The Countywide Transportation Master Plan (CTMP) will establish a multijurisdictional process and planning framework that provides for a countywide vision for a multimodal system that safely connects people to places. As part of the CTMP development process, a Consultant-team will be working with County staff and a core technical group of stakeholders regularly in the development of the CTMP, in preparation for the presentations to all stakeholders at key project milestones and in various geographical locations within PBC.
The CTMP may be used as a foundation for Palm Beach County and municipalities within the County to separately adopt and/or update their specific plan of improvements. Each jurisdiction may be able to select appropriate recommendations that fit the needs of each unique community while coordinating regionally significant transportation corridors through the recommended framework. Ultimately, each plan of improvement adopted by each jurisdiction may lead to a plan-based improvement methodology as set forth and specifically referenced in Florida State Statutes.