Residential Empowerment Program

Abundant Community Initiative (ACI)

ACI is an initiative designed to support grassroots efforts to increase neighborhood wellness by focusing on developing communities from the inside out, identifying and mobilizing assets from within (their skills, abilities and gifts), and connecting them with one another. The overall goal of the program is to help communities to be places where people know their neighbors, watch out for each other, take pride in their community, and enjoy many opportunities for social, educational and recreational interaction.

Neighborhood Engagement and Transformation (NEAT) Grants Program

This program provides funding to neighborhood based groups and/or organizations for projects that improve the quality of life in their communities. NEAT grants are intended to build the skills and capacity of project leaders to transform their neighborhoods. The program provides grants up to $10,000 for projects located within unincorporated Palm Beach County and the Lake Region municipalities of Belle Glade, South Bay and Pahokee, with priority funding given to projects proposed for designated Countywide Community Revitalization Team (CCRT) areas.

Neighborhood Street Lighting Program (NSL)

This program was created to provide funding for the installation and maintenance of citizen petitioned streetlights at approved locations along County owned and maintained roadways in designated CCRT areas that experience above-average nighttime criminal activity, as well as unsafe pedestrian and vehicular mobility conditions.

Neighborhood Speed Hump Program (NSHP)

The NSHP is a service that provides for the installation of residential speed humps along qualified roadways in CCRT areas.  OCR coordinates with PBC Department of Engineering.  Please note that PBC Engineering is the final arbiter of where speed humps will be placed in a qualified CCRT area.    The goals of the NSHP is to assist in calming-traffic and enhancing pedestrian safety.

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