Palm Beach County's ("County") Vendor Self Service ("VSS") System provides New and Existing Vendors with access to County solicitations for all goods and services. VSS is updated on a daily basis to provide you with current information regarding County solicitations, vendor registration information and vendor payment/status information.

All existing vendors MUST activate their vendor information/account in VSS including their email address and commodity codes, in order to receive notifications of solicitations when advertised and to check payment status.

Click on this link to register as a new vendor OR to activate an existing vendor account:

Vendor's Guide to Doing Business


In order to correctly and timely process payments, all vendors providing goods or services to Palm Beach County must be registered through VSS.  VSS requires basic vendor information including, but not limited to, payment and remittance addresses, a valid email address, telephone and fax numbers, and Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)/Federal Identification Number (FEIN)/Social Security Number. A VSS tutorial and User Guide is available at Should you have questions or need further assistance relating to VSS, please contact us at

Register as a new vendor:

  • If you are a new vendor with Palm Beach County you must register as a new vendor through VSS.
  • Once VSS registration is complete, you must submit your Vendor Registration Summary and your W-9 and/or W-8 Form to (email) or to 561-242-6744 (fax).

Activate your existing vendor account:

  • If you have an existing vendor account with Palm Beach County, you must activate your account through VSS.
  • Once you have activated your account, please review current information and add any commodities your company provides as a Palm Beach County vendor.
  • In complying with the State of Florida's records retention schedule, all vendor files that are "inactive" for a period of three (3) consecutive years will be purged. "Inactive" means that the vendor has not provided goods or services to Palm Beach County within a period of three (3) consecutive years. If you are an "inactive" vendor please send an email to our office at to receive the steps to "reactivate" your account.

Changes to an existing Vendor Account:

  • All changes to current vendor information including, but not limited to, address, contact, phone, fax, email, Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)/Federal Identification Number (FEIN)/Social Security Number, legal name information, must be completed through VSS.
  • A legal name change requires submission of legal documentation specifying the name change to
  • A change to a TIN/FEIN/Social Security Number requires submission of a new W-9 and/or W-8 to
  • All changes to a vendor account must be made through VSS. Responses to solicitations that include a different address than the one listed in VSS will not be considered an official change to a vendor account.

OEBO Certification:

If you are interested in being certified as a Small Business Enterprise or a Minority-Owned Business, please visit

Payment by Credit Card:

Vendors may receive payment by credit card. If interested, please contact the Palm Beach County Office of the Clerk & Comptroller at


Revised: July 16, 2020


Small Business Enterprises

​The Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners encourages Small Business Enterprises (SBEs) to register as vendors with the Purchasing Department and to participate in business opportunities offered by the County. The Office of Equal Business Opportunity (OEBO) certifies SBEs located within Palm Beach County and encourages and assists them in doing business with the County. SBEs should contact OEBO at 561-616-6840 for detailed information. In order to be certified as an SBE, vendors must be currently registered with the Purchasing Department.