
Program Description

The Family Violence Intervention Program (FVIP) is a court diversion program (Administrative Order 7.009) for first time juvenile offenders who have been charged with domestic battery/assault. It was developed as a diversion program to focus on the unique problems of each family whose child has committed domestic violence.

FVIP makes contact with eligible juveniles and their families during detention hearings, or the juvenile's first appearance, and informs the child and family of the terms of the FVIP program. Participation is voluntary. Parents or guardians must be willing to adhere to FVIP's requirements.

Services Provided

The following services are provided by FVIP:

  • Case Plan

    The case plan is created during the one time mediation/arbitration conference. Telemental health is also available for mediation with families. An FVIP court case advisor will attend the mediation conference along with the family members. After exploring what conflicts the families are experiencing, other conditions may be added to the case plan to help remedy these conflicts. These conditions may include substance abuse counseling and testing, family or individual counseling, psychiatric or psychological evaluation, etc.

  • Case Management

    Supervision is provided for each case by an assigned case manager. If problems arise in either the home, school, or community, the case manager needs to be kept informed. Home or school visits are conducted on an "as needed basis."

  • Referral

    Children and families may be referred to substance abuse counseling and testing, family or individual counseling, curfew, chores (restitution), psychiatric or psychological evaluation, physical evaluation, employment and education services, housing and financial assistance programs.

  • Program Requirements:

    • The child must agree to no violent contact with anyone (in or out of the home). This includes verbal and physical violence, destruction of property, threats and spitting.
    • The child must agree to attend and complete an anger management program (group, family and or individual counseling) for up to 14 sessions. (The participant is to be enrolled in anger management within two weeks of the intake date).
    • The child must agree to improve school attendance, behavior, and/or seek employment.
    • The family must agree to attend the case plan/mediation conference.
    • The parents or guardians must be willing to have the youth back in their home, as well as provide transportation to anger management or other required services on the case plan.

Cost of Services

There is no cost for intake, mediation or supervision. However there is a cost of prosecution fee that the State Attorney's Office requires for case referral to diversion program. Providers outside the program may charge fees for specific services.

Hours of Operation

Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Related Administrative Orders



The following agencies may provide help for you and your child:
CINNS /FINS Children in Need of Services and Family in Need of Services at Children's Home Society 561-868-4300
Parent Child Center 561-841-3500
Youth and Family Counseling 561-242-5714
Education and Training Center 561-233-4460
Highridge Family Center 561-625-2540
211 Helpline 211
Victim Services Program – West Palm Beach Courthouse 561-355-2418
Victim Services 24 Hour Crisis Intervention 561-833-7273
Safe Harbor (Temporary Shelter) & Crisis line 800-433-0010
Florida Domestic Violence Hotline 800-500-1119
National Domestic Violence Hotline 800-799-7233

Contact Us

​Stacey King, MA

Program Coordinator

205 N. Dixie Hwy, Ste 5.1130
West Palm Beach, FL 33401

(561) 355-2678
(561) 355-1664

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