Water is one of our most important resources. We use it every day for drinking, bathing, recreation, watering our lawns, growing crops, and more. Even though South Florida receives about 53 inches of rainfall each year, our unpredictable weather means we can go from saturation to drought conditions very quickly. Water conservation efforts ensure that we have a steady supply of water year-round.
In Florida, as of 2020, the average person uses about 128 gallons of water a day. As water demands continue to increase in our area, it is projected that Florida will need about 4.1 billion gallons a day by 2040.
Palm Beach County Water Utilities Department's (PBCWUD) drinking water is drawn from wells extending approximately 150 feet underground into the surficial aquifer. It is important for us to conserve water and replenish the aquifer for our benefit and for the environment.
Keep reading to learn about what we are doing to conserve water and how you can help, too. And stay tuned for the latest on RECAP and Green Cay Phase II- an exciting new water reuse project which PBCWUD will open to the public in late 2026. Click here to learn more about RECAP/ Green Cay Phase II.