

This following materials are part of a project titled “Strengthening Our Community Tree Canopy Through Education”. This project was made possible by a grant through the 2011 National Urban and Community Forestry Grant Program and the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, and the Florida Forest Service. ​

Strengthening Our Community Tree Canopy Through Education

Urban Forestry Materials

Video Modules! Assessment and Answers! References! PowerPoint Presentations!

PDF documentPress Release: June 20, 2013

PDF document Final Report: Palm Beach County BOCC 2011 Urban and Community Forestry Grant

Urban Forestry Publications

General Urban Forestry Resources (May Be Applicable to Several Modules)

  • Arboriculture: Integrated Management of Landscape Trees, Shrubs, and Vines - Richard W. Harris, James R. Clark, Nelda P. Matheny - Book

  • PDF document Hurricanes - Deciding What to Do - Palm Beach County Fact Sheet

  • PDF document Trees and Turf - Palm Beach County Fact Sheet

Module #1 – Tree Growth and Biology in an Urban Landscape

Module #2 – Selecting Trees for the Urban Landscape

Module #3 – Pruning Young Trees in the Urban Landscape

Module #4 – Proper Installation & Maintenance of Shade Trees and Palms

Module #5 – Palm Anatomy

Module #6 – Root Systems of Trees and Palms

  1. Palms in the Landscape – UF / IFAS webpage resource

  2. Root Growth on Urban Trees – UF / IFAS webpage resource

Module #7 – Root Pruning

  1. Root Growth on Urban Trees – UF / IFAS webpage resource

  2. Root Pruning Guidelines – UF / IFAS webpage resource

  3. Root Pruning Trees – UF / IFAS webpage resource

Module #8 – Transplanting Trees & Palms in the Urban Landscape

  1. Transplanting – UF / IFAS webpage resource
  2. Transplanting Palms in the Landscape PDF document– EDIS document

Module #9 – Root Barrier Selection & Installation

  1. Deflecting Roots Near Sidewalks – International Society of Arboriculture publication

Module #10 – Hazard Tree Evaluation

  1. Evaluation of Hazard Trees in Urban Areas - Nelda P. Matheny, James R. Clark - Book

  2. Risk Assessment and Tree Evaluation – UF / IFAS webpage resource

  3. Root Growth on Urban Trees – UF / IFAS webpage resource

  4. Root Pruning Trees – UF / IFAS webpage resource

Module #11 – Mangrove and Sea Grape Pruning

  1. PDF document Guidelines for Beach and Dune Management – Palm Beach County Environmental Resources Management brochure
  2. PDF document Mangrove Trimming Guidelines for Homeowners – Florida Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) document
  3. PDF document Sea Grape Trimming & Sea Turtles – DEP document
  4. PDF document Sea Grape Trimming Guidelines – DEP document
  5. PDF document 1996 Mangrove Trimming & Preservation Act – DEP document

Power Point Shows for Educators

  1. Tree Growth and Biology in an Urban Environment

  2. Selecting Trees for the Urban Landscape

  3. Pruning Young Trees in the Urban Landscape

  4. Installation and Maintenance of Shade Trees and Palms

  5. Palm Anatomy

  6. Root Systems of Trees and Palms

  7. Root Pruning

  8. Transplanting Trees and Palms

  9. Root Barriers

  10. Hazard Tree Evaluation

  11. Mangrove and Seagrape Pruning

Urban Forestry Printable Poster Set

(24 x 36 inch) ​​

1. PDF document Module 1
2. PDF document Module 2
3. PDF document Module 3
4. PDF document Module 4A; 4B
5. PDF document Module 5
6. PDF document Module 6
7. PDF document Module 7
8. PDF document Module 8
9. PDF document Module 9
10. PDF document Module 10
11. PDF document Module 11