March 13, 2025

1:00 pm







MARCH 18, 2025


PAGE             ITEM



                        A                     *DELETED – pulled/moved for a later date by the BCC. (CJC)


                        B                     *RENUMBERED – Item A (ADMIN)


                                                *ADD-ON – Process for Hiring of New County Administrator (ADMIN)



NOTE:  Items that were revised, added, deleted, or backup submitted and were not listed on the preliminary addition/deletion sheet distributed to the Board the prior day are noted with an asterisk (*).


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                                                                     ORDER OF BUSINESS





MARCH 18, 2025



TUESDAY                                                                                                         COMMISSION CHAMBERS

9:30 A.M.




1.         CALL TO ORDER


A.        Roll Call

B.        Invocation

C.        Pledge of Allegiance





A.        Additions, Deletions, Substitutions

B.        Adoption



3.         REGULAR AGENDA (Pages 2-4)



4.         WORKSHOP SESSION 9:30 A.M.



A)        John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Safety and Justice Challenge:

Palm Beach County Updates (CJC)


A)        Palm Beach County Organization Review and Assessment (ADMIN)


B)        Process for Hiring of New County Administrator (ADMIN)




5.         ADJOURNMENT
MARCH 18, 2025








1.         Staff recommends motion to receive and file:  Warrant List – Backup information can be viewed in the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.



2.         Staff recommends motion to approve:  Contracts (regular) and claim settlements list as submitted by various departments to the Clerk & Comptroller’s Office.  Countywide





1.         Staff recommends motion to approve:


A) the conceptual operational strategy for the provision of supportive housing for seniors;


B) a Budget Transfer in the amount of $3,802,000 from the Owner Occupied Housing Rehabilitation ARPA Replacement dollars to the La Quinta Hotel Property Acquisition Unit within the ARPA Response Replacement Fund to provide funding for the purchase of approximately 2.99 acres improved with a 114-room hotel located at 5981 Okeechobee Boulevard in unincorporated Palm Beach County(Property); and


C) an Agreement for Purchase and Sale with Rore Asset 5981, LLC, a Florida limited liability company (Seller), for the acquisition of property consisting of approximately 2.99 acres improved with a 114-room hotel located at 5981 Okeechobee Boulevard in unincorporated Palm Beach County (Property) for the purpose of providing senior housing accommodations at a purchase price of $15,000,000 plus closing costs estimated to be $40,000.

MARCH 18, 2025








1.            Summary: On September 17, 2024, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC)

authorized staff to negotiate for the acquisition of the Property with the Seller conditioned upon: 1) conducting outreach sessions with the surrounding community, 2) developing a conceptual operational strategy for the provision of temporary housing and supporting services from the Property, and 3) providing the BCC an overview of the condition of the Property. The BCC further instructed staff of its interest in considering all matters concurrently, prior to making a determination on the acquisition of the Property.  Following BCC direction, staff met with residents of Century Village on October 4, 2024 and on January 24, 2025. Copies of the presentations provided during said meetings are included as Attachment 2 to this agenda item. Song and Associates, Inc. (SAI) was commissioned to conduct an assessment of the condition of the Property with a goal of identifying any renovations needed for the building to be operational for the County’s intended purpose and compliant with current codes; no fatal conditions were identified. The final Assessment Report estimated approximately $2.8M in renovation costs. Staff’s proposed conceptual operational strategy for the provision of temporary housing services should the BCC decide to acquire the Property is included as Attachment 3 to this agenda item. Two (2) appraisals were obtained from Callaway and Price, Inc. and Appraisal Acquisition Consultants, valuing the Property at $13,600,000 and $14,250,000, respectively, with an average appraised value of $13,925,000. Although the initial asking price for the Property was $16,000,000, the Seller agreed to a purchase price of $15,000,000, which is $1,075,000 (approximately 7.72%) above the average appraised value. The Property is currently operating as a LaQuinta-brand hotel and is subject to a Franchise Agreement between Seller and LaQuinta Franchising LLC.  The Franchise Agreement provides for the payment of a franchisee release fee (FRF) to terminate the Franchise Agreement.  The Purchase and Sale Agreement provides that, in addition to the purchase price, the County will contribute an amount not to exceed $1,762,000 towards the FRF.  The County will pay closing costs estimated to be approximately $40,000.  If the BCC approved the conceptual operational strategy and approves the acquisition of the Property, staff estimates recurring annual operational costs totaling $1,687,800 consisting of $882,000 for facilities-related expenditures (i.e., maintenance, utilities, security) and $805,800 for staffing and wrap-around services.

MARCH 18, 2025








1.            SUMMARY (cont’d.): The rooms will be transformed into single room occupancy

efficiencies to offer permanent supportive housing for eligible seniors and veterans aged 55 and older. The County will collaborate with nonprofit organizations to manage the property and provide an array of activities and support services.  Staff estimates that an initial investment of $1M will be required to bring the Property’s card access, intrusion, security camera, fire alarm and cable systems into compliance with the County facilities’ standards. While engaged in negotiations with Seller, staff was approached by the owner of the Ramada Hotel located at 1901 Palm Beach Lakes Boulevard, West Palm Beach regarding its potential sale to the County.  As a preparatory step to better inform the BCC, staff initiated basic due diligence.  Two (2) appraisals were obtained from Anderson & Carr, Inc. and Callaway & Price, Inc., valuing the Property at $21,500,000 and $20,000,000, respectively, with an average appraised value of $20,750,000. Preliminary conversations with the Ramada Hotel’s owner indicate his willingness to engage in negotiations.  Staff is notifying the BCC of this additional opportunity should the BCC deem it appropriate to authorize staff to negotiate the acquisition of the Ramada Hotel (i.e., inclusive of performing a condition assessment, conducting community outreach, and preparing an operational framework). Acquisition of the Property (i.e., LaQuinta) will be funded from the ARPA Replacement Funds and Infrastructure Sales Tax funds. These are County ARPA Response Replacement funds that do not require a local match. This acquisition must be approved by a supermajority vote (5 Commissioners).  (Property & Real Estate Management) District 2 (HJF)



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