

The Strategic Planning and Performance Management Division supervises all activities related to the long-term strategic plan and assists the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), Executive Team, Department Directors, and staff with the development of long-term goals, objectives, strategies, and actions. Assists the administrative team with the Development, adoption, and implementation of initiatives supporting County-Wide strategic planning, continuous improvement efforts, process improvement, and  Performance management. Leads the performance management processes which include program evaluation and other analytical activities designed to assess the efficiency of County services in achieving the County's long-term goals and objectives. Reports departmental performance measurement data in the County's annual operating and capital budget book.

Cross-Departmental High-Performance Teams to Address Countywide Strategic Priorities

Palm Beach County departments are joining together to drive the implementation of the county's new strategic plan. At the 2018 strategic planning workshop, the Board of County Commissioners approved six strategic priorities: economic development, housing and homelessness, environmental protection, infrastructure, public safety, and substance use and behavior​ disorders.

One of the major issues discussed at the workshop was how to break down silos and encourage departments to work closer together on common goals and priorities. With approval of County Administrator Verdenia Baker and the facilitation of Keith Clinkscale, director of Strategic Planning and Performance Management, six Cross-Departmental High-Performance Teams have been organized.

Economic Development Cross-Departmental Team 

Housing Development & Unsheltered Residents Cross-Departmental Team 

Environmental Protection Cross-Departmental Team 

Infrastructure Cross-Departmental Team 

Public Safety Cross-Departmental Team 

Substance Use & Behavioral Disorders Cross-Departmental Team   

These teams represent a new structure of intentional collaboration of county departments to work on common goals and priorities. Clinkscale facilitated the kick off of each team where the mission, goals and potential metrics of each team were discussed. Team leaders were also selected by the team members.

These are exciting times throughout the county as employees become more engaged. Cross-department communication is at a high, and employees are using continuous process improvement techniques to take Palm Beach County to another level of excellence.

 Contact Us

Keith A. Clinkscale

 Keith A. Clinkscale

Director Strategic Planning & Performance Management
  • 301 N Olive Ave, 7th floor
  • West Palm Beach, FL
  • Phone: 561-355-4075​​

 Palm Beach County Vision

PBC Vision Mission etc​​ ​​​

 What We Do

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Objectives and Performance Measures

 ‭(Hidden)‬ Strategic Priorities