement (IA)
R2019-1797, as amended;
B) approve the replacement IA providing
updated contract terms for network services with the Town of Lantana (Lantana);
delegate authority to the County Administrator or designee to
approve and execute Task Orders associated with these services, up to a maximum
dollar value of $50,000 per Task Order, that do not substantially change the
scope of work, terms or conditions of the Task Orders.
Summary: Lantana has an
existing IA with Palm Beach County (R2019-1797 as amended) for network
services. The County recommends
rescinding the existing Agreement and replacing it with a new Agreement for a
period of one (1) year with four (4) automatic one (1)-year renewals unless
notice is given by either party. This
new IA includes updated contract terms to provide network services to
Lantana. The Florida LambdaRail, LLC has
approved connection of Lantana to the Florida LambdaRail network. Districts 4 and 7 (DB)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: a fully executed standard Interlocal Agreement
(IA) with the Town of Hypoluxo (Hypoluxo) for assignment of property data and
development of annual assessments for Palm Beach County Non-Ad Valorem (NAV)
Districts-Sewer Assessment. Summary: Section 197.3632, Florida Statues, establishes
a uniform method for levy collection, and enforcement of NAV assessments
imposed by counties, municipalities, and special districts. These assessments are calculated on a unit
basis rather than on property value, and are used to pay for an improvement or
service to the property such as drainage, lighting, paving or fire
hydrants. ISS has historically assisted
special districts and municipalities in the final preparation of their assessment
rolls. On June 23, 2015, the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) approved fees associated with these services. On December 6, 2022, the BCC authorized the
County Administrator or designee to delegate authority to the ISS Chief
Information Officer to execute Interlocal agreements with municipalities and
special taxing districts associated with these services. District 4 (DB)
MARCH 11, 2025
A) approve a contract for consulting/professional
services with Rebel Recovery Florida Inc in the amount of $161,975 to provide
peer support services for Family Treatment Court for the period retroactive to
October 1, 2024 through September 30, 2027 funded by the Opioid Settlement
Funds; and
B) delegate authority to
the County Administrator or designee to execute future contracts,
amendments and administrative documents associated with the above contract, on
behalf of the Board of County Commissioner, after approval or legal sufficiency
by the County Attorney’s Office and within budgeted allocations that do not
substantially change the scope of work, terms or conditions of the contract.
Summary: Palm Beach County’s Department
of Public Safety, Division of Justice Services contracts with providers to
coordinate peer support services to those in the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit’s
Drug Court programs. This contract will
provide peer support services to participants in the Family Treatment
Court. Contracts are awarded through a
competitive process and ensure that the County meets the needs for participants
referred by Family Treatment Court. Peer
support services include budgeting and financial planning, transportation
assistance, service coordination, life skills development, employment
assistance, and coordination of sober supports, peer mentoring, establishing
goals/success planning, and other supports as needed. The Family Treatment Court
received peer support services through Rebel Recovery from 2020-2024 through a
federal grant administered by the State Office of Court Administration (OSCA).
OSCA’s federal grant ended on September 30, 2024. While program participation was low in
2020-2023 due to the COVID 19 pandemic, in 2024, 11 children were reunified
with their parent due to the addition of peer support services. The court graduation rate increased by
500%. The Family Treatment Court did not
want a disruption in these critical services, so they requested that this
contract be retroactive. Rebel Recovery agreed to continue providing the
services while the contract negotiations were in process. This contract is being funded by the
Opioid Settlement Fund facilitated by the Community Services Department. The Behavioral Health and Substance Use
Disorder Plan (2024) recommends peer support as a Priority Recommendation, so
this use of funds falls in line with the use of opioid settlement funds. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
X. PUBLIC SAFETY (cont’d.)
2. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Agreements with these six (6) governmental agencies for reimbursement
for medical equipment purchases from Emergency Medical Services (EMS) grant
funding received by Palm Beach County from the State of Florida Department of
Health (DOH):
City of Greenacres;
Village of North Palm Beach;
Village of Tequesta;
City of West Palm Beach;
City of Boynton Beach; and
City of Palm Beach Gardens
Summary: The
County was awarded $183,816.99 (CSFA #64.005) during the FY 2023-2024 grant
cycle from the DOH, EMS Bureau, to improve and expand EMS systems. The grant funding may be used by the County
or municipal agencies to purchase EMS equipment. Accordingly, the County has agreed to
reimburse the following municipalities: City of Greenacres for the purchase of two
(2) pediatric training manikins, two (2) adult training manikins, one (1) adult
airway management trainer and one (1) Vscan-Air Ultra Sound not to exceed
$21,243.06; Village of North Palm Beach for the purchase of five (5) Handtevy
Pediatric bags with trainings and medication and equipment guides not to exceed
$8,669; Village of Tequesta for the purchase of two (2) CPR family training
packs with CPR rate monitors and Stop the Bleed training kits not to exceed
$5,081.26; City of West Palm Beach for the purchase of Ten (10) Emergency Child
Restraints and (1) AutoPulse system with two (2) batteries and three (3) cases
not to exceed $22,614.93; City of Boynton Beach for the purchase of 18 Handtevy
Pediatric Bags with trainings and medication and equipment guides not to exceed
$17,852.50; and City of Palm Beach Gardens for the purchase of two (2) EleGARD
Patient Position Systems with covers not to exceed $14,968. The equipment was approved based upon a
countywide assessment by a grant review committee of licensed EMS
providers. The remaining $93,388.24 will
support Palm Beach County Fire Rescue, as well as the pending EMS Grant
agreements with City of Delray Beach, City of Riviera Beach, and Town of Palm
Beach. On August 13, 2013, the County Administrator
or designee was authorized to execute these standard agreements between the
County and various governmental and non-governmental agencies and make
non-substantive and ministerial changes on behalf of the Board of County
Commissioners after approval of legal sufficiency by the County Attorney’s
Office, and within budgeted allocations.
Countywide (SB)
MARCH 11, 2025
X. PUBLIC SAFETY (cont’d.)
3. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file:
A) a
Declaration of State of Local Emergency Palm Beach County, Florida dated October
7, 2024 for Hurricane Milton;
B) an
Order to Reduce Vulnerability to Damage, Injury, and Loss of Life or Property
Resulting from an Imminent Threat dated October 9, 2024 for Hurricane Milton;
C) a
Reentry Order dated October 10, 2024 for Hurricane Milton;
D) a
Declaration of Continuing State of Local Emergency Palm Beach County dated
October 14, 2024 for Hurricane Milton; and
E) a
Declaration of Continuing State of Local Emergency Palm Beach County dated
October 21, 2024 for Hurricane Milton.
Summary: On October 5, 2024, Florida Governor Ron
DeSantis issued Executive Order 24-214 and declared that a State of Emergency
exists for 35 counties, including Palm Beach County (County), due to Tropical
Storm Milton. On October 6, 2024, the
National Hurricane Center (NHC) advised that Tropical Storm Milton had formed
into Hurricane Milton. The County issued
a State of Local Emergency on Monday, October 7, 2024; which remained through
October 28, 2024. October 11, 2024,
President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. granted a Major Disaster Declaration in the
State of Florida and ordered Federal assistance to supplement State, tribal and
local response efforts due to the emergency conditions resulting from Hurricane
Milton. Hurricane Milton had the
capacity to pose a significant, imminent, and dangerous threat to residents,
visitors and tourists in the County as well as their real and personal
property. The declaration of the State
of Local Emergency was necessary to initiate emergent actions taken by the
County Administrator to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the
community. With the executed State of Local Emergency, resources were
available through the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Public
Assistance. On October 9, 2024, the
County Administrator declared the following areas of Palm Beach County were
threatened by Hurricane Milton and designated the “affected area” as Evacuation
Zone A. The order directed that the
affected area be evacuated. On October
10, 2024, the County Administrator issued a Reentry Order that the evacuation
order had been lifted. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
X. PUBLIC SAFETY (cont’d.)
4. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file:
A) executed
Judicial Inquiry System (JIS) Interagency Agreement with the Office of the
State Courts Administrator (OSCA) authorizing the Public Safety Department’s
Pretrial Services Program (PTS) to utilize the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s
(FDLE) Criminal Justice Network, an intra-agency information and data sharing
network for use by the State of Florida’s criminal justice agencies for
criminal justice background checks; and
B) executed
JIS Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle (DHSMV) Access Certification
Statement certifying PTS has appropriate internal controls in place to protect
Summary: On September 9,
2014, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved a JIS Interagency
Agreement (R2014-1339) and Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS) Agency
Contact form (R2014-1340) with the Office of the State Courts Administrator
OSCA. The JIS Interagency Agreement is a
no-cost agreement with no expiration date.
