Protecting your Business
- After considering the potential impact of a hurricane on your business, you should consider what mitigation measures you should take to protect your business.
- Mitigation is defined as "any action that reduces or eliminates long-term risk to people & property".
- The focus of protecting your business should be on reducing your vulnerability to a hurricane.
Frequently Asked Questions:
What are the various forms of mitigation I can employ to minimize the vulnerability of my busines to a hurricane?
There are various forms of mitigation that you can employ to minimize your vulnerability. Among them are:
Structural mitigation
Non Structural mitigation
- Reducing the likelihood of adverse effects on people and property within structures
Business continuity
- Protecting key business processes which will allow continued operation in a degraded or limited mode after a disaster.
Nontraditional mitigation
- Things like having lease provisions that do not limit my ability to move if the building is uninhabitable or to make quick repairs.
Management Mitigation(Smart Business practices)
- Diversify customer base
- Diversify location of inventoru and other assets
- Protect electronic and hard copy data/information
- Multiple Outlets
- Multiple locations
- Catalog/call-center/e-business
How can I protect my property?
Among the types of mitigation you can employ to protect your property are:
- Roof improvements
- Structural Reinforcements
- Tie-downs for Roof Mounted Air Conditioners
- Shutters/Break Resistant Glass
- Garage Door Braces
- Improve or Clean Out Drainage systems
- Exterior improvements
How can I minimize the impact of a hurricane on my overall business?
Among the ways you can mitigate the impact on your overall business are:
- Insurance - property, casualty and business interruption insurance cannot bring a business back into business, but it can help owners protect their equity and open their options after the cleanup.
- Data back up
- Hot sites/cold sites
- Protection of vital records
How can I protect against human impacts?
Human impacts can be minimized though such things as:
- Training and Education
- Employee Assistance Programs
- Creating a safe working environment
- Having open lines of communication with employees
Hurricane Planning Directory: