_____ Foreclosure Demand Notice (Mandatory)
_____ Copy of valid Drivers' License or State Identification for ALL adult household members
_____ Copy of U.S. Birth Certificates or valid U.S. Passport or Naturalization Certificate for all household members. For all Non-U.S. Citizen household members provide a copy of a valid Permanent Resident Card
_____ Copy of most recent paycheck stub for ALL working adult household members (OR) a current Verification of Employment (VOE) completed and signed by employer within 30 days of submission of application
_____ Copy of most recent Social Security, Retirement and/or Disability Award Letter for ALL household members
_____ If self-employed provide a completed YTD Profit and Loss (P & L) Statement for ALL adult household members or current 1099 Income earner
_____ If an adult student is employed – copy of current class schedule
_____ If unemployed, a copy of unemployment benefits statement or a completed Unemployment Affidavit for ALL household members
_____ Wage Earner Statement from Social Security Administration for ALL unemployed adult household members
_____ Court ordered child support documentation and/or proof from Palm Beach County Clerk and Comptroller's Office that there is/are no child support case(s) or award(s); and ALL appropriate legal documentation for adoption, divorce, battered spouse & restraining order
_____ Completed Verification of Deposit (VOD) for ALL current accounts (checking, savings, CD, IRA, Investment, Retirement) for all adult household members
_____ Most recent two (2) years of tax returns (signed and dated) as submitted to the IRS and W2s/1099s
_____ If self-employed, provide a current 1099 and three (3) years of most recent signed tax returns as submitted to the IRS
_____ Copies of ALL mortgages and/or warranty deeds
_____ Copy of Homeowners Insurance (Declaration Page Only)
_____ Copy of most recent Mortgage Statement