Schedule Details


Event: Free Guided Citizen Science Boardwalk Tour


Location: Green Cay Nature Center

Start Time

Start Date/Time: Saturday, April 27, 2024 9:30:00 AM


FREE GUIDED CITIZEN SCIENCE BOARDWALK TOUR—Let’s Explore & Upload to iNaturalist! City Nature Challenge 2024: South Florida #CNCSOFLO is almost here (April 26-29th). Palm Beach County is joining in on the City Nature Challenge this year! Help us show off South Florida's amazing biodiversity by photographing wildlife, plants, & any other living organisms you can find! Join a naturalist for a 1-mile boardwalk tour where you will learn how to use the iNaturalist app and how to take part in the City Nature Challenge in South Florida. 9:30 a.m. All ages (No reservations required. Sign-in at front desk. Limit 20)
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Created at 3/1/2024 11:16 AM by System Account
Last modified at 3/1/2024 11:16 AM by System Account