
Obtaining a Request for Quotation (RFQ) or a Request for Submittal (RFS)

  • Requests for Quotation (RFQ) and Requests for Submittal (RFS) are now located on our on-line Vendor Self Service System (VSS). Please click here:  https://pbcvssp.pbc.gov/vssprd/Advantage4
  • The Purchasing Department has implemented an on-line Vendor Self Service System (VSS) that provides email notification of RFQs and RFSs to registered vendors (1) who provided an email address in their vendor registration information; (2) who have designated a commodity or commodities in their vendor registration account; AND (3) the good or service being advertised matches a commodity selected by the vendor. VSS can be accessed by clicking https://pbcvssp.pbc.gov/vssprd/Advantage4. After registrating in VSS, please follow the link in the VSS confirmation email and download "RFQs and RFSs" to view the County's open solicitations.

Submitting a Quote or Submittal

  • If you would like to submit a quotation in response to an RFQ, print and complete the RFQ form and FAX or e-mail your response by the Due Date and Time to the Buyer at the FAX number or e-mail address as indicated.
  • If you would like to submit a response to an RFS, print and respond to the RFS by the Due Date and Time as instructed in the RFS. Fax or email responses to an RFS will not be accepted.
  • At this time, we are unable to accept submittals sent in e-mail or other electronic format. You may, however, send a submittal via regular or express mail as instructed in the solicitation.
  • If you submit your quote/submittal via regular or express mail, the Buyer's Name, RFQ Number/RFS Number and Due Date must be clearly referenced on the front of your return envelope.

Palm Beach County Inspector General

  • Pursuant to Palm Beach County Code, Section 2-421-2-440, the Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners established the Office of the Inspector General.
  • The Inspector General shall have the power to audit, investigate, monitor, and review the procurement process, including but not limited to, establishment of specifications, solicitation responses, activities of the contractor, its officers, agents and employees, lobbyists, County staff, and officials, in order to ensure compliance with contract specifications and to detect corruption and fraud.
  • An Inspector General Fee will not be imposed on Contractors/Vendors in order to defray the cost of the Office of the Inspector General.
  • For more information, please visit http://www.pbcgov.com/OIG/ and click on the “Inspector General” tab.

Amendments to an RFQ or RFS

  • All amendments to RFQs or RFSs will be posted on this website as they are issued. It is your sole responsibility to routinely check this website for any amendments that may have been issued. These amendments contain important information that may directly impact your quote/submittal. Failure to account for an amendment may result in the rejection of your quote/submittal as non-responsive.

Official Solicitation

  • Any solicitation downloaded from sources other than the official Palm Beach County Purchasing website may not be the official and final version, and may result in the rejection of a quote/submittal/bid/proposal if not based upon an accurate rendition of the solicitation.

Public Records Requests

  • In accordance with the provisions of Section 119.071(1)(b) F.S., the Florida Public Records Law, the County is prohibited from providing information regarding competitive solicitations until the earlier of: the County providing notice of an intended decision, or until thirty (30) days after opening the bids, proposals, or final replies. Further, if the intended decision is to reissue the solicitation, the County is prohibited from providing information until notice of an intended decision concerning the reissued solicitation or until the reissued solicitation is withdrawn.

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