Execution of the updated JIS Interagency Agreement adds an additional
point of contact and ensures that PTS will have comprehensive access to the
criminal histories of individuals who fall within the scope of work performed
by PTS, by allowing access to and retrieval of information from the Florida Crime
Information Center as well as the National Crime Information Center. The JIS DHSMV Access Certification Statement
certifies PTS has the appropriate internal controls in place to protect data
from unauthorized access, distribution, use, modification, or disclosure. On December 19, 2023, the County Administrator received approval
(R2023-1886) from the BCC to execute agreements and administrative documents
associated with OSCA. The PTS program
will use CJIS to access national and statewide criminal histories. Countywide (RS)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: an
Agreement with the Lakes of Delray, Inc. (Agreement) for the provision of
transportation services on routes 70, 81 and 88, beginning retroactively on
February 1, 2025 through January 31, 2028, with a two (2)-year renewal option
in the amount of, $601,497.60 over the five (5)-year contract. Summary:
This Agreement allows for a
deviation within Palm Tran Fixed Routes 70, 81, and 88 to provide a more
accessible pick-up point for the residents of the Lakes of Delray community.
The Agreement eliminates the need for customers to pay individual fares upon
boarding Palm Tran buses. Palm Beach County is paid an annual amount, based on
a per dwelling rate for the service. The Agreement also includes a $125,030.40
increase over the previous five (5) year contract. Residents are responsible
for paying individual fares should they transfer from Routes 70, 81, or 88 to
another Routes. District 5 (MM)
2. Staff recommends
motion to adopt: a
Resolution of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) of Palm Beach County,
Florida, approving the Federal Transit Administration (FTA)-mandated Annual Update of the Public Transit Agency Safety Plan
(PTASP) for Palm Tran, Inc. Summary: Pursuant to FTA’s Final Rule on the
Public Transportation Safety Program, as published in the Federal Register on July 19, 2018, operators of public transportation
systems that receive Federal financial assistance must establish a safety
program that meets the requirements detailed in 49 CFR Part 673. The plan has been updated following the established processes and procedures to support the
implementation of Safety Management Systems (SMS), a
comprehensive, collaborative approach to managing safety. This revision
encompasses updates that were implemented in Fiscal Year 2024.
The PTASP outlines the programs, policies, and/or
procedures as it relates to the overall safe operation of Palm Tran, Inc.:
A) Implementing a realistic and effective Safety
Communication Plan (trainings, committees, reporting protocols, electronic
messaging etc.); and
B) Developing and implementing a program that communicates
the outcomes of our Key Performance Indicators. (Palm Tran’s the Public Transit
Agency Safety Plan (PTASP) program meets this requirement.).
Palm Tran, Inc. has the commitment from its Executive
Director that safety is the cornerstone of the organization. This is achieved
by Palm Tran initiating programs that include:
1) Safety Promotion; 2) Safety Risk Management (Safety Risk
Identification, Assessment, Mitigation); and Safety Assurance. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
Budget Transfer of $800,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) to the
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO). Summary: Section 932.7055(5), Florida Statutes; provides that the seizing
agency shall use Forfeiture proceeds for school resource officer, crime
prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or
for other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of
protracted or complex investigations, providing additional equipment or
expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators, and providing matching
grant funds. The Department of Strategic Operations will use the requested
funds to purchase Homeland Security Software. Use of LETF requires approval by
the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), upon request of the PBSO. The current
State LETF balance is $3,593,390. Approval of this request will reduce the
State LETF balance to $2,793,390. PBSO certifies that the use of these
funds is in accordance with Section
932.7055(5), Florida Statutes. No new positions are needed and no
additional County funds are required. Countywide
2. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
Budget Transfer of $75,000 from the Federal Justice Law Enforcement Trust Fund
(LETF) to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO). Summary: The 2024 Guide to Equitable Sharing for State, Local and Tribal Law
Enforcement Agencies (GUIDE), provides that seizing law enforcement
agencies shall use Justice and Treasury Forfeiture proceeds for law enforcement
purposes only. Permissible uses
include: law enforcement operations and
investigations; law enforcement training and education; law enforcement, public
safety, and detention facilities; law enforcement equipment; joint law
enforcement/public safety operations; contracts for services; law enforcement
travel and per diem; law enforcement awards and memorials; drug, gang and other
prevention or awareness programs and matching grants. Special Operations will
use the requested funds to purchase and equip a new unmarked sport utility
vehicle. Use of Federal Treasury LETF requires approval by the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC), upon request of the PBSO. The current Federal Justice LETF
balance is $266,065. Approval of this request will reduce the Federal Justice
LETF balance to $191,065. PBSO certifies that the use of these funds is in
accordance with the GUIDE. No new positions are needed and no additional County
funds are required. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
CC. SHERIFF (cont’d.)
3. Staff recommends
motion to approve: a
Budget Transfer of $451,000 from the Law Enforcement Trust Fund (LETF) to the
Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO). Summary: Section 932.7055(5), Florida Statutes; provides that the seizing
agency shall use Forfeiture proceeds for school resource officer, crime
prevention, safe neighborhood, drug abuse education and prevention programs, or
for other law enforcement purposes, which include defraying the cost of
protracted or complex investigations, providing additional equipment or
expertise, purchasing automated external defibrillators, and providing matching
grant funds. Section 932.7055(5), Florida
Statutes, also requires that no less than 25% of the LETF’s previous year’s
revenues be used for the support or operation of drug treatment, drug abuse
education, drug prevention, crime prevention, safe neighborhood and school
resource officer programs of various non-profit organizations. PBSO’s FY 2025
donation requirement is $515,236. PBSO’s support of these programs exemplifies
its strong commitment to the prevention and reduction of crime throughout the
communities it serves and its desire to put money back into these communities
to support organizations that provide such services. The year-to-date transfer for all donations to outside organizations
after approval of this item is $958,000.
The funds requested are to aid PBSO and qualified organizations that
meet the requirements set forth in Section
932.7055(5), Florida Statutes. Use of LETF requires approval by the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC), upon request of the PBSO. The current State LETF balance is $2,793,390.
Approval of this request will reduce the State LETF balance to $2,342,390. PBSO certifies that the use of these
funds is in accordance with Section
932.7055(5), Florida Statutes.
Below is a table indicating the organizations the PBSO seeks to fund and
the corresponding amount of funding proposed per respective organization or
agency. No new positions are needed and
no additional County funds are required.
Countywide (RS)
MARCH 11, 2025
CC. SHERIFF (cont’d.)
3. SUMMARY (cont’d.):
Alpha Educational Foundation – DDL, Inc. |
$50,000 |
Boca West Community Charitable Foundation,
Inc. |
$36,000 |
Florence Fuller Child Development Centers,
Inc. |
$25,000 |
Florida Sheriff's Youth Ranches, Inc. |
$130,000 |
Grey Team, Inc. |
$25,000 |
Junior Achievement of the Palm Beaches and
Treasure Coast, Inc. |
$10,000 |
Leadership Palm Beach County, Inc. |
$5,000 |
Palm Beach County PAL, Inc. - Tutoring
Program |
$25,000 |
Palm Beach County Substance Abuse
Coalition, Inc. |
$5,000 |
Urban League of Palm Beach County, Inc. |
$100,000 |
Wounded Veterans Relief Fund, Inc. |
$25,000 |
YMCA of South Palm Beach County, Inc. |
$15,000 |
Total Amount |
$451,000 |
4. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) accept on behalf of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s
Office (PBSO) an Interlocal Agreement between the Port of Palm Beach District and PBSO for the FY2024 Port Security Grant Program
(PSGP), for the period of September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2027; and
B) approve
a Budget Amendment of $1,341,179 in the Sheriff’s Grant Fund.
Summary: The Port of Palm Beach District in
partnership with PBSO received a Grant award from the U.S. Department of
Homeland Security (DHS), Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) through the
FY2024 PSGP. The Port of Palm Beach District entered into an Interlocal
Agreement with PBSO in the amount of $1,341,179 to implement the “Enhanced
Coastal Surveillance Camera Integrated System” Project. The period of
performance is from September 1, 2024 through August 31, 2027. There is a 25% match requirement associated with this
award in the amount of $447,060 which will be funded through the State Law
Enforcement Trust Fund. The
Assistance Listing number (ALN) is 97.056 and the agreement number is
EMW-2024-PU-05585. Countywide (RS)
MARCH 11, 2025
CC. SHERIFF (cont’d.)
5. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) receive and file a revised Grant
award letter from the City of Miami, to extend the period of performance
for the FY 2023 Urban Area Security Initiative (UASI) Grant from March 31, 2025
to June 15, 2025; and
B) approve
a Budget Amendment to reduce the Grant award amount from $2,153,726 to
$1,303,726 in the Sheriff’s Grant Fund.
