Room Rental
Return to Daggerwing
Looking for somewhere to hold your next meeting, birthday party, or special event?
Our Nature Center classroom may be just the place for you! The room is approximately 20' long x 28' wide and will accommodate up to 50 people.
You can also add a live animal program as entertainment to give your event an extra fun twist!
Tuesday - Saturday, 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
(Two hour rental minimum on weekends)
Private Groups - $60 (sixty dollars) per hour (plus tax)
Civic Groups - $30 (thirty dollars) per hour (plus tax)
(Only applicable if you add an animal program to your event)
$100 (one hundred dollars)
- Please submit your request (see forms below) to the Nature Center at least 30 days prior to the requested rental date.
- Rental fees include tables and chairs. You provide all decorations and other event items. Sorry, we do not have a kitchenette.
- Group is responsible for setting up and cleaning up DURING the permitted rental time. Please keep this in mind when requesting rental times.
- If you choose to add a live animal program to your rental, please allot 1 hour for the program DURING the permitted rental time. Please keep this in mind when requesting rental times.
- In accordance with County Policy, some rental requests may require proof of General Liability Insurance coverage naming Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners as Additional Insured.
Facility Rental Policies and Request Form

PLEASE NOTE: In the rental room along the back wall (not pictured) are several permanent live animal enclosures.