
Aerial Spraying for Mosquitoes Planned for Wednesday, October 23, 2024 

Click here​ for more information.​​​


​​​​​​​​Report Mosquito Activity​​​​

​​​at​ your home, business or neighborhood​​​​​​​

​Check the Status of Your Request​​


To further help control mosquitoes, residents are asked to drain or minimize standing water on their properties. If you are going be outdoors after dark, use an insect repellent containing DEET and wear long pants and a long-sleeve shirt. ​​

Mosquito Control Inspector Checking for mosquito larvae

Palm Beach County's warm tropical air and above average rain fall create the perfect environment for insects to multiply. ERM's Mosquito Control staff work hard to enhance the health and quality of life by reducing mosquito populations. Staff use chemical treatment, hormonal and bacterial larvaciding, and biological control methods. Working closely with other agencies like the Health Department, our staff act as first responders to mosquito-borne disease outbreaks as well as coordinate day to day interactions with residents on how to prevent mosquitoes from breeding in their backyard.

Mosquito Control Inspector Fogging

Palm Beach County uses the following industry-standard products approved for use in the United States to combat mosquitoes at different phases of their lifecycle:

  • Basillus thuringiensis israelensis
    This biological control​​ is a natural pathogen of mosquito larvae, is sprayed by ground devices in public right of ways such as grassy swales, subdivision drains, roadside drains, and flood channels.
  • Naled
    This insecticide is used at an application rate lower than the labeled ​amount and sprayed by aircraft using ultra-low volume spray equipment to kill adult mosquitoes.
  • Synthetic pyrethroid
    This organic compound is similar to the natural pyrethrins produced by the flowers of chrysanthemum flowers and sprayed by ground devices to kill adult mosquitoes. 
Mosquito Control Ground Spraying Operation via Truck​​​

   Frequently Asked Questions:  Aerial Spraying


Why are aerial sprays conducted?

When adult mosquitoes are observed in high numbers - detected in monitoring traps or by inspectors - or when an outbreak of mosquito-borne disease occurs.

Where is aerial spraying done?
In western portions of Palm Beach County west of Military Trail where mosquito populations are most prevalent in wet environments and for mosquitoes that are most active at dusk.

What time of day is aerial spraying done?
At night when most mosquitoes are most active, when air temperature is lowest allowing spray droplets to reach close to the ground where mosquitoes are flying, and when honey bees are back in their hives.

How do I know when aerial spraying will be conducted?
Palm Beach County issues press releases to local media prior to conducting aerial spraying. In addition, there is an Aerial Spray Notification Hotline at (561) 642-8775 with up to date information. As a public service, advanced notification for chemically sensitive individuals can be provided with documentation from a physician.

 Mosquito Life Cycle

During warm weather, eggs mature into adults in 7 days.

Depending on the species of mosquito, eggs can be laid in water on rafts
or  on damp ground where water will later cover them. Within a day or two, the eggs hatch into larvae.

Referred to as “wrigglers”, larva come to the water surface to breathe. They molt (shed skin) four times during the next several days, growing rapidly between each molt.

In this stage, the mosquito grows inside the pupa, becoming fully developed within two days. Pupa cannot eat and breathes through tubes on its back.

Newly emerged adults rest on the surface of the water until strong enough to fly away. 



Mosquito Life Cycle Graphic 

Are Mosquitoes Breeding in Your Yard?

Graphic of Home Showing Areas Where Container Mosquitoes Could Breed


Bromeliads - Did You Know?

Picture of Bromeliad Plant Holding Water  

Popular in landscaping but MOSQUITOES LOVE THEM TOO!

Certain types (like the one pictured) hold water in each of the leaf pockets. This is the perfect place for a female mosquito to lay eggs - loads of water that is shaded from the sun.

The most common mosquitoes found in bromeliads in Palm Beach County are Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus and can transmit Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever, and Zika.



Flush each leaf pocket with clean water every 3 to 4 days OR

Treat each leaf pocket with granular Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis  found at most home improvement stores OR

Consider removing bromeliads and replacing with another tropical or native plant that does not hold water

 Mosquito Facts


There are over 3,000 species of mosquito world-wide. They ALL depend on a source of water to complete their lifecycle.


Florida has the greatest variety of mosquitoes, more than 80 species


Breeding places and characteristics of mosquitoes varies:


Container Breeders

  • Live in close association with humans.
  • Stay close to breeding sites.
  • Lay eggs in containers that hold water - even a bottle cap.
  • Active during the day. (NOT at dusk)
  • Aerial & ground insecticide spraying has little effect for controlling.
  • Best way to control is to remove water from containers.
  • Species include: Aedes ssp. that carry Zika virus, Dengue, Chikungunya, Yellow Fever.

 Flood Water Breeders

  • Live and breed in ditches, swales, lakes, marshes, or swamps.
  • Can travel long distances from breeding sites.
  • Lay eggs on water surface or damp soil.
  • Active during dawn and dusk.
  • Large hatches occur following significant rainfall events.
  • Aerial & ground insecticide spraying controls well.
  • Species include: Culex spp. that carry West Nile virus,   and St. Louis Encephalitis. Anopheles spp. that carry Malaria.
Only female mosquitoes bite.

Females may live several weeks in the summer and many months in the winter. If a female mosquito
survives a long time, she may go through several cycles of blood feeding and egg laying.


Tall grass or shrubs are NOT breeding sites. They do provide resting sites for adults.


Fish, frogs, and dragonflies control mosquito larvae in canals, ponds, and lakes.

Things YOU Can Do
  • Remove standing water. (old tires, gutters, flat roofs, buckets, drums, other containers)
  • Cover open containers tightly with a lid or with 16-mesh screen.
  • Empty plastic wading pools weekly, store indoors when not in use.
  • Store boats covered or upside down.
  • Fill in tree holes and hollow stumps that hold water.
  • Treat bromeliads and other vegetation that hold water with products containing the bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis, var. israelensis.
  • Stock your ornamental water garden with mosquito-eating fish (e.g. minnows, Gambusia spp., goldfish, or guppies).
  • Repair screening on windows, doors, porches, and patios.
Have Mosquitoes?
      Let Us Know
 Call (561) 967-6480
        Report Mosquito Activity 

Want to Know Before We Spray? Sign Up For

Aerial Spray Notification

Want to Know the Status of an Aerial Spray Operation?
Call the Aerial Spray Hotline

(561) 642-8775


Have a Question?
Call or Email Us
  (561) 967-6480


  Additional Resources​    

Florida Department of Health

 Florida Mosquito Control Association
