Initial Submittal

Preliminary documents are submitted to Water Utilities — Contracts Management Section (CMS)

First Submittal Should Consist Of:

  1. Completed Utility Concurrency Request Form (UCRF). A UCRF can be downloaded here or acquired by contacting Contracts Management at 561-493-6055.
  2. Signed and Sealed Survey (Survey)
  3. Site Plan
  4. Copy of the Recorded Deed(s)

SDA Preparation

CMS staff reviews first submittal. If all documents are complete, the following occurs:

  1. Staff forwards the UCRF, Survey, and Site Plan to Technical Services for review and execution of the UCRF with Equivalent Residential Connections (ERCs) needed.
  2. Technical Services returns all documents to CMS.
  3. CMS staff prepares two original SDAs, including Consent and Joinders, on red legal ruled paper and prints the SDAs instruction sheet and any required signature authorization forms.
  4. CMS staff notifies the property owner or agent that the SDA and instructions are ready for pickup.
  5. If the documents are incomplete, CMS staff notifies the property owner or agent and stops processing until all documents are in order.

SDA Processing

The property owner or agent returns the following to the CMS:

  1. Two signed and notarized original SDAs (with corporate seals if appropriate).
  2. Mandatory Agreement Payment, based on the required ERCs.
  3. Executed authorization forms.
  4. Executed Consent and Joinder form or a licensed Florida attorney's "no liens or mortgages" letter dated within thirty (30) days of the SDA's submittal.

The CMS will:

  1. Review all documents.
  2. Assign an SDA number to the SDA.
  3. Forward for all internal WUD reviews, initials and signature and return to CMS.
  4. Forward to County Attorney for review, signed approval, and return to CMS.
  5. Forward to Water Utilities Director for signed approval and return to CMS.

Property Owner has an Approved SDA

Post-Approval Process

  1.  Notify Concurrency Section of Palm Beach County Zoning's Division that concurrency is approved for SDA's ERCs.
  2. SDA is sent to Clerk's office for recording & return to CMS
  3. SDA is sent to Board of County Commissioners as a "Receive and File" Item, assignment of a Resolution Number, and return to CMS.
  4. CMS staff delivers property owner original executed and recorded SDA.



Non-Standard Development Agreements (NSDA) generally follow the same process, except the Board of County Commissioners grants approval. Therefore, all paperwork for an NSDA must be in at least six (6) weeks before the date the fully executed NSDA is required for concurrency. If certain other conditions apply, or if a developer does not own the entire property to be developed but does require proof of potable water, wastewater, and/or reclaimed water capacity in order to proceed through the County's development approval process, the developer should contact the Department's Contracts Management Section at 561-493-6055 for additional options.