The Palm Beach County Parks and Recreation Department Master Plan is a concise long-range planning document that provides guidance on the direction, development and delivery of the county's recreation facilities over the next 10-year period. The report provides a long-term vision for county managed park facilities through 2035 and includes actionable recommendations that can be incorporated into all aspects of the department's park operations, including how to best develop, promote, manage and maintain a dynamic park system that can adjust and respond to an increasingly diverse and expanding population.
A Comprehensive Community Needs Assessment was authored by AECOM in March 2024 and is intended to serve as a guide for obtaining and interpreting valuable feedback on the recreation needs and priorities of Palm Beach County residents. The study will be incorporated into the Parks and Recreation Department’s overall Master Plan and used by the department in the formation of its goals, policies, and strategic plans, as well as the future development of program areas and facilities to meet the needs of the community.

ETC Institute administered a statistically valid parks and recreation survey for Palm Beach County during the winter months of 2023. The survey quantified park and recreation priorities for the community and was used to verify survey information generated from online responses and other qualitative means. The goal was to collect a minimum of 1,200 completed surveys from residents. The goal was met with 1,212 completed surveys collected. The overall results for the sample of 1,212 households has a precision of at least +/‐2.8 at the 95% level of confidence.
Americans with Disabilities Act Access Audit and Transition Plan
A summary of findings and recommendations to make Palm Beach County parks and facilities more accessible to people with disabilities.
Recreation Program Plan
Defines the philosophy, priorities, and processes that guide the development and evaluation of recreation programming by the Palm Beach County Parks & Recreation Department.