Summary: On June 4, 2024,
the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) received notification of a Grant
award in the amount of $2,153,726 from the City of Miami for the FY 2023 UASI
Grant Program, to support various domestic security initiatives and regional
projects, including a Command Bus Vehicle project (R2024-0816). On January 21, 2025, PBSO received a revised
Grant award letter which extended the grant period through June 15, 2025 and
de-obligated $850,000 from PBSO’s Grant award in order to transfer the Command
Bus Vehicle project to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE). There
is no match requirement associated with this award. The Assistance Listing
number (ALN) is 97.067 and the contract number is R0924. Countywide
6. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) receive and file Grant
modifications #1 and #2 from the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP)
to provide a total of $64,338 in supplemental funds through the FY 2024 High
Intensity Drug Trafficking Area (HIDTA) grant; and
B) approve a Budget
Amendment of $64,338 in the Sheriff’s Grant Fund.
Summary: On May 1, 2024,
the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) received a FY 2024 HIDTA Grant
award from ONDCP in the amount
of $93,236 for the period of January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2025
(R2024-0652). Modification #1 provides
$33,348 in supplemental funds and Modification #2 provides $30,990 in
supplemental funds totaling $64,338 to continue to support the Palm Beach
County Narcotics Task Force investigations. There is no match requirement associated
with this award. The Assistance
Listing number (ALN) is 95.001 and the contract number is
G24MI0011A. Countywide (RS)
MARCH 11, 2025
CC. SHERIFF (cont’d.)
7. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) accept on behalf of the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s
Office (PBSO), a TJX Law
Enforcement Grant Award from the TJX National Task Force-U.S. Foundation in the
amount of $5,000 for the period of December 10, 2024 through time all funds are
exhausted; and
B) approve a Budget Amendment of $5,000 in the
Sheriff’s Grant Fund.
Summary: On November 4,
2024, PBSO received a TJX Law Enforcement Grant Award from the TJX National
Task Force-U.S. Foundation. These funds will support the purchase of
surveillance equipment. There is no match associated with this award.
The award number is G-0217. Countywide (RS)
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: Audit Report #2025-02 Housing and Economic
Development – Grant Monitoring of
Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Awarded Funding Contracts #2023-03). Summary: County Code requires the County
Internal Auditor to submit copies of final audit reports to the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) and the Internal Audit Committee. The members of the
Internal Audit Committee have reviewed the attached audit report and is
scheduled for March 19 2025 quarterly meeting. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: two (2) fully executed Palm Beach County FY2025, Category “G” Grant
Agreements managed by the Palm Beach County Sports Commission, Inc. (Sports
Commission), on behalf of the Palm Beach County Tourist Development Council
(TDC) with:
Maureen Connolly
Brinker Tennis Foundation, Inc., for the promotion of the “Little Mo”
Internationals in Florida, held December 6 – 11, 2024, for the term August 6,
2024 – April 11, 2025. This grantee was approved by the TDC on June 13,2024, in
the amount of $17,500; and
B) Foster Events Group, LLC., for the promotion of the Boca
Raton International Masters, held January 9 – 12, 2025, for the term September
9, 2024 – April 12, 2025. This grantee was approved by the TDC on September 12,
2024, in the amount of $25,000.
Summary: In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all
delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating
Department as a receive and file agenda item. On June 7, 1994, the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) adopted Resolution R94-702, as amended, authorizing
the County Administrator and/or the Executive Director of the TDC to enter into
grant agreements with Category “G” (Sports) grantees after they have been approved
by the TDC. Room nights generated for Maureen Connolly Brinker Tennis
Foundation, Inc. / “Little Mo” Internationals in Florida were 2,424, and room
nights generated for Foster Events Group, LLC. / Boca Raton International
Masters were 2,118. Countywide (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to authorize:
the Mayor to sign a letter to Ms. Dianna Craven, Executive Director of SunFest
of Palm Beach County, Inc. (SunFest) terminating the 2025 Category B Grant
Agreement (Grant Agreement) between SunFest and the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC). Summary: The BCC through its Category B Grants
supports cultural tourism by providing marketing funds to cultural
organizations to attract visitors to Palm Beach County. On July 11, 2024, the
Tourist Development Council Executive Director, through delegated authority
from the BCC, approved Grant Agreement (R2024-1481), in the amount of $262,494.
This grant would reimburse approved SunFest expenses for SunFest 2025. On
January 15, 2025, the Tourist Development Council (TDC) Executive Director, and
the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Cultural Council of Palm Beach
County, Inc. attended a meeting during which Mr. Dan Goode, SunFest Event
Director, officially announced the cancellation of SunFest 2025. The
cancellation violates the Grant Agreement, which provides that the County shall
have the right to terminate the Grant Agreement with or without cause upon five
(5) days' written notice. At its February 13, 2025 meeting, the TDC recommended
that the BCC terminate the Grant Agreement. Staff also recommends the BCC issue
the attached letter to terminate the Grant Agreement. Countywide (YBH)
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY 2025) Quarter One
(Q1) Small/Minority/Women Business Enterprise (S/M/WBE) participation
report. Summary:
The Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO) is tasked with providing
a written report on the progress of the program’s elements used to increase
S/M/WBEs participation in Palm Beach County contracts. The report provides an overview, detailing
the outreach activities, certification, Construction Manager at Risk (CM@R)
projects, Goal Setting items, waivers, and S/M/WBE payments for FY 2025 Q1. The
report serves as a helpful resource for understanding the efforts and progress
of each initiative of the Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) Program. The EBO
Program is making progress and has positively impacted small businesses in the
County; however, continued support of the program remains necessary to achieve
parity. Countywide (RS)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the reappointment of five (5) members to the
Health Facilities Authority (HFA) for the term of April 1, 2025 to April 30,
Jerry Fedele Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. James Howell Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. Eugenia Millender Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Dr. Gerald Robinson Mayor
Powell Jr.
James Sugarman Mayor
Powell Jr.
Mayor Baxter
Summary: The HFA was created to assist health facilities in acquisition,
construction, financing, and refinancing of projects. Per section 154.207, Florida Statutes and
Resolution Nos. R77-379, R77-398 and R92-563, the HFA is composed of five (5)
members appointed at-large by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). A memo dated February 12, 2025 and February
13, 2025 was circulated to the BCC notifying the BCC of these reappointments
and requesting their support or asking for additional nominations. No
additional nominations have been received. The HFA’s current diversity of the
five (5) seats is: four (4) Caucasian (80%) and one (1) African-American (20%).
