

Camps must register participants in the Summer Camp Scholarship Program database under the Spelling Bee tab. Spellers are identified as “Participants” all other attendees are registered as “Non Participants.” Unregistered spellers will be subject to disqualification.

The deadline to register spellers is June 27, 2025. 
There will be no extensions to the registration deadline.

​What is Super Summer Spelling Bee?

Super Summer Spelling Bee (SSSB) is open to all camps in Palm Beach County (PBC) that participate in the Summer Camp Scholarship Program. SSSB gives campers an opportunity to stay sharp during the summer months as they learn new words, practice public speaking, develop team spirit and interact with like-minded children from across PBC.  The SSSB event occurs once during the summer months where all camps convene with the top three (3) spellers in each of the following categories: K-2nd; 3rd-5th; 6th-8th; and 9th-12th. Camps are encouraged to bring other students to participate in structured recreational activities and to support the finalist as they compete for the title of Best Speller in each category.

Please note: Spellers will register for the category that includes the grade they will be entering in the upcoming fall school year. (Example: Campers who completed 2nd grade in the spring and are entering the 3rd grade in the fall would participate in the 3rd to 5th grade category.)

Speller Registration Click Here

Contact Us

JaVona Wilson

Program Coordinator

(561) 242-5705  


Tamia Williams

Senior Program Specialist​

(561) 242-5702​  


Email: YSD-SummerCamp@pbcgov.org 

To submit questions or comments click here!

Contact Us

Wen Fils-Aime

Program Coordinator

(561) 242-5738  


Tamia Williams

Senior Program Specialist​

(561) 242-5702​  


Email: YSD-SummerCamp@pbc.gov

To submit questions or comments click here!

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