​Frequently Asked Questions - Fishing Pier


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What are the hours of operation for the Fishing Pier?

The Fishing Pier is open to the public from sunrise to sunset.

Do I need a Florida Fishing License to fish from the Fishing Pier?

No. Florida residents fishing from the Peanut Island Fishing Pier do not need a license.

Can I fish around the Fishing Pier from my boat?

A license is generally required while fishing from a boat in Florida. Also, county ordinances regulate how close you may approach a public fishing pier in a boat. If you fish around the Peanut Island Fishing Pier from your boat, please be considerate of those using the pier from land and check for your individual license requirements with the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission.

Can I swim or snorkel around the Fishing Pier?

Please, do not swim or snorkel around the Fishing Pier. This prohibition is universal everywhere you go - and with good reason. It just isn't safe! Swimmers risk getting hooked by fishing gear, tangles in nets, or being confused by other fish for bait. Please, allow the anglers on the Fishing Pier the opportunity to enjoy what fishing is meant to be - a peaceful worry free way to pass the time.