The gender ratio male:female is 4:1. Staff continues to address the need for increased diversity within our
boards and will encourage expansion of this Board’s diversity. Countywide (HH)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
A) Proclamation
declaring March 9 – 15, 2025 as the Literacy Americorps Week. (District 2)
B) Certificate of Congratulations presented to the Palm Beach County Fire
Rescue Rapid Intervention Team. (District 4)
C) Proclamation
declaring March 2025 as Let’s Move Palm Beach County Month. (District 2)
D) Proclamation
declaring March 2025 as Ethics Awareness Month. (District 4)
E) Proclamation
declaring March 2025 as Social Work Month. (District 7)
F) Proclamation
declaring March 14, 2025 as Grant Professionals Day. (District 3)
G) Proclamation
recognizing March 2025 as Brain Injury Awareness Month. (District 7)
H) Proclamation
declaring March 5 – 15, 2025 as Women’s Art Week. (District 3)
declaring March 2025 as Florida Bicycle Month. (District 1)
J) Proclamation
declaring March 2025 as Women’s History Month. (District 6)
K) Proclamation declaring March 2025 as Palm Beach County Women and Girls
HIV/AIDS Awareness Month. (District 5)
L) Proclamation declaring March 18, 2025 as National Agriculture Day. (District
M) Proclamation
declaring March 11, 2025 as John Fischer Day. (District 5)
N) Proclamation declaring March 17 – 21, 2025 as Government Finance
Professionals Week. (District 1)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
5. PUBLIC HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and
file: Proof of publication)
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: the
issuance of a Special Secondary Service Provider Certificate of Public
Convenience and Necessity (COPCN) to Universal Protection Service, LLC
(Universal) for the gated community of Delaire Country Club located at 4645
White Cedar Lane, Delray Beach, Florida (Delaire). Summary:
Universal has applied for a Special Secondary Service Provider COPCN to provide
Advanced Life Support (ALS) first response, non-transport services for the
gated community of Delaire. Special
Secondary Service Providers can provide rapid response to medical emergencies
and have the capability to provide ALS services until the primary ALS agency
arrives. The Department of Public
Safety, Division of Emergency Management (DEM) has reviewed the application and
recommends approval of a Special Secondary Service ALS Provider - Non-Transport
COPCN to be issued to Universal. The
application was in compliance and eligible for a one-time COPCN based on the
PBC Code of Ordinances, Chapter 13, Sections 13-22. The COPCN will be issued for operations
restricted to the confines of Delaire Country Club for the period of March 11,
2025, and until Universal’s contractual agreement with Delaire is
terminated. Delray Beach Fire Rescue is
the Primary COPCN holder and has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with
Universal to coordinate their emergency services at an emergency scene. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS) Advisory
Council has also approved the recommendation to grant Universal a Special
Secondary Service ALS Provider - Non-Transport COPCN. District 4 (SB)
MARCH 11, 2025
HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
adopt a Resolution of the
Board of County Commissioners (BCC), of Palm Beach County, Florida, authorizing
the signing and submission of the Fiscal Year 2025_Fiscal Year 2026
(FY2025-FY2026) Section 5310 grant application in the amount of $1,031,819 with
a required local match of $176,869 for a total project cost of $1,208,688,
and the submission of supporting documents, and assurances to the Florida
Department of Transportation (FDOT);
delegate authority to the
County Administrator or Designee to sign and accept the resulting grant award
letter with terms that do not substantially change the scope of work, terms, or
conditions of the grant application and resolution authorizing the grant
application’s signing and submission;
approve the purchase of
seven (7) paratransit vehicles from the FDOT TRIPS Contract, pursuant to the
terms and conditions of the application and resulting Notice of Grant Award
(NGA) allotted funds; and
authorize the County
Administrator or designee to submit the Order Form for the FDOT TRIPS Contract
to request purchase of the vehicles and expenditure of grant funds and local
match pursuant to the resulting NGA.
MARCH 11, 2025
HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)
B. PALM TRAN (cont’d.)
1. Summary: Palm Tran is submitting an application for the acquisition of
replacement paratransit vehicles at a total
cost of $1,068,688. The vehicles being
replaced have reached the end of their useful life. The application is also
requesting funds for a proposed deviated route service aimed to improve
mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities in Delray Beach. The grant requires a local match of $106,869 (10%) for the buses and $70,000 (50%) for the proposed route deviation. The
required match is included in Palm Tran’s proposed FY 2026 budget. The application amount will cover the
estimated cost to replace seven (7) vehicles. The actual award amount will be
determined by funds available under Section 5310 after all applications have
been reviewed by FDOT. The grant
requires broader indemnification by the County than that approved by PPM
CW-F-049. The grant requires the County and its officers, agents,
or employees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless FDOT and all of its
officers, agents, and employees from any claim, loss, damage, cost, charge, or
expense arising out of the County’s non-compliance or performance of this
agreement. The indemnification obligation must also be passed on to contractors
and/or consultants. The Risk Management Department and County Attorney’s
Office have reviewed the indemnification requirements for this grant and
advised staff accordingly. Given that liability is limited to County’s
non-compliance or performance of this agreement and the statutory caps of
Section 768.28, Florida Statutes, staff recommends BCC approval. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve:
A) Resolution
of the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) of Palm Beach County, Florida
Approving Fiscal Year 2025 Mid-Year Budget Amendments and Transfers; and
amendments and transfers in various funds reflecting adjustments for balances
brought forward, other revenues, reserves and operating expenses. The total of the adjustments is an increase
of $172,286,805 in 169 funds.
Summary: These
budget amendments and transfers are necessary to adjust FY 2025 budgets to
reflect differences between actual and estimated revenues and expenditures of
FY 2024. These amendments adjust the balances brought forward, various revenue,
expenditure, and reserve accounts to their audited balances. For the General Fund, this amendment results
in an increased fund balance of $30,520,979.
This adjustment is a result of:
1. $22,303,077 net increase in revenues,
excess fees and commission refunds from Constitutional Officers and Judicial:
Sheriff’s Office $10,577,878, Clerk and Comptroller $393,627, Supervisor of
Elections $5,611,770, Tax Collector $4,715,785, Property Appraiser $963,812,
Judicial $40,205;
$18,087,050 BCC department expenditures less than originally estimated
and revenues higher than originally estimated; and
3. $3,700,343 in General Government and
Financially Assisted Agencies expenses lower than originally estimated; and
4. ($14,200,093) in major and other revenues lower than estimated.
MARCH 11, 2025
HEARINGS – 9:30 A.M. (Motion to receive and file: Proof of publication)
BUDGET (cont’d.)
1. SUMMARY (cont’d.): The $30,520,979 million increase in fund
balance will be allocated as follows:
1. $25 million to the Sheriff for presidential
protection activities, as presented to the BCC on February 4, 2025;
2. $2.5 million in capital expenses to fund
shortfalls in the design for the Airport Center 3 project;
3. ($750,261) net adjustment across departments
for miscellaneous adjustments; and
4. $3,771,240 in General Fund contingency
Reserves to help restore a portion of the $20 million that was previously
allocated to the Sheriff for presidential protection activities. Countywide (DB)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff requests
Board direction:
regarding potential amendments to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) of
Palm Beach County, Florida, Rules of Procedure.
SUMMARY: Pursuant to
direction given at the BCC Zoning meeting on January 30, 2025, County
Administration staff was tasked with placing an agenda item on the February 11,
2025 meeting to discuss: a) the policy for quorum at all BCC meetings; b) the
extent and scope of what constitutes “Board Direction”; and c) how “Board
Direction” is to be raised for consideration and approved for issuance to
staff. The attached memorandum provides an overview of the provisions under the
current Rules of Procedures and recommends potential revisions to the same
based on the discussion by the BCC during the aforementioned meeting. Countywide
2. Staff recommends
approval: Staff
is requesting approval of the proposed tool and process to conduct Performance
Reviews of the following Contractual Employees: County Attorney, County Auditor
and County Administrator. Summary: On, January 7, 2025,
during the Regular Board of County Commissioner’s Meeting (BCC) by consensus of
the Commission; Palm Beach County Administrative Staff were directed to meet
with individual Commissioners to develop a tool to be utilized in reviewing the
performance of Contractual Employees who serves as direct reports to the
Commission. Meetings were conducted. As a result, the attached tool was
developed. In an effort to provide the
foundation of the Review Tool, Human resources performed benchmark surveys with
various counties municipalities and other industry professional organizations.
Moving forward, with respect to the time line established by the Commission,
each Commissioner would need to complete the form and schedule individual
meetings as desired with the Evaluatee to discuss the results and submit their
evaluation to The Department of Human Resources. Countywide (DO)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: The
renewal of the excess property, excess liability, excess workers’ compensation
insurance programs, and ancillary policies for the period April 1, 2025 through
March 31, 2026, purchased under Contract No. 21-040DP through the County’s
contracted broker, Risk Management Associates, Inc. (aka Brown & Brown
Public Sector), at a total cost not-to-exceed $16,642,971. Summary:
The projected 2025-2026 excess insurance program renewal premiums reflect a
total not-to-exceed cost of $16,642,971 which is a decrease of approximately
5.7% ($1,001,078) over the expiring total premium of $17,644,049. The excess
insurance market continues to stabilize and the County was successful in
obtaining quotes which will reduced premiums and lower our maximum wind
deductible from $33.225 million to $25 million even as our total insured values
(TIVs) continues to increase. The
increases in values is largely attributed to our ongoing five (5) year plan to
reappraise all County properties. Proper valuations are essential to a
successful property insurance program.
These appraisals increased our TIV from $2.97 billion to $3.1 billion.
The County traditionally purchases coverage in accordance with industry
recognized catastrophe modeling for a 100-year storm event probability. Due to
the TIV increase, these models now predict our probable maximum named wind loss
at $155 million instead of the expiring $145 million. To incorporate this
projection we have added $10 million in additional coverage to the wind limits
and $15 million to the excess property limits. Both increases are contemplated
in our not-to-exceed amount and rate decrease.
