UJTC Designated Areas. The Florida Legislature created the Urban Job Tax Credit (UJTC) Program in 1997 to encourage the creation of job opportunities and the economic expansion of new and existing businesses. The Palm Beach County UJTC Area (UA-5001) consists of:
MUNICIPALITIES: Portions of the municipalities of Lake Park, Riviera Beach, West Palm Beach, Delray Beach, and all of Mangonia Park
UNINCORPORATED AREA: West of West Palm Beach in the vicinity of Okeechobee Boulevard and Belvedere Road
Urban Job Tax Credit Program Designated Area Maps.
If you are looking for a specific site, please click here (PBC Interactive)
Categories of Areas. The areas that qualify for a UJTC designation are ranked in three categories; Tier One, Tier Two, and Tier Three. Every three years the State's Office of Tourism, Trade & Economic Development reviews the ranking of the areas. Each tier has different job creation requirements for existing and new businesses. Palm Beach County's UJTC Area qualified for the Tier One category which provides the highest credits available.
Tax Credits. The UJTC Program provides tax credits against corporate income tax or sales and use tax to businesses that are: located within urban areas designated by DEO; hire a specific number of employees according to the established criteria; and are predominantly engaged in (or headquarters for) a specific list of activities classified by the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Code. Businesses must meet the definition specified in the Florida Legislature. The application may be filed at any time. Tax credits are granted on a first come, first served basis until the maximum amount of credit allowable per calendar year has been exhausted.
SIC Code List
Application for Urban Job Tax Credit Program
Contact Information.
PALM BEACH COUNTY: Department of Housing and Economic Sustainability
100 Australian Avenue, Suite 500, West Palm Beach, FL 33406
Pamela Nolan, Economic Development Specialist & Enterprise Zones Coordinator
561-233-3678; E-Fax
Department of Economic Opportunity
The Capitol, Suite 2001, Tallahassee, FL 32399-0001
Burt Von Hoff, Community Development & Enterprise Zones Coordinator