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National Recovery Month (Recovery Month), which started in 1989, is a national observance held every September to promote and support new evidence-based treatment and recovery practices, the nation's strong and proud recovery community, and the dedication of service providers and communities who make recovery in all its forms possible.

SAMHSA aims to increase public awareness surrounding mental health and addiction recovery. In the years since Recovery Month launched, SAMHSA has timed announcements of initiatives and grant funding during Recovery Month, while collaborating with private and public entities to celebrate individuals during their long-term recoveries

Annual Recovery Month Conference

Palm Beach County hosted its 6th annual National Recovery Month Conference, A Journey of Resilience, Recovery and Renewal, in September 2024.  The annual conference aims to celebrate September as Recovery Month, receive updates on the County's substance use disorder and mental health initiatives, learn ways to achieve health and wellness through a resilience and recovery capital lens and join in a community feedback session and other fun activities.

Recovery Awareness Initiative

The Recovery Community HUB ​​​of Palm Beach County also sponsors an annual Recovery Awareness Initiative to coincide with National Recovery Month in September.  The Initiative aims to support individuals in recovery from substance use, mental and co-occurring disorders to organize around shared interests with respect to National Recovery Month as well aligning with established Recovery Community Organizations and their primary guiding principles: Health, Hope, Purpose, and Community. 

​The Office of Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders (OBHSUD)


In 2019, the BCC identified the opioid epidemic, substance use and behavior disorder as a high strategic priority. As a result, the Community Services Department operationalized an Opioid Response Steering Committee. 

By 2021, the steering committee was officially renamed Behavioral Health, Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorder Steering Committee in order to better align with the BCC's strategic priority that encompasses both behavioral health and substance use disorders. 

Additionally, the Department operationalized an Office of Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders (OBHSUD) to assume responsibility for all the Department's behavioral health contracts as well as to work alongside the Steering Committee to review and update the ORP.​

​​"Recovery-oriented systems of care [ROSC] are networks of formal and informal services developed and mobilized to sustain long-term recovery for individuals and families impacted by severe substance use disorders. The system in ROSC is not a treatment agency, but a macro-level organization of a community, a state or a nation." 

 - William L. White, author ​Slaying the Dragon: The History of Addiction Treatment and Recovery in America​


Join the annual Facing the Crisis event! Our local theme for the 5th National Recovery Month Event is Achieving Success through Health and Wellness. Join us in celebrating September as Recovery Month, get updates on the County’s substance use disorder and mental health initiatives, learn ways to achieve health and wellness through a recovery capital lens and join in a feedback session. The event is hosted in partnership with The Recovery Community Hub of Palm Beach County and BeWell of Palm Beach County.

Registration and Continental Breakfast: 8:30am

Click here​ to register

Recovery Awareness Events

<March 2025>
No Events Scheduled

On this page you will find...

  • Updates on upcoming events pertaining to annual recovery month.
  •  ​For national resources, visit SAMHSA​