Risk Management, in conjunction with our Broker has aggressively
marketed our program to over 130 Global Insurance Companies to ensure securing
the best available rates. This included meeting (either in-person or virtually)
directly with underwriters of approximately 30 separate property insurers. This
allowed us to explain in detail what separates Palm Beach County from other
risks they may insure. Discussions included our favorable loss history, the
quality of our building codes and structures, our commitment to Capital
Improvements, and our Comprehensive Disaster Management Program. The insurance programs also include $5
million of excess liability insurance, subject to a $500,000 Self-Insured Retention
(SIR). Excess workers’ compensation insurance is included, and covers all costs
in excess of $2.25 million per occurrence.
All state and federally mandated taxes, surcharges and assessments are
included within the estimated renewal cost. Sufficient funds were budgeted and
are available for this coverage. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
receive and file Amendment
No. 0011 to the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF) Unified
Homeless Grant (Catalog of State Financial Assistance (CSFA) 60.021) Contract
No. IP004 (R2019-1138), for the period July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2025, to
increase the grant award by $627,900.09, for a new total not-to-exceed amount
of $6,223,877.08, allowing for enhanced service provision to address
homelessness for individuals and families;
B) approve an upward Budget Amendment of $627,900
in the General Fund, Human Services and Community Action Division (HSCAP) to
align the budget with the grant award; and
approve an
upward Budget Transfer of $156,975 from General Fund Contingency Reserves to
recognize the increase of the Palm Beach County (County) match requirement due
to the increased award.
Summary: Amendment No. 0011 CSFA No. 60.021 amends
DCF agreement No. IP004 to reflect a funding increase in the IP004 Unified
Homeless Grant, adding Challenge Unsheltered funding in the amount of
$627,900.09. This funding integrates
State appropriations associated with the passage of House Bill 1365, regarding
public camping or sleeping, into the Palm Beach County Homeless Continuum of
Care (CoC) contracts for State Fiscal Year (SFY) 2024-2025. This amendment
updates the contract language for SFY 2024-2025 and revises the original
contract to include the additional funding to mitigate unsheltered
homelessness. The funding will provide support for homeless individuals and
families through mental health and substance use treatment at shelter sites,
emergency and transitional shelters, and non-congregate shelters. The amendment
also updates the Fiscal Year Payment Tables for SFY(s) 2024/2025. The Amendment
is effective July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025. The contract Amendment was
executed by the County Administrator in accordance with Resolution 2021-0781,
which delegated signature authority to the County Administrator, or designee,
to execute grant amendments thereto, and all necessary documents related to the
DCF Unified Homeless Grant. In accordance with County PPM CW-O-051, all
delegated contracts, agreements, and grants must be submitted by the initiating
department as a receive and file agenda item.
A County cash match of $156,975
is required. Countywide (HH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
approve Housing Initiative
Program (HIP) - Workforce Housing Development award to One North Lake, LLC in
the amount of $4,650,000 for the One North Lake Apartments Project (Project);
B) delegate authority to the County Administrator, or designee,
to execute the Loan Agreement, amendments thereto, and all other documents
necessary for project implementation that do not substantially change the scope
of work, terms or conditions of the Loan Agreement; and
C) approve a Budget Transfer of $4,650,000 within the HIP Funds to recognize the
allocation of HIP funds to the Project.
SUMMARY: On May 7,
2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved a HIP award in the
amount of $4,650,000 to One North Lake, LLC to construct the Project. The
United States Department of Housing & Urban Development (HUD) establishes
Fair Market Rates at the 40th percentile of the rents for all
standard quality rental housing units within the geographic area (zip code)
that are occupied by recent movers, with adjustments to exclude public housing
units and substandard units and the Project shall not exceed these established
2025 FMRs |
One Bedroom |
Two Bedroom |
Three Bedroom |
Zip Code 33476 –
One North Lake |
$890 |
$1,060 |
$1,380 |
The Project will entail construction of 54 multi-family apartment rental
units within a four (4)-story building located in Pahokee, FL. The total
Project cost is $17,270,028 and all units will be County-assisted and serve
individuals and families that are 120% or below of the Area Median Income (AMI)
with an affordability period of no less than 50 years. The total Project cost is $17,270,028
($319,815 per unit) with a County HIP investment of $4,650,000, for a per-unit
cost of $86,111. County HIP investment for this Project is 26.9%. Total County
investment for this Project, including HIP and a $100,000 Ad Valorem
Infrastructure Grant approved by the BCC on August 25, 2020 (Agenda Item 3I-3)
is 27.5% ($87,962 per unit). Additional funding sources for this
MARCH 11, 2025
1. SUMMARY (cont’d.): Project are as follows:
Funding Sources |
Newmark/FHA |
9,054,000 |
Housing Initiatives program |
$ 4,650,000 |
PBC Ad Valorem
Infrastructure Grant |
$ 100,000 |
Owner Equity |
3,466,028 |
Total Development Cost |
$17,270,028 |
County HIP funding will be provided to developers in the form of a
repayable loan for permanent financing, secured by a mortgage and a note that
requires repayment of principal and interest. A declaration of restrictions
will be recorded to ensure affordability for a 50 year period. The term of the
loan will be equal to 40 years and have an interest rate of 1%. The funding agreements and related documents
pursuant to these funds will be between the County and the entities identified
herein or their respective successors and/or assigns. Staff is recommending
funding approval of $4,650,000 in HIP funding for the Project. To facilitate
project implementation, staff requests authorization for the County
Administrator, or designee, to execute the Loan Agreement and related
documents. District 6 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve Housing Initiative Program (HIP) - Workforce Housing Development award
to Danza of Westgate, LLC in the amount of $3,147,739 for the Westgate Terrace
Apartments Project (Project);
B) delegate authority to the County Administrator, or designee,
to execute the Loan Agreement, amendments thereto, and all other documents necessary
for project implementation that do not substantially change the scope of work,
terms or conditions of the Loan Agreement; and
C) approve a Budget Transfer of $3,147,739 within the HIP Fund to recognize the
allocation of HIP funds to the Project.
SUMMARY: On May 7,
2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) awarded a HIP award in the amount
of $3,147,739 to Danza of Westgate, LLC to construct the Project. The United States Department of Housing &
Urban Development (HUD) establishes Fair Market Rates at the 40th
percentile of the rents for all standard quality rental housing units within
the geographic area (zip code) that are occupied by recent movers, with
adjustments to exclude public housing units and substandard units and the
Project shall not exceed these established rates:
2025 FMRs |
One Bedroom |
Two Bedroom |
Bedroom |
Zip Code 33409 – Westgate Terrace |
$1,770 |
$2,110 |
$2,760 |
The Project will entail construction of 46 multi-family apartment rental
units within one (1) four (4)-story mixed-use building with apartments, a
government office and a medical office located in Westgate/Belvedere Homes
Community Redevelopment Agency, FL. The
total project cost is $24,277,365 with 37 HIP-assisted units serving
individuals and families that are 120% or below of the Area Median Income (AMI)
with an affordability period of no less than 50 years. The remaining nine (9)
units are an obligation requirement for the Workforce Housing Program and are
not eligible for additional Palm Beach County (County) funding. The total
Project cost is $24,277,365 ($527,768 per unit) with a County HIP investment of
$3,147,739, for a per-unit cost of $85,074. Total County HIP investment for
this Project is 12.97%. Additional funding sources for this Project are as follows:
MARCH 11, 2025
2. SUMMARY (cont’d.):
Funding Sources |
Newmark Capital/FHA |
$16,406,906 |
Housing Initiatives program |
$ 3,147,739 |
Owner Equity |
$ 4,722,720 |
Total Development Cost |
$24,277,365 |
County HIP funding will be provided to developers in the form of a
repayable loan for permanent financing, secured by a mortgage and a note that
requires repayment of principal and interest. A declaration of restrictions
will be recorded to ensure affordability for a 50 year period. The term of the
loan will be equal to 40 years and have an interest rate of 1%. The funding agreements and related documents
pursuant to these funds will be between the County and the entities identified
herein or their respective successors and/or assigns. Staff is
recommending funding approval of $3,147,739 for the Project. To facilitate
project implementation, staff requests authorization for the County
Administrator, or designee, to execute the loan agreements and related
documents. District 7 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve General
Obligation Housing Bond Loan Program (HBLP) – Affordable Housing Multifamily
Development award to Village of Valor, Ltd., (VOV) in the amount of $4,300,000
for the Village of Valor Project (Project);
delegate authority to the
County Administrator, or designee, to execute the Loan Agreement, amendments
thereto, and all other documents necessary for project implementation that do
not substantially change the scope of work, terms or conditions of the Loan
Agreement.; and
approve a Budget Transfer
of $4,300,000 within the HBLP Fund to recognize the allocation of HBLP funds to
the Project.
