Mission Statement 

The Palm Beach County Art in Public Places program is managed by the Facilities Development and Operations Department of Palm Beach County. The mission of the program is to provide art that complements public buildings, parks and plazas; creates a sense of place and enhances community identity; improves the design quality of public infrastructure; and contributes to the missions of the county departments where projects are sited.


What Do We Do?

  • Provide administrative and technical support to The Palm Beach County Public Art Committee.
  • Manage the installation of all artwork in and on County property.
  • Administer the Palm Beach County Artist Registry.
  • Expand the traditional definitions of art and broaden the understanding of public art benefits through community education.



Elayna Toby Singer

Elayna Toby Singer

 Contact Us

2633 Vista Parkway
West Palm Beach, FL 33411-5603
Telephone: 561-233-0235
Fax:  561-233-0206

email link esinger@pbcgov.org

Driving Directions

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