
Housing Programs
(ALL Program requests are subject to funding availability)


First Mortgage Loan Program (FMLP) 

Provide up to $331,888 in direct financial assistance to income eligible individuals/households in the form of a repayable 1st mortgage loan to purchase an eligible single family home. Maximum loan amounts are based upon established affordability guidelines and creditworthiness, based upon established underwriting guidelines.  

Purchase Assistance with/without Rehabilitation

Funding up to $100,000 will be available to income eligible first-time homebuyers for purchase assistance with or without rehabilitation or new construction. Funds will be used to assist with gap financing, lot acquisition, down payment, rehabilitation and closing costs.  

Foreclosure Prevention

Funding will assist very low, low, and moderate income eligible homeowners who are facing foreclosure due to an unexpected loss of household income. Funding will help homeowners avoid foreclosure by paying up to $20,000 in delinquent mortgage payments (PITI), including late fees, attorney’s fees, homeowners’ association payments, special assessments, other foreclosure associated costs, property taxes, and homeowners insurance, and mortage delinquency and default resolution counseling.

Housing Rehabilitation

Funding up to $75,000 will assist income-eligible owner-occupied applicants (structure of one to four dwelling units) with substantial rehabilitation to correct code violations or incipient items that will become a code violation, eliminate housing conditions which threaten the life, health or safety of the occupants, connect residents to public utilities, and adept residence to meet accessibility needs.

Utility Connection

Provide financial assistance up to $10,000 to very low and low income eligible single family homeowners for sewer and water connection system fees required by local water utilities and costs to install service lines from the meter to the primary residence. 

Emergency Repairs

Funding will assist income-eligible owner-occupied applicants (up to $50,000) to address emergency conditions such as roofing, electrical, plumbing, or structural repairs.  Funds may also be awarded to pay insurance deductibles for any emergency repairs covered by the homeowner's policy.

Replacement Housing

Funding up to $331,888 will assist income eligible homeowners residing in dilapidated structures that are beyond rehabilitation. Eligible uses of funding include, but are not limited to, Demolition of the existing property; Construction cost of a replacement home on the same lot (or) purchase of an existing home; and Relocation costs (includes utility deposits, storage, and moving).

Disaster Assistance

Financial assistance up to $65,000 for home repairs and $10,000 for rent and utility payments, will be provided to income eligible applicants in need of home repairs or rent and utility payments for households directly impacted by a disaster that is declared by Executive Order of the United States President, or the Governor of the State of Florida. 

Developer Assistance Rental Housing

This strategy will provide assistance up to $65,000 to developers and owners of affordable rental housing to construct or rehabilite affordable rental units.  All State Housing Initiative Program (SHIP) assisted units must be occupied by income eligible families.  

Single Family New Construction

Funding up to $331,888 will be awarded to contractors, non-profits and for-profit housing developers to construct affordable single-family units for eligible first-time homebuyers.  Funds can be used for site acquisition, soft costs, site development, infrastructre improvements, demolition, construction and other eligible construction related costs.

Home Investment Partnership Program (HOME)

Provides financial assistance to very-low and low income applicants (up to $100,000) to acquire their first home (acquisition, acquisition/rehabilitation and new construction)

For more information, contact Mortgage and Housing Investments at 561-233-3600.  


Mortgage and Housing Investments​​​​