​What options are available for residential developers under the Workforce Housing Program?

Note that the following description reflects changes to the WHP adopted in August 2019. For requirements pursuant to prior versions of the WHP, please contact the Planning Division.

The WHP offers two incentive options for residential developers, summarized in the following table:

WHP Incentive Options ​ ​ ​
Objective:Minimizes WHP ObligationMaximizes Density ​
Potential Density Bonus Available:50%Up to 100%; performance based and subject to compatibility review for density bonuses > 50% ​
WHP Obligation:

Any Limited Incentive Project:

  • 2.5% of standard density
  • 8% of maximum density
  • 17% of density bonus
  • 1.5x above obligation in for-sale development provides WHP units as off-site rentals
  • 34% of any Transfer of Development Rights (TDRs) used

Rental WHP:  

  • 5% of standard density
  • 16% of maximum density
  • 34% of density bonus
  • 1.5x above obligation if for-sale development provides  WHP units as off-site rentals
  • 34% of any TDRs used 


For-Sale WHP:

  • 4.375% of standard density
  • 14% of maximum density
  • 29.75% of density bonus
  • Discount if above WHP obligation is provided as on-site for-sale units:
  • 20% for single-family;
  • 10% for townhomes
  • 34% of any TDRs used
Additional Incentives Available:noneIncentives are established in Article 5.G.1, and include Flexible Property Development Regulation, Expedited Review, etc. ​
Methods Available to Meet WHP Obligation:
  • Provide workforce units onsite, within the market rate development
  • Provide the units offsite, at another location
  • Use an exchange builder to transfer the obligation to that builder's project
  • Donate land valued equivalent to in lieu fee
  • Restrict an existing market rate unit, to be sold, rented or deeded to County
  • Pay in lieu fee
Approval Process for WHP:Development Review Officer
(other project components such as TDRs may trigger other approval processes)
  • Development Review Officer for Density Bonuses up to 50%

(other project components such as TDRs may trigger other approval processes)

  • Board of County Commissioners Approval for Density Bonuses > 50%
Unit Pricing:All WHP Rental or For-Sale Units required to be priced in the Low and Moderate 1 Income Categories
(WHP units resulting for TDRs have separate pricing requirements)
  • WHP Rental Units priced in all 4 Income Categories

(WHP units resulting from TDRs have separate pricing requirements)

  • WHP For-Sale Units are priced in the Low, Moderate 1, and Moderate 2 Categories
Unit Requirements:

All WHP Units:

  • WHP Model at WHP Site, elsewhere in PBC, or MR Model with differences delineated
  • Exteriors compatible with market rate units on site

For-Sale WHP:

  • Minimums 2 Bedrooms, 25% at least 3 bedrooms, each bedroom minimum 100 ft2
  • Minimum appliances: refrigerator, range, microwave, dishwasher, washer, dryer
Affordability Periods:Rental units:     30 yrs
For-sale units:  15 yrs, recurring if sold within the 15 year period ​ ​