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The Office of Behavioral Health and Substance U​​se  Disorders (OBHSUD) supervises the planning, administration, coordination and contracting of substance use disorder services in Palm Beach County. 

The Office develops policies and manages various initiatives, programs, and funding strategies -- serving as liaison to communicate the County's efforts to the public; local, state, county and federal agencies; and the service provider community. The Office also monitors legislation and related public policy, working with elected and government officials at all levels of government to improve services.

The Office is responsible for facilitating bi-monthly meetings of the Palm Beach County Advisory Committee on Behavioral Health, Substance Use and Co-Occurring Disorders and its subcommittees. It is also responsible for the development of the annual plan which is submitted to the Board of Commissioners annually. ​

 Contact Us

John L. Hulick, MS
Senior Program Manager

810 Datura Street
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

Phone:  561-355-9915
Fax:  561-242-6996