SUMMARY: On November 19, 2024,
the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), conceptually approved HBLP funding in
the amount of $4,300,000 for the Project. The Project consists of a four (4)
story, mid-rise building with 54 multifamily rental development units located
at 2701-2751 Second Avenue North in Palm Springs. Palm Beach County (County)
funds will be provided on a per-unit basis and the total of all County funding shall
not account for more than 50% of the total unit cost as allocated to the
County-assisted funding units. All units will be available to families at or
below 80% Area Median Income (AMI) with income targeting
as deep as 30% AMI and with preference to veteran tenants and their
families. A declaration of restrictions
will be recorded to ensure affordability for a 50 year period. On May 7, 2024
(Agenda Item 5B-1), the Project also received additional funding in the amount
of $2,000,000 in Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 (NSP2) funds. The total Project
cost is $30,511,273 with a County HBLP investment of $4,300,000 for a per-unit
cost of $79,630. Total County HBLP investment for this Project is 14.09%. Total
County funding for this Project including $4,300,000 in HBLP bonds and
$2,000,000 in NSP2 funding is $6,300,000 or 20.65% ($116,667 per unit) of the
total Project. Based on the preliminary underwriter’s
report, County funding will be provided in
the form of a repayable loan at 0% interest.
MARCH 11, 2025
(cont’d.): Affordability restrictions will be recorded through
Declarations of Restrictive Covenants and will survive repayment of the loan. Funding sources for
this project are as follows:
Sources: |
The Loan Agreement and related documents
pursuant to these HBLP funds will be between the County and VOV. The funding agreements and related documents
pursuant to these funds will be between the County and the entities identified
herein or their respective successors and/or assigns. To facilitate Project implementation, staff requests authorization for
the County Administrator, or designee, to execute the Loan Agreement and all
related documents. District 3 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends
motion to approve: an extension of the March 11, 2025 deadline for conceptually approved
Housing Bond Loan Program (HBLP) funded projects for Drexel Road Senior Apartments Spectra HTG, LTD (Drexel) for
the Drexel Road Senior Apartments Project (Project) to September 19, 2025. SUMMARY: At the December 10, 2024 Board of County Commissioners (BCC) meeting, the
BCC approved a deadline for all conceptually approved HBLP and HIP projects to
be submitted for final approval no later than March 11, 2025 (Agenda 6C-8). The
original Project, located at 1745 Drexel Road in West Palm Beach, was presented
to the BCC at the May 7, 2024 meeting (Agenda 5B-3) requesting $18,000,000. At
that meeting, the BCC directed the Drexel to return with a funding request
limiting the County HBLP funding to 15% of the development cost and to apply
for funding through the Florida Housing Finance Corporation (FHFC) State
Apartment Incentive Loan (SAIL) program. At the June 4, 2024 BCC meeting, the
BCC conceptually approved $13,185,000 in HBLP funding for the Project (Agenda
5D-1) contingent on application for additional SAIL funding. On January 24,
2025, Drexel was approved for SAIL funding in the amount of $11,656,000 with
the final award anticipated on June 13, 2025 following the conclusion of the
SAIL protest period. Upon final award of the SAIL funding by FHFC, the Project
will be invited to underwriting. The SAIL award is contingent on the County’s
funding and since final approval by the BCC requires underwriting first, which
will not occur until after the SAIL protest period, a waiver of the deadline is
required to proceed. District 2 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
5. Staff recommends
motion to:
approve receipt of a
grant award of $2,250,000 in Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 Community Project Funding
(CPF) from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD),
as directed by Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick, for the development of
workforce and affordable housing (Grant No. B-24-CP-FL-0580);
approve a Budget
Amendment in the amount of $2,250,000 in the Community Project Fund to
recognize the grant award;
approve a CPF funding allocation of $2,250,000 to Davis
Commons, LLC, subject to successful contract negotiations;
D) authorize staff to
negotiate the funding agreement with Davis Commons, LLC; and
E) delegate
authority to the County Administrator, or designee, to act as Authorized Representative
for purposes of grant submittal, execute the grant application and
certifications, grant agreement with HUD, amendments thereto, and all other
documents necessary for grant implementation that do not substantially change
the scope of work, terms, or conditions of the Project.
Summary: On
October 26, 2024, Palm Beach County received a grant award letter from HUD
advising of a $2,250,000 FY 2024 CPF grant (B-24-CP-FL-0580). The grant resulted from a Federal appropriations
request submitted by Congresswoman Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick on behalf of Palm
Beach County. The CPF grant must be used for the development of workforce and
affordable housing. Staff proposes that the CPF grant be allocated towards
construction of Davis Commons (the Project), a 20-unit for-sale townhome
development to be located at 4462 – 4493 Davis Road, unincorporated Lake Worth
Beach. All townhomes are three (3)
bedrooms, 1,600 square feet with a garage, and will be sold to homebuyers with
incomes no greater than 120% of Area Median Income. The Project will be deed restricted to remain
affordable in perpetuity via the land trust model. The Project developer is
Davis Commons LLC, a partnership between local not-for-profit organizations
Community Partners of South Florida and the Community Land Trust of Palm Beach
County and the Treasure Coast. On
September 13, 2022 (#6D-1) the Board of County Commissioners approved a State
Housing Investment Partnership (SHIP) award of $2,000,000 to Davis Commons,
11, 2025
5. SUMMARY (cont’d.): At the time, the Project total development
cost was $7.5 Million, including a construction budget of $5 Million.
Subsequently, the Project experienced a construction cost increase to $8.5
Million, due both to general construction price escalation and to additional
site work and infrastructure requirements identified during the development
review process. Total development cost of
the Project is now $10.77 Million. Other
sources of development funding for the Project include a construction loan from
the Housing Finance Authority of Palm Beach County, and grant funding from JP
Morgan Chase, Neighbor Works, the Community Foundation for Palm Beach and
Martin Counties. The proposed CPF funds will complete necessary development
funding and enable the Project to move forward.
Delegation of signatory authority is necessary to expedite the
obligation of these Federal funds, including authority for staff to act as
Authorized Representative to submit the grant application and certifications in
HUD’s online grant management system, and to execute the grant agreement with
HUD, and related documents. Given recent
actions at HUD to recapture unobligated funds, it is necessary for the Board to
consider this item today to expedite the obligation of the CPF funds and avoid
risk of recapture. These are Federal
CPF grant funds which require no local match. District 3 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: An Interlocal Agreement (ILA) with the City of Belle Glade (City) providing for the annexation of an enclave,
known as the South Main Street enclave generally located on the West side of S.
Main Street, east of State Road 715. Summary: The City has proposed the voluntary annexation of parcels
within an existing enclave. After reviewing the proposed voluntary annexation,
City and County staff agreed to enter into an ILA for the annexation of the
remainder of the enclave. The City adopted the ILA on January 27, 2025, for the
annexation of the enclave consisting of six parcels totaling 9.58 acres,
identified in Exhibit A of the ILA. The proposed annexation was
processed through the County’s reviewing departments, including Fire Rescue;
Engineering; Planning, Zoning & Building; Environmental Resources
Management; Parks and Recreation; Water Utilities; County Attorney; Property
and Real Estate Management; Sheriff's Office; and the Office of Financial
Management and Budget. The City provided written
notice to all owners of real property located within the enclave. The proposed
annexation meets the requirements of Chapter 171, Florida Statutes, and is consistent with the Intergovernmental Coordination
Element of the County’s Comprehensive Plan. District 6 (DL)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) approve a contract with Gerelco Traffic Controls, Inc. (GTC) in an amount not
to exceed $11,600,000 (Contract) for Transit Signal Priority and Emergency
Vehicle Preemption Hardware and Software; and
delegate authority to the County Administrator
or designee to sign all forms, certifications, contracts, agreements,
amendments, work orders, and any other necessary documents related to the
Contract (collectively, Documents), which Documents do not substantially change
the scope of work, terms, or conditions of the Contract.
