
​​​​​​There are many local, state, and federal programs to assist qualified in preparing for the local impacts of climate change. The Office of Resilience has compiled a list of options available to Palm Beach County residents to assist with home repairs and upgrades, such as hurricane-grade windows, roofs, and doors, HVAC repairs and replacements, green energy upgrades, and utility assistance. ​These projects are subject to change and availability. Please reach out to the organizations that administer these programs for additional details. 

Elevate Florida: Grant Program Now Open!

​​Florida Department of Emergency Management LogoThe state’s 'Elevate Florida' mitigation grant program is now accepting applications!  Led by the Florida Division of Emergency Management, this program is designed to protect homes and communities by reducing damage caused by natural disasters like hurricanes and floods. This program helps protect homes & communities by reducing damage from natural disasters like hurricanes & floods. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Apply today and strengthen your home against future storms. Learn more & apply HERE.

My Safe Florida Home

My Safe FL Home logo.jpgThe Florida Department of Financial Services' My Safe Florida Home Program provides free home inspections in which hurricane vulnerabilities will be assessed and homeowners will be provided with a list of recommended property improvements to mitigate potential storm damage. Following an inspection, eligible homeowners will be able to apply for matching grant funding through the program to implement home improvements designed to reduce exposure to storm damage. For every $1 the homeowner provides, the program will provide $2, up to a maximum match amount of $10,000. For more information, click HERE.

PBC Community Services Department 
Community Services Department Logo.png

The Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program

The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) is designed to provide financial relief from high-energy costs to prevent service disconnection for families in crisis. This program assists qualifying residents in paying utility bills and replacing old or inoperable A/C units. For more information, call PBC Community Services at 561-355-4792.

​​Rental Assistance Program

Palm Beach County's Community Services Department offers up to 12 months of rental assistance and 6 months of retroactive rental assistance to renters at risk of eviction. To qualify for assistance, the applicant's Total Household Income must be at or below half of the Area Median Income (AMI) for at least the prior 6 months. Households must also demonstrate that they do not have any resources to prevent eviction by providing their bank statements over the previous 6 months. Click HERE to learn more. ​​

PBC Department of Housing and Economic Development

Palm Beach County Department of Housing and Economic Development LogoThe Palm Beach County Department of Housing and Economic Development offers housing assistance programs for income-eligible households. ALL Program requests are subject to funding availability.  Programs are offered for housing rehabilitation, utility connection, emergency repairs, replacement housing, disaster assistance, and first home investment. 

For more details about each program, click HERE or call 561-233-3600.

US Department of Energy

US Department of Energy Seal. Text below reads: Energy.govThe Energy Savings Hub

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recently launched the
​'Energy Savings Hub'.​ This new online one-stop shop helps American families and consumers access federal savings tools to cut their energy costs drastically! 

In addition to information about tax credits and rebate programs (coming later in 2023), the Savings Hub also highlights a variety of low or no-cost DIY energy efficiency tips to help reduce energy usage and energy waste.​

Property Assessed Clean Energy Program

Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing is available in Palm Beach County and enables homeowners to fund energy efficiency, renewable energy, and storm damage mitigation projects through a voluntary non-ad valorem assessment on their property tax bill. 

Visit the Office of Resilience PACE webpage HERE for more details on the PBC PACE Program.

Habitat for Humanity of PBC
Habitat For Humanity Palm Beach County Logo.png
Habitat for Humanity of Palm Beach County offers two home repair programs for low-income homeowners:

The Critical Home Repair program provides up to $10,000 in assistance to low-income homeowners for essential repair services, addressing roof deterioration, termite infestation, HVAC, plumbing, and electrical deficiencies, and other health and safety issues. The program prioritizes elderly homeowners who are in need of assistance.

A Brush with Kindness offers low-income homeowners between $2,000 and $5,000 for exterior cosmetic home improvements, including painting, fence repair, and yard maintenance.

To learn more about these programs and if you qualify, please click HERE.​

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 National Programs 

US Small Business Administration- Disaster Loans

US Small Business Administration Disaster Loans 


​Solar Energy Loan Fund

Solar Energy Loan Fund Logo 


​​​​National Flood Insurance Program 

National Flood Insurance Program Logo.jpg 


​​​​Fannie Mae 

Products to Reduce Exposure

to Climate Impacts 

Fannie Mae Logo.png 


​​​​​Freddy Mac 

Green Advantage Program 

Freddie Mac Logo.png ____________________________________



​Centro-Campesino Farmworker Center

Centro Campesino Logo.jpgCentro Campesino is a community development organization focused on empowering families by providing affordable housing, homeownership support, and economic and educational opportunities. They offer many programs to support resilient housing, including rehabilitation, weatherization, and affordable housing programs. For more information, click HERE or call 305 245-7738.