
Attainable, Sustainable Housing 4 Palm Beach County


To increase housing that is affordable, attainable and appropriate to maintain a sustainable community.

Shared Investment & Responsibility

  • Establish linkage fees for non-residential projects to participate in the attainable housing initiatives established in the local jurisdiction.  Suggestions include an attainable housing impact fee, transfer fee, job creation fee, etc. 
  • Consider a developer exchange programs wherein market rate developers link with attainable housing developers to provide off-site attainable housing in proximity to transportation, job corridors and other areas of opportunity. 
  • Develop local partnerships with banks, local government, non-profits, developers, employers, service providers, school districts, etc. 
  • Solicit government assistance for supplemental (area) improvements such as infrastructure and parks from local, state and federal funding.  
  • Local governments develop marketing plans to promote attainable housing initiatives and reduce the NIMBY (not in my backyard) effect on attainable housing projects. 



house icon. Text: Programs

Strategic Sustainable Developments  


  • Local governments amend the Future Land Use maps, Future Land Use elements and other portions of local Comprehensive plans allowing all non-residential properties, inclusive of commercial, industrial, institutional, public owners, etc., to establish underlying residential development potential a minimum of twelve (12) dwelling units per acre.  The underlying residential density being allowed to further utilize any density bonus programs established to promote attainable housing.
  • Amend local comprehensive plans and land development regulations to promote Transit Oriented Developments that contain attainable housing in transportation and job corridors in support of attainable housing goals.  


check mark icon. Text: Take Action

Expanded Housing Diversity


  • Amend land development regulations to encourage the use of innovative development alternatives, such as, but not limited to, container housing, micro houses, small houses on small lots, accessory dwelling units and alternative construction materials.  

  • Combine rental with ownership and workforce with market rate units to lower costs and create more stable communities.  Ensure a mix of income, with 25-50% of units as workforce.

  • Ensure that workforce rental and ownership units are indiscernible from market rate projects in amenities, exterior appearance and quality.


Enhanced Development Incentives

  • Amend local government comprehensive plans and land development codes to provide for attainable housing initiatives that: (a) provide density bonuses to residential projects that provide a minimum of ten (10) percent of the total projects units within attainable housing price ranges; and, (b) provide additional density bonuses to residential projects that provide more than ten (10) percent of the total projects units within attainable housing prices.  The resulting attainable housing can be built either on-site or off-site; either in new construction or rehabilitation of existing market rate housing stock.  


hand shake icon. Text: We Can Help!

 Increased Financial Resources

  • Municipalities and business community should work diligently with neighboring municipalities and business groups to stop the State from sweeping the Sadowski Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
  • Use public private partnerships, including private equity funds, for creative financing. 
  • Allow Tax Increment Financing (TIF) to fund workforce-affordable housing.  
  • Provide appropriate loans (subordinated debt) to developers. 
  • Use a rental floor commensurate with Area Median Income to facilitate financing of rental developments.



Contact Us

Palm Beach County Attainable Housing

50 S Military Trail
 Suite 203
West Palm Beach, FL 33415