SUMMARY: Approval of
this Contract will authorize the professional services necessary to design,
construct, and implement the Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Emergency
Vehicle Preemption (EVP) (collectively, System) for Palm Beach County (County)
Fire Rescue and Palm Tran. The System
will support future integration of information from the County’s traffic signal
system with data from buses, emergency vehicles, other vehicles, and various
public agencies with the goal of maximizing efficiency. GTC proposes to train
staff to maintain equipment installed on fleet vehicles, signals, and the
central management system. Work orders
to implement the System throughout the County will be issued on an “as needed”
basis. Palm Tran secured State funding
in the amount of $2,000,000 through the Palm Beach Transportation Planning
Agency (TPA) for deployment of the first phase of TSP along US-1, from Palmetto
Park Road to Northlake Boulevard (Project Limits), which will cost
$1,689,071. Future expansions of TSP
along Okeechobee Boulevard and Lake Worth Road are funded in FY2025 in the
amount of $1,000,000 each (Future Phases).
Palm Beach County (County) Fire Rescue will implement EVP in phases
throughout the County at more than 900 traffic signals. Fire Rescue has budgeted $1,250,000 for the
first phase of EVP that will include 30 vehicles and 225 intersections. The delegated authority to the County
Administrator or designee to sign Documents may be used to issue work orders to
implement the System as described throughout the County, to renew the Contract
time for up to 48 months, to clarify existing line items and associated
specifications, and to add line items and associated specifications, all of
which do not substantially change the scope of work, terms, or conditions of
the Contract.
MARCH 11, 2025
1. SUMMARY (cont’d.): Affirmative Procurement Initiatives (API) were not established for the
Contract. Proposals and bids for the
Contract were received by the Purchasing Department on June 13,
2024. GTC was the recommended bidder of
four (4) bidders, and demonstrated through a series of tests that its proposed
System met the Request for Proposal requirements. The Contract will be in effect for 12 months
from the date of approval by the Board of County Commissioners (BCC). GTC
has an office located in the County. The above Contract amount is based upon
the estimated amount to be expended for TSP within the Project Limits, Future
Phases, and for implementing EVP at more than 900 traffic signals. Countywide (YBH)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: Amendment No. 6 to the
continuing Construction Manager (CM)
at Risk Services contract (R2020-1689) with D. Stephenson Construction, Inc.
(D. Stephenson), establishing a Guaranteed Maximum
Price (GMP) in the amount of $1,230,572 for the pre-purchase phase of the Palm
Beach Sheriff’s Office (PBSO) Data Center project for a period of 330 calendar
days from notice to proceed. Summary:
On November 17,
2020, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC) approved the continuing CM at
Risk Services contract (R2020-1689) with D. Stephenson for construction
management services for various capital projects. Amendment No. 6 establishes a
GMP in the amount of $1,230,572 for construction management services necessary
for the pre-purchase phase of the PBSO Data Center project. The pre-purchase phase of the PBSO Data
Center project includes, but is not limited to, the procurement of two (2) long
lead time emergency generators for the PBSO Data Center. The CM will have 330
calendar days from notice to proceed to substantially complete the construction
phase of the project. Liquidated damages for failure to achieve certification
of substantial completion within the contract time or approved time extension
thereof are $200 per day. This continuing CM at Risk Services contract was
solicited pursuant to the requirements of the Equal Business Opportunity
Ordinance (EBO). This continuing CM at Risk Services contract was presented to
the Goal Setting Committee on December 4, 2019 and the Committee established
Affirmative Procurement Initiatives (APIs) of a Small Business Enterprise (SBE)
evaluation preference for the SBE Participation Plan and a mandatory minimum
20% SBE subcontracting goal on the contract. The SBE participation on the construction
trade contracts for this Amendment is 100%. To date, the overall SBE
participation on the continuing CM at Risk Services contract is 52.77%. In
accordance with Attachment 3 of Policy and Procedures Memorandum (PPM)
CW-O-043, the GSC applies the APIs applicable to the construction phase of the
contract (i.e. the subcontracts) before subcontractor bidding so that the SBE
participation for the GMP is based on the subcontracting trades associated with
the GMP and does not include the CM’s fees. Funding for this project is from
the Public Building Improvement Fund. (Capital Improvements Division) District
3 (MWJ)
MARCH 11, 2025
2. Staff recommends
motion to:
A) adopt a Resolution authorizing a Lease Agreement
with Closter Farms, Inc., a Florida corporation (Closter Farms), for the
continued use of +/-7.3 acres of County-owned, unimproved land south of Pahokee
in unincorporated Palm Beach County (Premises) for a term of ten (10) years,
commencing April 1, 2025 and ending March 31, 2035, at an annual rate of $4,015
(i.e., $550 per acre); and
B) approve the Lease Agreement with Closter Farms.
Summary: Since 1995, the County
has leased the Premises to Closter Farms for sugarcane production. The Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) approved the current lease in March 2016
(R2016-0394) which expires on March 31, 2025.The State of Florida owns a
2,725-acre tract of land located to the north, west, and south of the Premises,
which Closter Farms also leases.
Pursuant to PPM CW-L-023, the County Administrator may approve the use
of a process other than a solicitation (Invitation For Bids or Request For
Proposals) for leasing County-owned property. Since Closter Farms leases the
surrounding State-owned land adjacent to the County’s property, it is the only
entity that can readily utilize the County’s parcel. The proposed lease shall commence on April 1,
2025 for a period of ten (10) years as a triple-net lease. The annual base rent
will be $4,015 (i.e., $550 per acre), with annual adjustments determined by the
Producer Price Index (PPI) for raw cane sugar, consistent with the methodology
used in the current lease. Closter Farms will be responsible for all
maintenance and repairs to the Premises and will farm the land in accordance
with the Everglades Forever Act. The Property & Real Estate Management
Division will continue to have administrative responsibility for this Lease
Agreement. (Property & Real Estate Management) District 6
MARCH 11, 2025
3. Staff recommends motion to approve:
A) a Lease Agreement
(Lease) with MG Congress, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (MG), for a
portion of the property located at 1200 South Congress Avenue in Palm Springs
(Premises), for Palm Tran connection paratransit operations, for a term of 15
years at an annual rent of $2,065,000 (i.e., $172,083.33/month) with 3% annual
increases; and
B) a Budget Transfer of $1,207,500 in Palm Tran
Operating Fund 1340 to fund fiscal year 2025 of the Lease.
Summary: The subject facility sits on approximately 12
acres and includes a 47,792 square foot building located at 1200 South Congress
Avenue in Palm Springs. MG has entered
into a contract to purchase the property. The County seeks to enter into this
Lease for the Premises to be used for Palm Tran paratransit operations. The term of the Lease is for 15 years, with
two (2) ten (10)-year renewal options. The Lease commencement date is
contingent on MG’s (i) acquisition of the property, (ii) obtainment of all use
approvals from the Village of Palm Springs allowing the County to use the
Premises for paratransit operations, and (iii) completion of certain
improvements to the Premises by MG.
Effective on the Lease Commencement Date, the annual rent is $2,065,000
(i.e., $172,083.33/month), with annual increases at 3%. This is a triple net lease; therefore, the
County will be responsible for maintenance, utilities, insurance, and taxes for
the Premises. The County’s obligation to pay property taxes shall be capped at
$400,000 for the first (1st) full calendar year following lease
commencement. If the taxes for the first
(1st) full calendar year exceed $400,000, the rent shall be
decreased in the amount above the $400,000. To fund the first (1st)
year of the Lease, Palm Tran requires a budget transfer to decrease the
Operating reserves budget line item and increase the Rent – Building reserves
budget line item; this budget transfer requires Board of County Commissioner
(BCC) approval. Palm Tran supports this
Lease as it will allow for greater efficiency and efficacy in performing paratransit
operations with multiple vendors. Palm
Tran will have administrative responsibilities for this Agreement. (Property & Real Estate Management) District
3 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
4. Staff recommends motion to approve:
A) the conceptual operational strategy for the provision of temporary
housing services;
B) a Budget Transfer in the amount of $3,802,000
from the Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation ARPA Replacement dollars to the
La Quinta Hotel Property Acquisition Unit within the ARPA Response Replacement
Fund to provide funding for the purchase of approximately 2.99 acres improved
with a 114-room hotel located at 5981 Okeechobee Boulevard in unincorporated
Palm Beach County(Property); and
C) an Agreement for Purchase and Sale with Rore
Asset 5981, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (Seller), for the
acquisition of property consisting of approximately 2.99 acres improved with a
114-room hotel located at 5981 Okeechobee Boulevard in unincorporated Palm Beach
County (Property) for the purpose of providing senior housing accommodations at
a purchase price of $15,000,000 plus closing costs estimated to be $40,000.
