- Barriers
It is crutial to use layers of protection (barriers) inside and outside the home to prevent a drowning or near drowning incident.
If one of the barriers fails another is in place to hopefully prevent a tragedy from ocurring.
- Learn to Swim
Swimming is a life saving skill regardless of one's age, race, gender or social economic background. Everyone is susceptible to drowning.
- Never Swim Alone
Make sure you never swim alone so in case of an emergency there is someone there to help you.
- Always Have An Active "Water Watcher"
- Follow Water Safety Rules
"" is at least 18 years old, diligently watches the bottom of the pool and wears an identifying badge when on duty.
- The "Water Watcher" maintains constant visual contact.
- The "Water Watcher" remains by the pool until the responsibility is transferred to another adult and the "Water Watcher identifier (tag) is transferred.
- The "Water Watcher" keeps a phone handy in case of emergency but does not use it for any other purpose than to dial 911 in an emergency.
- The "Water Watcher" avoids consuming alcohol, socializing, cooking, texting or applying attention to any activity other than watching the pool.
- Always Have An Active "Water Watcher"
Download printable
"Water Watcher"
Portable Pools
- Empty and stow smaller portable pools after each use
- Maintain adult supervision at all times when pool is set up
- Always fence portable pools and ask your neighbors to do the same
- Cover larger portable pools and remove access ladders when adult supervision is not guaranteed
- Install alarms on doors accessing the portable pool area
- Make sure all neighbors, caregivers and visitors know the pool is present
- Teach children to swim and drill them on water safety rules
- Learn and practice CPR and basic rescue techniques so you are prepared in an emergency