Shape Your Future • Start Your Questionnaire Here

Palm Beach County Census 2020

Three-Phase Strategy

1. Awareness

  1. Introductory Meeting
  2. Plan of Action
    • Purpose
    • Goal
    • How
    • Identify Resources
  3. Partnerships



2. Launch

  1. Identify Existing Collateral Materials
  2. Identify Outreach Opportunities
  3. Identify vulnerable communities
  4. Work with Coordinating Contacts



3. Participation

  1. Census Official Day
  2. Create: A Sense of "Census Urgency"
  3. Outreach Actions
  4. Nonresponse Follow-up (NRFU) Phase
  5. Share a Summary Report
  6. Thank your community


A More Diverse Nation
[Source: U.S. Census Bureau]