Summary: On September 17, 2024, the Board of County
Commissioners (BCC) authorized staff to negotiate for the acquisition of the
Property with the Seller conditioned upon: 1) conducting outreach sessions with
the surrounding community, 2) developing a conceptual operational strategy for
the provision of temporary housing and supporting services from the Property,
and 3) providing the BCC an overview of the condition of the Property. The BCC
further instructed staff of its interest in considering all matters
concurrently, prior to making a determination on the acquisition of the
Property. Following BCC direction, staff
met with residents of Century Village on October 4, 2024 and on January 24,
2025. Copies of the presentations provided during said meetings are included as
Attachment 2 to this agenda item. Song and Associates, Inc. (SAI) was
commissioned to conduct an assessment of the condition of the Property with a
goal of identifying any renovations needed for the building to be operational
for the County’s intended purpose and compliant with current codes; no fatal
conditions were identified. The final
Assessment Report estimated approximately $2.8M in renovation costs. Staff’s
proposed conceptual operational strategy for the provision of temporary housing
services should the BCC decide to acquire the Property is included as
Attachment 3 to this agenda item. Two (2) appraisals were obtained from
Callaway and Price, Inc. and Appraisal Acquisition Consultants, valuing the
Property at $13,600,000 and $14,250,000, respectively, with an average
appraised value of $13,925,000.
MARCH 11, 2025
4. SUMMARY (cont’d.): Although the
initial asking price for the Property was $16,000,000, the Seller agreed to a
purchase price of $15,000,000, which is $1,075,000 (approximately 7.72%) above
the average appraised value. The Property is currently operating as a
LaQuinta-brand hotel and is subject to a Franchise Agreement between Seller and
LaQuinta Franchising LLC. The Franchise
Agreement provides for the payment of a franchisee release fee (FRF) to
terminate the Franchise Agreement. The
Purchase and Sale Agreement provides that, in addition to the purchase price,
the County will contribute an amount not to exceed $1,762,000 towards the FRF. The County will pay closing costs estimated
to be approximately $40,000. If the BCC
approved the conceptual operational strategy and approves the acquisition of
the Property, staff estimates recurring annual operational costs totaling
$1,687,800 consisting of $882,000 for facilities-related expenditures (i.e.,
maintenance, utilities, security) and $805,800 for staffing and wrap-around
services. The rooms will be transformed into single room occupancy efficiencies
to offer permanent supportive housing for eligible seniors and veterans aged 55
and older. The County will collaborate with nonprofit organizations to manage
the property and provide an array of activities and support services. Staff estimates that an initial investment of
$1M will be required to bring the Property’s card access, intrusion, security camera,
fire alarm and cable systems into compliance with the County facilities’
standards. While engaged in negotiations with Seller, staff was approached by
the owner of the Ramada Hotel located at 1901 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West
Palm Beach regarding its potential sale to the County. As a preparatory step to better inform the
BCC, staff initiated basic due diligence.
Two (2) appraisals were obtained from Anderson & Carr, Inc. and
Callaway & Price, Inc., valuing the Property at $21,500,000 and $20,000,000,
respectively, with an average appraised value of $20,750,000. Preliminary
conversations with the Ramada Hotel’s owner indicate his willingness to engage
in negotiations. Staff is notifying the
BCC of this additional opportunity should the BCC deem it appropriate to
authorize staff to negotiate the acquisition of the Ramada Hotel (i.e.,
inclusive of performing a condition assessment, conducting community outreach,
and preparing an operational framework). Acquisition of the Property (i.e.,
LaQuinta) will be funded from the ARPA Replacement Funds and Infrastructure
Sales Tax (Housing Units for Homeless, Extremely low income and low income
funds. These are County ARPA Response
Replacement funds that do not require a local match. This acquisition
must be approved by a supermajority vote (5 Commissioners). (Property & Real Estate Management)
District 2 (HJF)
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the Fiscal Year 2024 (FY2024) Annual Small/Minority/Women Business
Enterprise (S/M/WBE) participation report (Annual Report). Summary: The Office of Equal Business
Opportunity (OEBO) is tasked with providing a written report on the progress of
the program’s elements used to increase Palm Beach County’s utilization of
S/M/WBEs. The FY2024 Annual Report
provides a comprehensive summary of important data, including detailed
information on payments made to S/M/WBEs by gender, race, industry, district,
and Affirmative Procurement Initiatives (APIs) during FY2024. The report
highlights outreach activities, waivers, Construction Manager at Risk (CM@R)
projects, and Goal Setting items. The Equal Business Opportunity (EBO) S/M/WBE
Program is making progress and has positively impacted small businesses in the
County; however, continued support of the S/M/WBE program remains necessary to
achieve parity, fostering the inclusion of local small businesses, and
strengthening their influence within Palm Beach County’s local economy. Countywide
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve on preliminary reading and permission to advertise for Public
Hearing on April 8, 2025: An Ordinance of the Board of County
Commissioners of Palm Beach County, Florida, for the repeal of the Local
Government Infrastructure Surtax of one percent on December 31, 2025, and
providing for the continuation of the Citizen Oversight Committee until only de
minimis surtax proceeds remain. Summary: On May 17, 2016, the Board of
County Commissioners (BCC) approved on second reading an infrastructure surtax
plan for one cent, maximum 10 years, creation of an oversight committee to
review spending for compliance with approved projects, and the following
allocations: 50% to the School District, 30% to the County, and 20% to the
Municipalities. The Ordinance also includes a sunset provision that the surtax
will end if $2.7 billion is collected prior to September 1st of any
year. All funding must be expended as prescribed by Florida
Statutes. This Ordinance will repeal the
one-cent infrastructure surtax (surtax) as $2.7 billion has been collected throughout
the County. The surtax will end December 31, 2025. The
local discretionary sales surtaxes apply to all transactions subject to the
state tax imposed on sales, use, services, rentals, admissions, and other
authorized transactions. The surtax applies
to the first $5,000 of any single taxable tangible personal property item. Items such as groceries, baby food, baby
formula, and medicines are exempt from sales tax. Countywide (DB)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to approve: an Appointment of one (1) At-Large member to the
Groundwater and Natural Resources Protection Board (GNRPB), for Seat No. 5, for
a term of three (3) years beginning March 12, 2025 to March 11, 2028.
Appoint Seat
Requirement Nominated
Tommy B. Strowd Concerned
Citizen of Vice
Mayor Baxter
Palm Beach County
Jeffrey Hessel Concerned Citizen of
PBC Commissioner Weiss
Summary: The GNRPB is comprised of seven
(7) members as specified in Article 2.G.3.F.3 of the Unified Land Development
Code (ULDC), and is a decision-making body that holds hearings necessary to
enforce the ULDC provisions and other Ordinances that the Department of
Environmental Resources Management (ERM) oversees. The membership consists of
one (1) professional engineer, one (1) attorney, one (1) hydrologist or
hydrogeologist, one (1) citizen possessing expertise and experience in managing
a business, one (1) biologist or chemist, one (1) concerned citizen, and one
(1) member of an environmental organization.
Article 2.G.3.F.3 of the ULDC requires that Seat No. 5 be filled by a
concerned citizen of PBC. A memo dated
January 9, 2025, was circulated to the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)
requesting nominations. Seat No. 5 nominees are both Caucasian male. The GNRPB
has six (6) seats currently filled and diversity count of Caucasian: 4 (66%),
African-American: 1 (17%) and Hispanic-American: 1 (17%). The gender ratio (female:male) is 3:3. Staff
continues to address the need for increased diversity within our boards and
will encourage expansion of this Board’s diversity. Countywide (SS)
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
1. Staff recommends
motion to receive and file: the
updated Board Directive Reports which include in process and completed board
directive items. Summary:
At the February 6, 2018 Board of County Commissioners Meeting, direction was
given to the County Administrator to submit monthly a status report of the
board directives. The report categorizes: 1) In Process Items, and 2) Completed
Items. The report continues to be updated on an ongoing basis. Countywide
MARCH 11, 2025
Requesting off-site approval for Proclamation recognizing the 10th
Anniversary of the Benzaiten Center for Creative Arts Gala.
Requesting off-site approval for Proclamation declaring March 14, 2025
as 50th Anniversary of Evangelical Bible College and Seminary.
MARCH 11, 2025
PUBLIC – 2:00 P.M.
* * * * * * * * * * * *
MARCH 11, 2025
"If a person decides to appeal any decision made by this Commission
with respect to any matter considered at this meeting or hearing, he will need
a record of the proceedings, and that, for such purpose, he may need to ensure
that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the
testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based."