Zoning - Application Processes Return to FAQs List
 | What can be found on ePZB Online Portal? Answer:
ePZB is the online portal where the public can access applications submitted through various divisions within the Planning, Zoning and Building Department. Includes General Services (Online Payments and Property Information), Building (Fee Estimator, Permits and Inspections and No Fee Sub Permits), Contractors Certification (Information & Status and Work-In-Progress) and Zoning ( Applications in Process, Applications Database (Control Number History), Fee Estimator, Plant Material Database and Online Submittal). Link:
http://www.pbcgov.org/ePZB.Admin.WebSPA/ |
 | Is redevelopment subject to Architectural review? Answer:
Yes. Architectural guidelines, pursuant to Article 5.C.1.A., are imposed to encourage development to contribute to Palm Beach County as a unique place by enhancing the built environment. These guidelines are intended to ensure that new development and redevelopment will be compatible with the surrounding area and enhance the appearance of the local community. |
 | When do I submit for Architectural Review? Answer:
Architectural Review occurs in conjunction with a Use approval or redevelopment application that requires approval by the Board of County Commissioners, Zoning Commission, Development Review Officer and at Building Permit, in accordance with Article 5.C.1, Design Standards, Architectural Guidelines. A pre-application appointment with Zoning is suggested to discuss the project and requirements. |
 | What happens if I need to change my elevations after they have been approved? Answer:
Revisions to approved elevation, on structures required to comply with the Unified Land Development Code (ULDC) Architectural Guidelines, or BCC/ZC conditions of approval, shall be submitted to the Administrative Development Review Officer (DRO) process for review. |
 | How can I estimate the fees for a particular Zoning application? Answer:
 | How can I determine the petition/control number and/or the resolution number for a parcel? Answer:
Visit the ePZB Online Portal link
https://www.pbcgov.org/ePZB.Admin.WebSPA/ click on a parcel. Change General, then Property Information, and enter Owner's name, Address or Property Control Number (17 digits) to find the control number and any resolutions.
 | How can I look up the Staff comments related to a pending DRO application? Answer:
 | How can I look up the proposed staff conditions on a pending Zoning Commission or County Commission application? Answer:
 | Why do my neighbors have to be notified that I am applying for a Variance? Answer:
A courtesy notice is required for all Public Hearing and Type 1 Variance applications processed, in accordance with Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code
Article 2.B.5.C. |
 | Can I submit applications online? Answer:
Currently the Zoning Division accepts online application submittals only for the Type I Administrative Variances and Development Review Officer (DRO) Administrative Amendments (ZAR). A pre-application appointment may be required prior to submitting online applications. Contact Zoning at 561-233-5200.
 | Where can I obtain Zoning Application Forms? Answer:
 | What documents shall I bring to a Pre-application appointment? Answer:
It is helpful for customers to bring relevant documents if available, such as, surveys and proposed site plans to the meeting to assist the planner in providing the most accurate response to questions. It may be necessary to request the petition file and plans, if applicable. Requesting files are the applicant's responsibility, files can be requested by calling the File Room at 561-233-5039. |
 | Can the Development Review Officer (DRO) administratively approve an increase to building floor areas to a BCC/ZC approved site plan? Answer:
Yes, but with restrictions. Refer to Article 2.C.5.B. of the Unified Land Development Code for more details. |
 | How do I know whether my proposed project requires a Public Hearing? Answer:
Consult the appropriate Use Matrix in the Unified Land Development Code, Article 4, Use Classification. Or, review Article 3 for the appropriate Overlay District. Also refer to the applicable Development Thresholds and Supplemental Use Regulations specific to the use request. Contact the Zoning Public Information Planner at 561-233-5200, or email
pzb-zonepoc@pbcgov.org, for specific responses related to uses. |
 | How long does my Concurrency approval remain valid? Answer:
A Concurrency Reservation is initially valid for one year. If it is tied to a Final Development Order, it will be valid for the life of the approved Development Order |
 | My business will be located in Unincorporated Palm Beach County. What is the process to obtain a Business Tax Receipt (BTR)? Answer:
Complete the Business Tax Receipt form, which can be obtained at the Tax Collector's Office, or in the Zoning Division lobby, located the second floor at 2300 North Jog Road, West Palm Beach, FL. The Zoning Public Information Planner will review the request and verify the zoning district and whether the use is allowed for that specific location. If the use meets the Zoning Code requirements, then the applicant will pay a fee, schedule inspections, receive the appropriate sign-offs from zoning, code enforcement and fire rescue, then submit the completed form to the Tax Collector's office who will then issue the Business Tax Receipt. Contact the Tax Collector's at 561-233-355-2264, or visit the website at
www.pbctax.com. |
 | What is a Zoning Confirmation (ZC) Letter and how long does it take? Answer:
A Zoning Confirmation Letter (ZCL) is a written response issued by the Zoning Division to make a determination of, or clarify a Unified Land Development Code question. Informal Zoning Confirmation Letters provide information about the existing zoning district and appropriate uses and a response is completed within 30 days. Non-Site specific or Formal Zoning Confirmation Letters, which are more complexed, may involve an Interpretation of the Code, may take up to 60 days to process, and provides specific answers to questions presented. Refer to Article 2.C.5.I, for requirements. |
 | Can I fill in my pond? Answer:
 | Are there Zoning requirements for Commercial Communication or Cell Towers? Answer: